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i added another couple of videos to test some different settings. recorded on 1080p/60fps, still doesnt seem to fix the scrolling issue. maybe i will start using the minimap more to move the camera around.

i will also take a look at other recording tools etc.

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Is the raw video file also same quality with scorlling issue? or just on youtube like that?


I have used  Camtasia, Hypercam 2 and Bandicam. Camtasia has alot of features can be kinda complicated, although there are tutorials on youtube to learn. Hypercam is okay, files are too big if you record at high quality.


Bandicam is gud, easy interface, plenty of settings. After the file is recorded I use windows movie maker to compress it(if needed) and add music etc. Make a topic in ra1 forum, plenty of people recording, they cud help you. Whats your PC config like?

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  On 1/31/2015 at 2:13 AM, Sol said:

i added another couple of videos to test some different settings. recorded on 1080p/60fps, still doesnt seem to fix the scrolling issue. maybe i will start using the minimap more to move the camera around.

i will also take a look at other recording tools etc.




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  On 1/31/2015 at 4:38 AM, MrFrodo said:

Is the raw video file also same quality with scorlling issue? or just on youtube like that?


Whats your PC config like?

The raw file has the same problems. My PC is not that great, so i cant just put everything on highest quality and hope it looks good, because my CPU is not good enough.

but it looks like i have found a solution that seems to work pretty good. the max bitrate was on 1000 kbit/s (default). i'll record the next games on 720p/60fps with bitrate set to 3500 kbit/s and see how it looks.

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added update 3. quality should be good now, the video files are getting huge now though :(

that vid was mostly uploaded to test the quality, i am really not happy with how i played. broke early game, broke midgame, broke lategame... never made emp, lost MK to emp and pretty late into the game lost my exp to GS lol.

it was a good game overall though, with the worst possible ending, i am sorry for that.

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theres nothing delusional about all of tight's units about to be empd.... you were kicked out of middle, regardless of how much you were floating.... in fights for the middle you can have as much money as you want, but if you cant sustain it its useless, especially if your opponent has more units than you already and owns the tiberium trees.


that's some long game knowledge for all of you wanting to learn how to do it by the way.

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pushed out of the middle? all id have to do is use my units which i had far more than either of you. and whatever tight had to just kill your tiny bit you had at middle patch. i had 9 bombs. or more. and that cash. you had nothing more than the rest of us at middle but some empty towers and some silos. look at the final seconds of the game before recon. you are delusional. could whipe out your entire expand with 1 mk or few bombs...

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did you even watch the video? about to emp tights titans? seeing as how you just emped me in the video 30 secs before recon, i dont know how you are going to say tights tits about to be emped... and also your scary ass middle and expand right before recon, look at ss...  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: bro u kiddin me u know how easy that be to whipe up . joe could do it alone. you think youve taken middle and are going to keep it because you put fown a few silos there? LOL u are delusional as shit thats why we were all laughin bout it after. my cash and bombs do matter. because thats what i use to take care of your lil tib tree base you trying so desperately to defend. -_- with silos...and empty towers OH NOESSS


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Such a shame about the recon error, it was a very very good game. It is difficult to tell who was likely to win due to the fact that it was from Sol's POV and you couldn't easily gauge what everbody else had left. On a slightly different note I would be interested to get peoples view on why people who are TR don't not make more of an effort to harvest the tiberium that is below the cliff and to the left of them. It always strikes me that both TR and BR end up competing for the same tiberium whilst TR has an extra source quite close by. I understand the point at expanding to the middle etc and not leaving BR on their own but surely TR can expand to the middle to aide BR without having to share the tiberium. TR could easily expand to the tib directly below it and to the left of it (above the cliff) as usual but then go for the stuff below the cliff that sits round the back. In addition the tib round the back and below the cliff is effectively free from titan and ground unit harrasment. Just looking for reasons why this never appears to be done.

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Watch video fast forward to end. You emp my tits. Like 5 of them. Around 21:25. Game recons less than minute later. Why make shit up when video evidence. You're right doesn't matter but after game u came in all middle was mine was about to emp br tits when both false statements lol. Video shows tr doesn't even have emp and you using yours on 5 tits wasting as I said you're delusional and video shows you're lying

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  On 2/3/2015 at 3:40 PM, en3rgy52 said:

Such a shame about the recon error, it was a very very good game. It is difficult to tell who was likely to win due to the fact that it was from Sol's POV and you couldn't easily gauge what everbody else had left. On a slightly different note I would be interested to get peoples view on why people who are TR don't not make more of an effort to harvest the tiberium that is below the cliff and to the left of them. It always strikes me that both TR and BR end up competing for the same tiberium whilst TR has an extra source quite close by. I understand the point at expanding to the middle etc and not leaving BR on their own but surely TR can expand to the middle to aide BR without having to share the tiberium. TR could easily expand to the tib directly below it and to the left of it (above the cliff) as usual but then go for the stuff below the cliff that sits round the back. In addition the tib round the back and below the cliff is effectively free from titan and ground unit harrasment. Just looking for reasons why this never appears to be done.

Well first of all, you dont want (and cant, really) build there, which leaves your harvesters open for CC/MK harassment. Also its almost impossible for the enemy to harvest that tib, so there is no reason to prioritize it over the contested tib in the middle. As you can basically secure both fields just by being in mid first. That being said, I dont see a reason not to send one or two harvs there to get the blue stuff, once your main tib is gone.

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Hi Sol, I hadn't really considered the fact that you can't build there very easily. Whilst it is impossible for the enermy to harvest it and therefore you could question why you would want to prioritise it, I was thinking more from the point of view of letting BR have the tib in the middle rather than compete with your ally for it. However, as you say, without being able to build there very easily you are going to have to sacrifice some units to protect harvestors which means less to help out in the middle.

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now that the quality of the videos is fine, i wanna focus on the actual games.

so from now on i will reduce the spectated games to only the really great ones, but i will upload more of myself playing.

even the shorter games, when i wanna show how a BO works (or doesnt work...) for example.

for that i have made 2 playlists:

spectator: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYx3cu8N-GjOFCeUW3GFUDqRVijlxiAZ

pov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYx3cu8N-GinO83Vn5nm9Sa_P7YwsrT0

every time there is an update, the new video will be put on top of the playlist, so that i dont have to put the link of each video in the first post.

i will however make a post to talk a little bit about the games. maybe some day i will even be confident enough to commentate.


update today:

added 3 games from TL. for some reason i've gotten into the habit of making lots of infs and then going 3 refs when i should have made at least 4, so that i end up broke. i guess i should stop playing on autopilot and start using my brain. in the game vs nate/powerush i could have just bombed TRs emp earlier and went for KO with superior titan army + bombs + mk.

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