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Will fog of war ever work?


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  On 7/9/2015 at 8:39 PM, Mechacaseal said:



I haven't the foggiest.


I see what you did there.  :P


why does spectators count as loss and  people on winning team count as loss

Because no one has any respect for people who stand on the sidelines, egging the participants on, when instead, you could have gotten between them, and encouraged them to write a peace treaty between themselves. Then a nice, cosy village could be built on the Terrace map, instead. ;d

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  On 7/10/2015 at 12:58 AM, Mechacaseal said:

i noticed the ladder toggle when creating a ts room. i always make surei ts unchecked. not gonna use that ranking shit lol. yall can troll yourselves all day with it tho.

I advise you to reconsider, because back in the old days when I'd play tourny games against you were you had the unfair mapping trainer, it reminded me of my days as a veteran of illegal underground fighting tournaments, where I'd be fighting against men with machine gun walking sticks, since their legs were in really bad shape after having been kicked so much in previous fights. One of my opponents named TONY THE TIGER TABULINI even came onto the fighting platform with two of his pet 900lb Siberian tigers, which he set upon me, and yes, I still won that fight, and kept my undefeated record, despite using nothing but my fists and feet to defend myself.

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  On 7/9/2015 at 10:41 PM, Phenomena said:

one question...do all players in the game get a minimum of 1 point? including spectators/losers?


Right now the idea is to keep it very simple: everyone in the game gets 1 point for participation; 3 points for a win. Additional (experience based) complexity will be added down the road.



thought that project was scraped...


Why would you think that?


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  On 7/10/2015 at 4:05 PM, Mechacaseal said:

should get bonus points for killing a high ranked player. should lose more points for dying to low ranked player.


This is planned to happen when the tourney/ladder flag is enabled :) However, that feature isn't built yet. To be fair, there is currently no account auth either. So this is our attempt to get it at least up and running in the meantime.


Look, we all have ideas for how the leaderboard "should work". However, we'd like to put a different spin on things here. I'm certainly open to suggestions but, if the driving argument is "it should be like this because I'm 1337" or "because it needs to work exactly how it does over there" then it'll probably fall of deaf ears. The idea is to maintain the fun environment already created by the CnCNet team; not solely promote elitest egos.


Besides, if you prefer how other systems work, you could always play for rank there instead ;)

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You have instantly turned off many players by adding points for "participation" that is really a dumb idea for a competitive ladder. Make a poll I assure you it will be overwhelmingly bad for you. Thats like handing out participation points for pro sports etc.

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  On 7/10/2015 at 5:38 PM, TRZ said:

adding points for "participation" that is really a dumb idea for a competitive ladder.


Why is it a dumb idea? I view points on the leaderboard as experience. Playing any match grants a small bit of experience. I don't see how this hurts anything.


Also, does any of this have anything to do with the original topic at hand? I'd like to see Fog of War working as well :P

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say player A ) plays and wins a lot of games, vs above average players . lets say 10 games



player B) loses most games but plays in 50 games, and gets participation points, more pts than player A.


player B wins ladder...




i made topic i think youll find most people disagree

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Trz, if you took the time to actually READ what Sean has written, you will see that this is an ongoing work in progress with the idea being that they will get a simple system 'up and running' first, and then add experience-based filters after that.



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