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The airstrike is part of the automated scripting system template I have set up that is copy/pasted from the previous missions. It can easily be disabled and it just happened to be overlooked since the mission automatically concludes with the Chinook picking up Moebius before you can use it anyways. I have saved the entire scripting system from each map and imported it into the subsequent maps with slight edits to fit the mission parameters. This is why I have managed to increase the production of the campaign missions so quickly in contrast to years past when I would have to layout and script each and every mission from scratch and then play through and debug it which was an immense pain as a solo editor.

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I have some updates posted here that fixes the broken Nod/Black Hand AI and some map rebalancing work was also done, you will need to delete the INI, maps, and scripts folder in the game directory to use the new .tdr files. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x2vly8rj1yx81ep/AAD4FvwJ38lhtTWM5_xHGflHa?dl=0


I also did a few minor code and GUI adjustments which you will notice when you open up to play a game.

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I played another match against two hard Nod AIs on Tiberium Nightmare. No major AI issues this time, but a couple of things I noticed:


- the AI does occupy tech bunkers, but not tech fire bases

- both AIs built a Chinook which just stood there next to their helipad doing nothing

- both AIs built an extra MCV but didn't expand, at least not before I below them up

- the AI upgrades about 25% of its basic power plant to APPs

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Thanks for the report. Make sure to reset your file directory for future games as I just uploaded a major update in the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x2vly8rj1yx81ep/AAD4FvwJ38lhtTWM5_xHGflHa?dl=0


I have fixed the broken music track that cuts off Act On Instinct (I also included "I Am" aka Destructible Times to play in the in-game soundtrack) and fixed the GUI's and revised a few models. Particularly the Guard Tower lacking a muzzleflash when shooting and the Adv Comm Center had some bone and animation issues for its special animation sequence when it is prepping the array to fire the Ion Cannon. I have been meaning to fix these for a while, of course these things are barely noticeable for most people but its the little details that bug me like that. After reviewing all of your gameplay videos I also reworked some of the campaign missions and the AI again.


Again, I appreciate you for making the Lets Play series as it helps me visually see things that potentially need debugging. (even if most people wouldn't really notice)

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I gave it a shot just now. The mission is incredibly frustrating, just like original. A couple notes:


1. Keeping the southern team alive is really difficult because the Mammoth won't stand still and will instead waltz over your infantry.

2. The artillery can't reach the Guard Towers, so you have to take them out with Bazooka Soldiers while dodging air strikes and the Gun Boat.

3. I don't have access to the Obelisk of Light.

4. Capturing the Tech Centre doesn't unlock the Stealth Tank, though there is one in the base. No technically possible?

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Ah yes... the point of the artillery in the south is actually to give artillery support across the river. I honestly never figured that out until it was pointed out to me, heh.


Also note that in C&C1, gunboats are especially vulnerable to the Obelisks laser. It kills them in a single shot.

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Nevermind, I finished the mission anyway. :)




1. The two Orcas in the GDI base are passive and don't harass units that come too close, not even when attacked.

2. The end screen is still borked. It shows that I built one build and GDI 21 buildings, which is off.

3. No victory theme ("Great shot!") on the victory screen. :(

4. GDI wasn't all that aggressive. I did go after them early, which could be why.

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There is some AI issues on the map that will need to be further looked into apparently. I am in the process of building a more advanced AI to use for the final missions and this mission map was a test bed for it.


As for the score screen issues I know it is hardcoded to not play music on a campaign mission score screen. Why? You will have to ask EA.

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So were you saying the AI was pretty much inactive? I just played thru the mission again and about a couple minutes into recapturing the base and the Tech Center GDI pretty much threw everything they had at me. While they were assaulting the base and I was busy trying to throw together some defenses I didn't notice an APC that rushed in and dumped Engineers into my base. Yes I actually got defeated by an Engineer rush from the AI.


The fixed map is uploaded btw.

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If you wish to torture yourself again with that mission I just uploaded the files again and updated all the campaign missions with the revamped AI implemented. I also noticed it appears you are missing the two custom shader config files. Your visuals looked a bit washed out in the video.


Here are the files, just extract and copy into the root game folder where the generals.exe file is located and you are set.

shaders.zipFetching info...

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