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[TD] Allow Win trigger


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How do I make this trigger work? I'm trying to have my mission be victorious when all four enemies have been destroyed.


Currently, trying this:

WIN1=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,BadGuy,None,0

WIN2=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,Multi1,None,0

WIN3=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,Multi2,None,0

WIN4=All Destr.,Allow Win,0,Multi3,None,0


All to hunt is getting a bit screwy too, lots of troops standing around doing nothing. :/


Thanks guys. :) Please note this is for TD.

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Sorry might have failed to articulate that. XD


The mission can be won by killing the civilian buildings. Despite the civilian units (who are locked away using cliffs) having allow win, there's actually no need to kill them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to nudge on this again, but do you mind giving me an answer on what is wrong here? I can keep it simple and go with a time 300 win trigger but I was thinking it would be cooler to have the player mop up.


The AI's refusal to obey All To Hunt doesn't help the horde aspect though. :( What can you do...

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  • 2 months later...

The AI's refusal to obey All To Hunt doesn't help the horde aspect though. :( What can you do...

Maybe the map is too complex for the units, eg the path from their base to yours? Unlike in RA in TD "all to hunt" really means this, all computer-controlled houses would send their units, so I think the trigger's event doesn't work.

Did you check if the event fires correctly (By giving another action to the trigger for testing, like Winner is...)?



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Hunt also has the disadvantage that it goes by "first unit on the map" logic, by cell number, rather than "find and kill the closest enemy", which makes the logic really predictable, and thus somewhat unreliable as real threat. It's too easy to divert, and too easy to indeed get units stuck trying to reach an unreachable top left target.

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I admit to only a basic working knowledge of AI. I'm still struggling to get my map of Japan to function properly (although that's mainly at fighting to get autocreate working at this point, it has a mind of its own as to what teamtypes it'll build)


Attack Base and the like seem to be better than hunt, but sometimes when I set units to attack base or units at the end of a waypoint chain they just stay at the waypoint anyway :| Eventually it gets too clogged which is why I have to use all to hunt triggers to keep the area clear, but even then there's minigunners left standing around. *shrugs*

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