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Tiberium Resurrection 3.0 changelog

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgxqrhas3g4wg8d/TiberiumResurrection.exe/file

(no virus included?)

Client ? (used @Rampastring TS Client and re-configured it for TR)

- new textures and sounds to match the green TR theme

- new Discord, ModDB, CnCNet and YouTube buttons

new options for Ion Storms, Capturable MCV, Fog of War, Credit Income

- changed already existing options pre-sets

- changed some .exe and .dll files a bit

- removed options for Re-Deployable MCV and Immune Harvesters

- included working FinalSun

and much more smaller changes to the client...

General ? (in-game changes)

- new menu textures

- new interface sounds

- new GDI and Nod loading screen

- new score and briefing screen

and much more in progress...

Sountrack ? (in-game themes)

- new OST Trouble, To be Feared, Alert & Awakened

- remixed Slave to the System, Valves, Dusk Hour, Nod Crush, Pharotek, Scouting

and a few more secret themes...

Maps ?️ (dunno what to add here ?‍♂️)


- enhanced The Prologue and Propaganda Forecast (unfortunately City Cleansing did not make it into this update)


- new maps Fields of Insurgency and Islands of Destruction

- remastered Dueling Islands, They all Float, Tiers of Sorrow, Permafrost, Pit or Plateau, Tunnel Training, Desolation Redux, Tiberium Garden Redux and Narrow River


- new minigames City Rally, Fiend Survival, Galaga, Invasion Day, PacMan, Siege Labyrinth, The Last Stand, Tower Defense, Volcano Eruption escape and Waveloop Canyon 


- original Tiberian Sun and Firestorm skirmish maps that were not remastered yet - play at your own risk

and a small secret...

Game ? (units, building, vehicles, aircraft and other)


- VeteranRatio=3.0 (was 10.0)

- VeteranCombat=0.2 (was 0.25)

- VeteranSpeed=0.2 (was 0.3)

- VeteranSight=0.25 (was 0.0)

- RepairPercent=25% (was 20%)

- RepairStep=7 (was 8) 

- IRepairStep=2 (was 1)

- BuildSpeed=0.63 (was 0.8)

- SurvivorRate=0.2 (was 0.4)

- HealScanRadius=5 (was 10)

- IonLightningDamage=400 (was 500)

- MultipleFactory=0.2 (was 0.0)

- AircraftFogReveal=7 (was 6)

- MaximumQueuedObjects=9 (was 4)

- MaxWaypointPathLength=20 (was 15)

- VeinholeGrowthRate=500 (was 300)

- MaxVeinholeGrowth=1500 (was 2000)

- JumpJet TurnRate=5 (was 4)

- JumpJet Speed=15 (was 14)

- FreeMCV=no (was yes)

- AmmoCrateDamage=300 (was 200)

- IonCannonDamage=970 (was 751)

these changes re-balance the main game aspects, making it more dynamic and faster paced...


New Vulcan Tower

- equivalent to component tower + Vulcan turret

New Anti-Air Tower

- equivalent to component tower + Sam turret

New RPG tower

- equivalent to component tower +RPG turret

New Light Tower:

- tower with spotlight which can distract enemy troopers while headlessly attacking

Changed Construction Yard:

- Strength=2000 (was 1000)

- Adjacent=3 (was 2)

- Sight=10 (was 6)

- UndeploysInto=none (was MCV)

- Cost=4000 (was 2500)

- Capturable=false (was true)

Changed Pavement:

- Adjacent=5 (was 3)

Changed Concrete Wall:

- Strenth=225 (was 150)

- TechLevel=4 (was 6)

Changed EMP Cannon:

- Strength=400 (was 500)

- Range=30 (was 40)

- Effect lasts 650 (was 1200)

- AreaOfEffect=9 (was 11)

Changed Gate: 

- TechLevel=4 (was 6)

- DeployTime=0.022 (was 0.044)

- GateCloseDelay=.044 (was 0.2)

Changed Firestorm Generator:

- Strength=900 (was 800)

- Cost=1800 (was 2000)

- Power=-175 (was -200)


New OutPost:

- unarmed deployable vehicle used to expand base

Changed Juggernaut:

- Cost=1100 (was 950)

- Damage=77 (was 75)

- Range=19 (was 18)

- MinimumRange=7 (was 5)

Changed Disruptor:

- Strength=550 (was 500)

- Armor=light (was heavy)


- AmbientDamage=2 (was 3)

Changed Titan:

- Elite=Elite120mm (was none)


Changed Wolverine:

- Elite=EliteAssaultCannon (was none)

- Damage=16 (was 40)

- ROF=25 (was 50)

- Burst=3 (was 0)

-  EliteAbilities=STRONGER (was VEIN_PROOF)

Changed Mammoth MK.II:

- Strength=900 (was 800)

- Trainable=yes (was no)

- EliteAbilities=STRONGER,FASTER (was none)

- Elite=EliteMechRailgun (was none)

Changed MCV:

- Prerequisite=FACTORY (was FACTORY,TECH)

- Strength=1500 (was 1000)

- CrateGoodie=no (was yes)

- Cost=4000 (was 2500)

- BuildLimit=1 (was infinite)

Changed Harvester:

- ThreatAvoidanceCoefficient=0 (was 0.65)

Changed Hover MLRS:

- Elite=EliteHoverMissile (was blank)


Changed Mobile Sensor Array:

- Strength=500 (was 600)

- Armor=light (was wood)

Removed Mobile War Factory

Removed Mobile EM-Pulse

Removed Limpet Drones


New Commando:

- elite unit supposed to match Cyborg

Changed JumpJet Infantry:

- Strength=135 (was 120)

- Damage=18 (was 15)

- Speed=7 (was 5)

- Elite=EliteJumpCannon (was none)

- Cost=550 (was 600)

Changed Ghost Stalker:

- Strength=251 (was 200)

- Elite=EliteLtRail (was none)

- Trainable=yes (was no)

Changed Light Infantry:

- Elite=EliteMinigun (was none)

- EliteAbilities=FIREPOWER,STRONGER (was none)

Changed Disc Thrower:

- Elite=EliteGrenade (was none)

- Damage=100 (was 110)



Changed Carryall:

- Strength=155 (was 175)

- Speed=14 (was 16)

Changed Orca Bomber:

- Strength=235 (was 260)

- Speed=9 (was 12)

- Cost=1700 (was 1600)

- Elite=EliteBomb (was none)

- Damage=150 (was 160)


Changed Orca Fighter:

- Elite=EliteHellfire (was none)

- Cost=900 (was 1000)

- EliteAbilities=FIREPOWER,SELF_HEAL (was none)


New Light Tower:

- tower with spotlight which can distract enemy troopers while headlessly attacking

Changed Construction Yard:

- Strength=2000 (was 1000)

- Adjacent=3 (was 2)

- Sight=10 (was 6)

- UndeploysInto=none (was MCV)

- Cost=4000 (was 2500)

- Capturable=false (was true)

Changed Stealth Generator:

- CloakRadiusInCells=11 (was 12)

- Cost=3000 (was 2500)

- Power=-450 (was -350)

Changed Nod Wall:

- Strenth=225 (was 150)

- TechLevel=4 (was 6)

Changed EMP Cannon:

- Strength=400 (was 500)

- Range=30 (was 40)

- Effect lasts 650 (was 1200)

- AreaOfEffect=9 (was 11)

Changed Gate: 

- TechLevel=4 (was 6)

- DeployTime=0.022 (was 0.044)

- GateCloseDelay=.044 (was 0.2)

Changed Tiberium Waste Facility:

- Strength=1000 (was 400)

Changed Obelisk of Light:

- Strength=801 (was 725)

- Armor=heavy (was wood)

- ROF=100 (was 120)

Changed Laser Fence Post:

- Adjacent=5 (was 3)


New OutPost:

- unarmed deployable vehicle used to expand base

Changed Stealth Tank:

- Strength=170 (was 180)

- Cost=1000 (was 1100)

- Damage=38 (was 30)


Changed Tick Tank:

- Strength=325 (was 350)

- Armor=lightArmor=heavy (was light)

- Sight=6 (was 5)


- Elite=Elite90mm (was 120mmx)

- Range=7.5 (was 6.75)

Changed Deployed Tick Tank:

- Strength=415 (was 350)

- Range=7.5 (was 6.75)

- Sight=6 (was 5)


- Elite=Elite90mm (was 120mmx)

Changed Devil's Tongue:

- Strength=330 (was 300)

- Armor=heavy (was light)

- Cost=900 (was 750)

- UndergroundSpeed=22 (was 33)

- Verses=600%,225%,90%,5%,2% (was 600%,148%,59%,6%,2%)

Changed Subterranean APC:

- Speed=4 (was 5)

- Passengers=4 (was 5)

- UndergroundSpeed=22 (was 33)

Changed Attack Buggy:

- Elite=EliteRaiderCannon (was none)


Changed Attack Cycle:

- Elite=EliteBikeMissile (was none)

- ImmuneToVeins=yes (was no)

- can target air now

Changed MCV:

- Prerequisite=FACTORY (was FACTORY,TECH)

- Strength=1500 (was 1000)

- CrateGoodie=no (was yes)

- Cost=4000 (was 2500)

- BuildLimit=1 (was infinite)

Changed Harvester and Weed Eater:

- ThreatAvoidanceCoefficient=0 (was 0.65)

Changed Mobile Sensor Array:

- Strength=500 (was 600)

- Armor=light (was wood)

Changed Artillery:

- Cost=1075 (was 975)


- AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no (was yes)

- Damage=170 (was 150)

- Range=19 (was 18)

- MinimumRange=7 (was 5)

Removed Fist of Nod

Removed Mobile Stealth Generator

Removed Limpet Drones


Changed Mutant Hijacker:

- Cost=1500 (was 1850)

Changed Cyborg:

- Elite=EliteVulcan3 (was none)


- Range=5 (was 4) 

Changed Rocket Infantry:

- Elite=EliteBAZOOKA (was none)

- Damage=26 (was 25)


Changed Cyborg Commando:

- Elite=EliteCyCannon (was none)

- Damage=110 (was 120)

- EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,FASTER (was none)

- Trainable=yes (was no)

Changed Light Infantry:

- Elite=EliteMinigun (was none)

- EliteAbilities=FIREPOWER,STRONGER (was none)

Removed Elite Cadre


Changed Harpy:

- Cost=900 (was 1000)

- GuardRange=20 (was 30)

- Elite=EliteHarpyClaw (was none)

- EliteAbilities=FIREPOWER,SELF_HEAL (was none)

Changed Banshee:

- Elite=EliteProton (was none)

- Cost=1400 (was 1500)

- GuardRange=20 (was 30)



New Sign Posts

New Ramps

New Lamps

New Containers

New Vehicle Crashes

Changed Pyramids:

- Strength=800 (was 400)

- Immune=no (was yes)

- ImmuneToVeins=yes (was no)

- LegalTarget=yes (was yes)


New Scavanged Tank:

- mutants tank (can be found in crates)

Changed Flame Tank:

- Strength=325 (was 300)

Changed Floater:

- Strength=550 (was 500)

- Sight=6 (was 5)

- Damage=20 (was 16)

Changed Visceroid:

- Stregth=450 (was 500)

- Cost=330 (was 1)

- Trainable=Yes (was no)

- Range=1.9 (was 1.3)

- Elite=EliteSlimeAttack (was none)

- EliteAbilities=STRONGER,SELF_HEAL (was none)

Changed Mammoth Tank:

- Strength=650 (was 600)

- Damage=55 (was 50)

Changed Truck:

- Strength=700 (was 200)


Changed Tiberian Fiend:

- Trainable=yes (was no)

- Elite=EliteFiendShard (was none)

- Cost=150 (was 100)

- EliteAbilities=STRONGER,SELF_HEAL (was none)

Changed Mutant:

- Primary=MVulcan (was Vulcan)

- Strength=150 (was 50)

- Damage=35 (was 20)

Changed Mutant Soldier:

- Primary=MVulcan (was Vulcan)

- Strength=175 (was 50)

- Damage=35 (was 20)

Changed Mutant Sergeant

- Primary=MVulcan (was Vulcan)

- Strength=200 (was 50)

- Sight=5 (was 4)

- Damage=35 (was 20)


New Mutant Apache

- scavanged mutant helicopter (can be found in crates)


- new rocks

- new red tiberium tree, crystal and LAT tile

- MultiMissile and ChemicalMissile no longer ignore firestorm

- crates are no longer broken  (changes % and enhanced possible rewards)

- removed Hunter Seeker super weapon

10 000 views on CnCNet, 9 500 views on ModDB, 9 000 views on PPMforums, 2 000 views on W3DHub and 1 600 views on CnCNz

- thanks, enjoy the release and do not forget to report bugs / feedback! ?

Edited by LucasSK
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10 days since the release of Tiberium Resurrection 3.0...

I received some great feedback and bug reports already, but I encourage you to write me your thoughts, bug reports and things you would like to see in future versions of TR! Your feedback really matters!

Tiberium Resurrection 3.1 will be out on Sunday (3rd May) as well as 3rd OST video!

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Tiberium Resurrection 3.1 changelog

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgxqrhas3g4wg8d/TiberiumResurrection.exe/file

Client ? (used @Rampastring TS Client and re-configured it for TR)

- fixed CnC-DDRAW renderer

Maps ?️ (the things you play on)


- removed both campaign maps (temporarily)


- reduced floaters, fixed tunnels and removed veinhole in Tiers of Sorrow

- remastered "Xcapades" map!

- fixed ion storm lighting on all remastered skirmish maps!

- removed Fields of Insurgency modification (was not supposed to be there)

Game ? (units, building, vehicles, aircraft and other)


- ion storm lightning damage is 300 (was 400)

- fixed multiple factory bonus speed


Changed EMP Cannon:

- Power=-125 (was -150)

- Range=25 (was 30)

- Duration=600 (was 650)

- Radius=4 (was 9)

- RechargeTime=4 (was 4.5)

Changed Fire Storm Generator:

- Cost=2000 (was 1800)

- BuildLimit=1 (was unlimited)

Changed Anti-Air Tower:

- ROF=70 (was 55)


Changed Titan:

- Cost=850 (was 800)

Changed Wolverine:

- can target air units

Changed Juggernaut:

- Damage=69 (was 77)

- ROF=210 (was 150)

- Range=18 (was 19)

- MinimumRange=9 (was 7)


Changed Ghost Stalker:

- Cost=1900 (was 1750)

Changed Commando:

- Sight=6 (was 5)

Changed JumpJet Infantry:

- Strength=125 (was 135)


Changed Orca Bomber:

- Strength=165 (was 235)

- Speed=8 (was 9)

- Damage=140 (was 150)



Changed EMP Cannon:

- Power=-125 (was -150)

- Range=25 (was 30)

- Duration=600 (was 650)

- Radius=4 (was 9)

- RechargeTime=4 (was 4.5)

Changed Sam Site:

- ROF=70 (was 55)


Changed Weed Eater:

- Cost=1250 (was 1400)

- no longer breaks ice

Changed Cyborg Reaper:

- Speed=4 (was 5)

- WebbingDuration=400 (was 600)

- new primary weapon

Changed Artillery:

- Damage=153 (was 170)

- ROF=154 (was 110)

- Range=18 (was 19)

- MinimumRange=9 (was 7)

Changed Subterranean APC:

- UndergroundSpeed=25 (was 22)

Changed Devil Tongue:

- UndergroundSpeed=25 (was 22)

- damage against light armor increased 105% (was 90%)


Changed Cyborg Commando:

- Strength=490 (was 500)

Changed Mutant Hijacker:

- Speed=6 (was 7)

generally all AA weapons now perform better and are more precise than they used to...



Changed Gas Clouds:

- now lasts longer and deals more damage

Changed Red Tiberium:

- more lethal

- grows 2,5 times slower

- spreads 15% faster

Tiberium Resurrection OST - Death Game will be out in a few minutes!

Be sure to attend the premiere here: 


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Future of Tiberium Resurrection

After rather successful release of TR 3.1 we are all beginning to work on the update 3.5. While the latest update(s) focused on moving TR to TS Client and balancing, this update will focuse on maps, OST's and some very extraordinary features ?. I will reveal / hint most of them over time... For now, suppose I can show you this. 00-i042.wav


I still ask you to report bugs / feedback anywhere you can, as this really matters. I am currently aware of an error, which causes game to crash helplessly once the Chemical Missile is launched. I am trying to fix it, but it will take some time. Though, if I manage to do so I will inform you all :)


Lastly, we have got 2 new devs to help us out!

No Strings Prd - helps with the story (and some epic things related to the story).

Tiberius - helps with balancing and maps.

I am very happy to welcome both of them in dev team and I am looking forward to our co-operation.


Thats all for now, see ya all soon ?

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11 000 views on CnCNet, 11 900 views on ModDB, 9 500 views on PPMforums, 2 200 views on W3DHub and 1 800 views on CnCNz

Thank you all! ModDB is taking over tho ?.

Anyway, I feel like now is the right time to announce another upcoming feature in TR 3.5!

Each map will include a few Mutant Armories. Once captured (and held) player can build 4 Forgotten units to help defeat his opponent!


Mutant - Forgotten equivalent of Light Infantry! Can heal on tiberium and is easily pissed. msselect2.wav

Tiberian Fiend - Their friendly doggos (kinda glowing tho)...

Mutant Hijacker - cause why should Nod have all the fun?

Mutant Sniper - Forgotten elite unit, which can be the best or the worst unit in-game depending on how you can handle her!

Worry not though, if you are not a fan of this feature, you will be able to disable it with a new option!



Lastly, Zoom3000 did a great job on beating ExtraHard AI in TR! Check out his vid here: 

Have a good day ?

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14 hours ago, Iran said:

Nice mod.

Are you guys gonna add oil refineries? Rampastring recently added support for it to Tiberian Sun via a code patch.



Oil refineries? Never heard of them. Can you perhaps guide me with an URL where I can read more?

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Tiberium Resurrection 3.5 - what to expect?

Hello everyone, we are not having a break in-case you are wondering ?. Instead, we are working on the update 3.5 to deliver it as soon as possible and with as many good changes as possible! I decided it is time to reveal some key features that will be present in TR 3.5. Lets get to it!

Firstly, I am very happy to announce that the Prologue is completely re-made to make it worthy "introduction" in TR story! I have many, many exciting things to reveal about it (including its own trailer ?), but for now I can only tell you that it is more than 2 times larger in width as well as height and share this beautiful screenshot with ya!


Secondly, we hope to bring up to 4 new OST's! You can already listen to two of them here!

Next up, we hope to bring up to 5 new minigames and up to 5 remastered maps! Besides, we will also introduce some juicy modifiers for all skirmish maps, but more on that later...


 You can look at the Grassy Knoll remaster here:

We are also bringing partial Forgotten Faction in-game via Mutant Armories! We also have unique cameos for them all ?


Last but not least, the update will include another balance changed, enhancements and fixes to the vanilla game!

note, that these changes are not final and we might surpass our goals or decide to not include some features just yet

Have a wonderful day and stay safe ya all ?

Edited by LucasSK
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Tiberium Resurrection 3.5 - trailer and release date

Hello everyone, we have been all working on the update for quite some time now! Today I am very excited to reveal the trailer and release date for the update 3.5, so lets get to it!

Firstly, this trailer will be... different than the last one. While the last one covered most of the upcoming changes and features, this one is supposed to be a nice introduction to TR story (and especially the Prologue, which will be fully featured in this update). Also, there is an amazing feature leaked in this trailer, so we will see how many of you notice ?- 4th of June, 7pm CET - 


Next up, the update 3.5 is coming out shorty! I am personally excited about the upcoming remaster, so I will give ya all time to enjoy that for a while :D

19th of June - in 3 weeks

I still have plenty stuff to tell ya about the update, so stay tuned for the future posts!

Have a wonderful day :)


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12 000 views on CnCNet, 14 700 views on ModDB, 10 500 views on PPMforums, 2 500 views on W3DHub and 2 000 views on CnCNz

Thank you very much for all the support, feedback and quite growing excitement regarding the update 3.5. We are all doing our best to release as good version as we can. While we are at it, we recently released a trailer for the first campaign mission! And yes - No Strings Prd is in-fact the new GDI voice assistant ?

640 x 360, 15 FPS, .vqa, that's all I'm saying


Have a great day, see ya soon!

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Hello everyone, I have some bad news this time. The update 3.5 was supposed to be out this Friday, but we need more time to test and finish the work to deliver BIG quality update. The new date for the release is set to 28th of June... And now onto the positive stuff!


The update 3.5 will feature light Re-Shade enhancements to match the TR theme even more as well as AI enhancements to make the AI a bit harder and better. More to come in the update 4.0 ?

Have a wonderful day!

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