Holland Posted January 8, 2017 Share Posted January 8, 2017 (edited) THIS IS A TUTORIAL FOR BASIC MODDING. I DECIDED TO MAKE THIS JUST TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU TO CREATE WHAT YOU WANT. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING THAT’S NOT LISTED IN HERE, FIRST MAKE SURE ITS POSSIBLE BY ASKING ME OR ANYONE ELSE THAT HAVE ALREADY MOD TIBERIAN SUN INSIDE OUT (This will work for some other CnC games and their codes too). Looking up codes for Units and Structures There are 3 ways of looking up the codes you need: 1.We can look up which code we need for editing units, from Rules.ini and firestorm units in Firestorm.ini in the Tiberian sun folder. The easiest way to find what we want to edit, is to press CTRL+F, to open the “Find” option and find any unit. For example you type Construction yard, you will find the code [GACNST] above it, copy/paste this anywhere in your map file. - The best software is notepad++ here is the download: https://ninite.com/notepadplusplus/ 2. In Final sun, when you place a building or unit in the map, and you place your mouse cursor on it, you will see the code in the bottom left corner. You can type this code in the map file [between-these-symbols], or –while you’re in final sun anyway- Click Edit -> INI Editing. And Add this code. Select it from the dropdown, and from there you can add keys (lines, like Immune=yes) (Make sure Beginners mode is turned off In Options) 3. All of the codes are perfectly organized in TibEd. http://www.tibed.net/files/tibed171.exe Which u can download here. You have the option here to 'Save changed to your map', but I recommend copy pasting the codes manually to your map, i used to use this software alot, but i learned that using rules.ini is just the best. • you can open .MPR files by right click -> open with -> wordpad) • All maps and your Final sun maps will be saved In YourDirectory\TiberianSun_Online\Maps\ Editing codes IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER all the capitals! (For example if you type: Techlevel=-1, it won’t work. This will work: TechLevel=-1 In this case Minus 1 means Unbuildable. The game will always read rules.ini, but the edits you make in a map will overwrite those! Just for tutorial purposes, I will mod the construction yard ridiculously! [GACNST] Name=Pimped Construction Yard Strength=2000 Capturable=false Power=1250 SuperWeapon=DropPodSpecial So if you copy/paste this into your map file, Everyones construction yard wil: be twice as strong; gives u lots of power; be charging the droppod (firestorm game), and is unable to be captured by engineers. WEAPONS Now lets give the Construction yard A weapon and a turret. Just for tutorial purposes. We can edit or add the weapons with the code 'Primary='. This is the code mostly used. 'Secondary=' is its second weapon. Lets open up "Weapons" in TibEd to have the list of all weapons. To give our Yard an existing weapon, pick one from the list and put it at Primary, I choose BikeMissile So, under [GACNST] we add: Primary=BikeMissile To give it a Turret, we need to be creative. What do you think will look good on the construction yard? The animations that works best are vehicles and ofcourse existing turrets. Turret=yes TurretAnim=ICBM ThreatPosed=0 TurretAnimX=1 TurretAnimY=7 TurretAnimIsVoxel=true TurretAnimZAdjust=-100 I'm using a large ICBM Vehicle as turret, which looks funny, go ahead and play with this. Adjust the position of the turret by changing the numbers on X and Y, behind, inside or on front with ZAdjust. (-100 is all infront) Simply give the TurretAnim= a vehicle code or turret code. Some turret codes are: PULSCAN (emp turret) NASAM_A (sam turret) You can look up in TibEd which structure uses which TurretAnim * On this topic you can learn how to find the right values for positioning the turret, and the barrel (where the projectile comes from): http://www.ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?highlight=weapons&t=33833, but they are usually correct already. To give our cnstrcn yard our own weapon We can Give it any name, just refer it by giving the same name in Primary= And to make it easier, Open TibEd, and just copy/paste from an existing weapon, like RPGTower [RPGTower] Damage=110 ROF=80 Range=8 Projectile=Lobbed2 Speed=30 Warhead=RPG MinimumRange=2 Report=GLNCH4 Edited: [Zapzap] Damage=200 ROF=150 ; (Rate of Fire) Range=5 Projectile=ZapzapPR Speed=30 ; 5 Warhead=RPG MinimumRange=2 Report=GLNCH4 I will make an electric looking weapon. Lets create a different Projectile animation. I will name it ZapzapPR (see above). In TibEd, click on Animation Overlays. You can use any of these, but only some will work. You can also use any Vehicle, as projectile, 'CAR' looks like a nice big rocket, or even an infantry! Its rediculous but funny. I will make my weapon Electric looking by giving it the 'Infantry Zap death' animation, named 'ELECTRO' (we have to use existing images and animation for mods) [ZapzapPR] Image=ELECTRO Arcing=true Now you can do the same with Warheads, warheads is all the things that happends beside the weapon damage (and its particles). Open up warheads in TibEd and see all the things u can make it do. Now a nice warhead animation for an electric weapon I think should be, is the EMP effect animation (looked up in Animation Overlays in TibEd) [ZapzapWH] Spread=0 Verses=100%,100%,100%,100%,100% AnimList=EMP_FX01 InfDeath=5 ProneDamage=170% (For the entry 'InfDeath=' 0 is instant die, 1 is twirl die, 2 is explodes, 3 is flying death, 4 is burn death, & 5 is electrocution. The entry 'Spread' is to devide the damage in this number of cells, so 0 is 100% damage, 1=50% damage on 2 cells, 2=25% damage on 4 cells, etc. So if u use 4, u can multiply the weapon's damage amount by 4 if you want For the entry 'Verses' its the amount of damage for the armor. So if you want this weapon to be more effective for certain units or structures, check What unit/structure has which armor. The list goes in order like this: none/light/wood/heavy/concrete) Okay, we made ourselfs a weapon. Now this is what you gotta put in your map file to have a pimped up Contruction yard with a electric zap weapon with turret: [GACNST] Name=Pimped Construction Yard Strength=2000 Capturable=false Power=1250 SuperWeapon=DropPodSpecial Primary=Zapzap Turret=yes TurretAnim=ICBM ThreatPosed=0 TurretAnimX=1 TurretAnimY=7 TurretAnimIsVoxel=true TurretAnimZAdjust=-100 [Zapzap] Damage=200 ROF=150 Range=7 Projectile=Zapzap Speed=30 ; 5 Warhead=ZapzapWH MinimumRange=2 Report=GLNCH4 [ZapzapPR] Image=ELECTRO Arcing=true [ZapzapWH] Spread=0 Verses=100%,100%,100%,100%,100% AnimList=EMP_FX01 InfDeath=5 ProneDamage=170% [Warheads] 100=ZapzapWH So we created a different Projectile and warhead for the weapon too, you don't have to do that and just give it an existing one. As you can see we had to add the new warhead to the list of warheads. Only Warheads needs to be listed new (I use number 100 to not override existing ones), same for new vehicles and structures, aircrafts and infantry that you created all need to be listed as new by simply copy pasting its [Types] in your map and adding your unit code. So we know now how to edit an existing Structure. To make a new structure, we can simply copy paste the codes from an existing structure from Tibed (or Sun.ini), and just give the code an different name, but just like warheads, list it in the structure list: [NEWSTRUCTURE] Image=GAFIRE Name=New structure Strength=1000 Armor=Concrete Prerequisite=RADAR,TECH Adjacent=8 TechLevel=1 Sight=4 Owner=GDI,Nod Cost=300 Points=40 Power=100 Capturable=true Crewed=yes Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 MaxDebris=6 ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSys DamageSmokeOffset=300, 300, 450 TogglePower=yes [buildingTypes] 1000=NEWSTRUCTURE Image So first you wanna decide where it looks like, and how it appears in the sidebar. If you use a building that usually not buildable, it will have a grey icon in the sidebar, which i personally like to avoid to have more then 2 or 3 of those just to avoid confusion. For this, use 'Image=' and give it a building code, in the case above - GAFIRE - it looks like a Firestorm generator. If you want the image to look like A vehicle image, read 'Other stuff' below Owner and Prerequisite its important to decide when u can build it, and who can build it. Prerequisite= the building that allows you to build it, so if u want to build it right when u deploy your mcv, put in: Prerequisite=GACNST. If you want it from two structures, type: Prerequisite=NAHAND,NATECH (hand of nod and nod tech center) Then make sure its only owner is Nod, with Owner=Nod. If you want to make a building for both sides, these are the codes for both sides of structures: BARRACKS, FACTORY, POWER, RADAR, TECH. and u can put it for both owners: Owner=GDI,Nod Vehicles Same thing for creating new vehicles: Put it in the list of vehicles: [NEWVEHICLE] Image=APC copypasteyourstuff=righthere codes codes codes, blablabla [VehicleTypes] 100=NEWVEHICLE To edit the animations of a vehicles is different. yes we can make a driving banshee with Image=SCRIN, make it hover, with MovementZone= and SpeedType= (just look inside TibEd -> Vehicles), but there are just a few mixes discovered. Only the 4TNK (mammoth tank), TTNK (tick tank) and SONIC (disruptor) have turrets. We can make them look funny with Turret=No. We can give these turrets to some other vehicles by changing the Original [4TNK]'s image to the desired vehicle. so Image=APC, under [4TNK] will give APC the mammoth turret, which looks awesome!!, and you can give it a weapon too to complete it. So to make vehicles look different use the Original vehicle codes: [TTNK], [sONIC] and [4TNK] and use any vehicle code u wish u have its turret. So another example, Lets give Attack Buggy a Turret, choose from one, lets say Ticktank turret: [TTNK] Image=BGGY But ofcourse, it needs to have the same codes under [bGGY] to keep it being an attack buggy. It also means we have to: recreate Ticktank, by just Cloning it, copy pasting its codes, and give it a different name and list it under VehicleTypes. And we have to Delete the Original [bGGY] by giving [bGGY] TechLevel=-1. You will have these codes in your map file: [VehicleTypes] 100=NEWVEHICLE ; just add the next number to the list you have: 101=TTNK2 [bGGY] TechLevel=-1 [TTNK] Image=BGGY Name=Attack Buggy Prerequisite=NODFACTORY Primary=RaiderCannon Category=Recon Strength=220 Armor=light Turret=no IsTilter=yes TechLevel=2 Sight=6 Speed=10 CrateGoodie=yes Owner=Nod Cost=500 Points=25 ROT=8 Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect=25-I000,25-I002,25-I004,25-I006 VoiceMove=25-I012,25-I014,25-I016,25-I018,25-I022 VoiceAttack=25-I014,25-I022,25-I024,25-I026 VoiceFeedback= MaxDebris=3 DebrisTypes=TIRE DebrisMaximums=4 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Normal ThreatPosed=10 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys EliteAbilities=CRUSHER ImmuneToVeins=yes [TTNK2] Name=Tick Tank Category=AFV Prerequisite=NODFACTORY Primary=90mm Strength=350 Armor=light TechLevel=3 CrateGoodie=yes Sight=5 Speed=6 Owner=Nod Cost=800 Points=40 ROT=5 Crusher=yes Crewed=yes Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect=25-I000,25-I002,25-I004,25-I006 VoiceMove=25-I012,25-I014,25-I016,25-I018,25-I022 VoiceAttack=25-I014,25-I022,25-I024,25-I026 VoiceFeedback= MaxDebris=4 Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Destroyer DeploysInto=GATICK ThreatPosed=25 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys Weight=3.5 EliteAbilities=SENSORS Elite=120mmx AccelerationFactor=0.01 ZFudgeColumn=8 For airplanes, they don't have any turret. Unless you discovered a way to make them different, tell me. Same for new planes, add it to the list and copy/paste it in your map: [AircraftTypes] 100=youraircraft You can give Airplanes a Vehicle Image. SUBTANK (Devil tongue) is one that looks great flying. [youraircraft] Image=SUBTANK cloned codes cloned codes blabla Same for new Infantry, add them to the InfantryTypes list, and copy/paste it in your map [infantryTypes] 40=YourINF [YourINF] Other stuff: BridgeRepairHut=yes ; Together with immune=yes this will make it unable to place C4 Immune=yes Adjacent=200 = u can build this 200 cells away (basically on the entire map) Crewed=yes = There will be infantry coming out when exploded/sold You can see how you can be creative with swapping images and animations. Ive added some mod map files attached for you to look inside, and see what looks awesome. Like the Mobile stealth generator on top of an EMP building, looks very amazing! If you made up something awesome, let me know! So the game will crash if we give buildings an vehicle image, unless it contains the code 'BarrelAnimIsVoxel=true' Which means we give it a turret. (i accidently discovered this when messing with juggernaut, which is the only unit using this code) The building will look kinda funny with the vehicle's image back facing you, so we give it an animation like this: BarrelAnimIsVoxel=true VoxelBarrelFile=ORCATRAN VoxelBarrelOffsetToPitchPivotPoint=-0,0,0 VoxelBarrelOffsetToRotatePivotPoint=0,0,20 VoxelBarrelOffsetToBuildingPivotPoint=0,0,0 VoxelBarrelOffsetToBarrelEnd=35,75,0 VoxelBarrelScale=.75 StartFacing=4 ; DIR_S = 4 << 5 StartPitch=2 ; DIR_E = 2 << 5 You can edit/delete the offset lines and play with it a little. Cncnet contained the art.ini inside of .mix files. You can use XCC Mixer to extract it (install xcc utilities, open with admin rights), plus anything else you want. jacker zone.mpr modmix.mpr Balanceville.mpr TT2.mpr Twighlight.mpr Edited December 25, 2018 by Holland forum theme upload deleted attached files Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyerguds Posted January 9, 2017 Share Posted January 9, 2017 You might want to start this topic with a mention of what game you're talking about. And ew tibed. Why would anyone use that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holland Posted January 10, 2017 Author Share Posted January 10, 2017 You might want to start this topic with a mention of what game you're talking about. And ew tibed. Why would anyone use that? Well I didnt wanted to put it in the title cuz most of modding this way applies for all of the cnc games. I love the way its all organized in Tibed. Do you know something better? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyerguds Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 "all of the cnc games", lol... Try applying that to C&C1 :roll: I love the way its all organized in Tibed. Do you know something better? Yeah. The ini files themselves :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allen262 Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 Tibed has some odd flaws that can remove code and mix up code... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holland Posted January 11, 2017 Author Share Posted January 11, 2017 Tibed has some odd flaws that can remove code and mix up code... Thanks for verifying that! Its perfect for copy and pasting. I've never even considered saving it as map. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holland Posted January 11, 2017 Author Share Posted January 11, 2017 "all of the cnc games", lol... Try applying that to C&C1 :roll: I love the way its all organized in Tibed. Do you know something better? Yeah. The ini files themselves :laugh: I put that as second recommendation indeed. Thanks for mentioning and being ciritical man, So yes ppl I believe this type of editing is available for ts, ra, ra2 and td, tho it could be very different as modding TS, and so you might need more information. All i'm doing with this tutorial is to show you the simplicity!! And its fun. The thought of difficulty might stop some people to mod, or use triggers, thats why if there are more tutorials we could be seeing way more creative maps being made! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyerguds Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 Not in Tiberian Dawn. Both the rules.ini system and the modding-in-mission-files system were introduced in Red Alert 1. TibEd's Tiberian Dawn support is completely artificial. TibEd reads the binary data from the C&C95.exe file and converts it to ini text just so the TibEd system can handle it, but the game itself can not read such ini data at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holland Posted January 12, 2017 Author Share Posted January 12, 2017 Not in Tiberian Dawn. Both the rules.ini system and the modding-in-mission-files system were introduced in Red Alert 1. TibEd's Tiberian Dawn support is completely artificial. TibEd reads the binary data from the C&C95.exe file and converts it to ini text just so the TibEd system can handle it, but the game itself can not read such ini data at all. ooh woot, thats lame lol. Alright man i guess i gotta do more research before throwing statements hihi. So only ra ra2 and TS can have mission type maps?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyerguds Posted January 12, 2017 Share Posted January 12, 2017 Yup. Though I did add a configurable capturability parameter for buildings in missions in C&C95 with my patch, and customizable house colours, but those features are both disabled for multiplayer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaDaDaDaDa Posted April 20, 2017 Share Posted April 20, 2017 interesting tutorial, well done and thanks for the inspiration Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AchromicWhite Posted May 5, 2017 Share Posted May 5, 2017 sigh.... to have rules.ini for TD I commander can dream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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