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    1. C&C 1

      Command & Conquer 1 (Tiberian Dawn)

      The game that started it all.

    2. Red Alert

      Red Alert / Counterstrike / Aftermath

      C&C breaks time and introduces Tesla Coils, Tanya and time travel.

    3. Sole Survivor

      This forum is for discussion of the game where you control one unit and use your micro skills to defeat other players. Sole Survivor -> DoTA before DoTA was a thing.

    4. Dune 2000

      The noble Atreides, the insidious Ordos and the evil Harkonnen. Only one house will prevail.... This forum is for the discussion of Intelligent Games' C&C inspired recreation of Westwood Studios' Dune 2.

    5. Tiberian Sun

      Tiberian Sun / Firestorm

      Discuss the sequel to C&C1 that introduces more lasers, railguns and even big stompy mechs!

    6. Red Alert 2

      Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge

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  • New Posts

    • It has been a long time since I played with @PrezSpammer, who knows nothing but Near Ore Far . Recently I haven't seen you playing yuri, what are you up to ?
    • Hello everyone, I have made a new mod map "Naval Wonder War" So what is Naval Wonder War? A modded map that includes all Naval Units and more custom units Some Balancing Notes: Dreadnought have high armor missile and high damage but low speed missile Aircraft Carrier have a long range accurate but low damage Buffed Destroyer's Drone New Units: Mobile Radar - Detects underwater subs / Makes a sensor sound when enemies are near. WeakVs/Everything ECM Boat - Shuts down Boats/Ship with a small EMP Effect. WeakVs/AirUnits - Infantries Kamikaze Plane - This Plane Kamikazes Into Target with a high explosive surprise. WeakVs/All Types of Anti-Air RAH-66 Comanche - A helicopter equipped with large missiles WeakVs/Aegis Cruiser - Base Defenses Anti-Air Gattling Boat - Gattling Boat damage increases overtime - Has extra range vs air units WeakVs/Naval Units Mobile Money Generator - A boat that deploys to generate cash WeakVs/Everything Cosmonaut - Anti Armor Laser Rocketeer ( Laser Color = Rainbow changes 3 times per hit ) WeakVs/Flaks-Normal Rocketeers Demolotion Boat - New Navy Version of Demo Truck - Can be deployed to instantly explode - Radiation Codded to less lag WeakVs/Long Range Navy Units/Air Units Now Super Units! Super Units are a new units limited to 1 available for each faction America = Laser Emperor Korea = B2 Bomber Germany = General Nils - Powerful Energy Railgun Great Britain = Sniper Cannon - Accurate Long Range Artillery Iraq = Apocalypse Ship - Well armored ship Cuba = Harpy Attack Sub - Airburst Nuclear Rocket Russia = Tesla Ship - Fires Contineusily NOTE: Lybia has Cuba super unit for now I will add for lybia super unit in next version - France and Yuri disabled I'm still thinking about their super units I added for France super unit but its incomplete and playable yet (France Super Unit=Battle Ship) OTHER UNITS: Spectre Gunship - Korea only Advanced Robot Tank - Replaces normal robo at Germany ( shoots heat ray ) MiG - For Korea (Replaces Kamikaze and Black Eagle) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my mod, Enjoy! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/XBeSxUWw Random Middile Bonus at the middile. Weather Controller (buffed) Tech Machine Shop (buffed) Industrial Plant - 50% Less costs for units and x2 build speed (8) Naval Wonder War V1.9.map
    • can you share a link to the reddit post here please, perhaps someone else can use it too
    • OMG, how ironic that someone like PrezSapmmer, completely unaware of the event, considers themselves a judge and crime investigator, chiming in on the conversation between me and aWarNoob1. And you had the audacity to show up on this thread? Then, YOU, PrezSapmmer, always yell about someone cheating in the game whenever they gain an edge over you in the game, but the fact is you're just making excuses for your lack of skills.
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