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Survival Maps by Dctanxman For Yuri's Revenge


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  On 5/4/2018 at 11:10 PM, McPwny said:

doesent that create overwrite stupidities for the next person to open the map in FA2?


Not sure what you mean to be honest. You are overwriting every script/taskforce/team/trigger with new ones. Then you just need to get the right waypoints on the map.

Anyone that opens the map will not even know this was done.

Now if you mean adding every script/taskforce/team/trigger on top of what the map already has then yes it could cause that and chances are if you don't know what your doing you will just break the map anyways.

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Uploaded two new navel maps. They tend to recon error at a random time, which is either CnC.net or someone with bad game files. Both work great in skirmish with no problems.

Naval Fortress 1.5   (navalfortress.map)

Naval Warfare 1.5   (navalwarfare.map))

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hello Dctanxman, thx for your awesome maps... i just was thinking is there any way i can edit some of the maps you uploaded for personal use, like changing the time the enemy troops spawn, or even edit the terrain?

i tried to open your maps with final alert 2 but i get this error: "fatal error! final alert 2: yuri's revenge(tm) doesn't support the theater if this map!" after that the software exits...

any help would be very much appreciated

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  On 2/21/2021 at 2:18 PM, AnTnT said:

hello Dctanxman, thx for your awesome maps... i just was thinking is there any way i can edit some of the maps you uploaded for personal use, like changing the time the enemy troops spawn, or even edit the terrain?

i tried to open your maps with final alert 2 but i get this error: "fatal error! final alert 2: yuri's revenge(tm) doesn't support the theater if this map!" after that the software exits...

any help would be very much appreciated


I get that too sometimes
What I do is open final alert first and LOAD the map from within there and it doesn't happen to me

Only happens when final alert isnt open to begin with and i'm trying to launch the map from final alert not being open from the start
Hope that makes sense

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