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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Yeah, maybe but I don't know when I could add things for extra mod support. I added a keyword for RULES.INI that can be used to enable the parabombs for all game modes (skirmish etc), no build speed cap with the Aftermath enabled, a few AI fixes like allying and fixing paranoid mode and an option to remove the check if there's a Helipad on the map before the AI techs up but other than that not much added for modders. There's sadly quite a bit of work ahead for me before I can add more fun stuff. The config tool and launcher are completely optional, the config tool is a front end to RULES.INI and DDRAW.INI. The launcher is a frontend to various RA95.exe command line arguments, cncnet.exe and the config tool, it also shows the current amount of players on RA1 CnCNet. FunkyFr3sh updated his download today, the new download is changed so the expansions are enabled/disabled with REDALERT.INI keywords, it also has optional mousewheel sidebar scrolling (code by CCHyper), No-CD is controlled by a REDALERT.INI keyword and the game will only load smallinfantry.mix now if a REDALERT.INI keyword for it is enabled.
  2. maybe funky wants to join with build cap off, he loves aftermath with the cap off lol we could play his coop maps or crate ones too if you feel like
  3. It's a bug with 3.03, curiously when I was testing out optional no-CD for my patch recently it would randomly show the box properly.
  4. I rechecked my first post and it sounded quite dickish, that wasn't my intention in case you felt it was being dickish. The OOS issue is caused by the fact that the default game's rules.ini leaves out a few keywords for stuff because Westwood relies on the internally programmed default for them, when mod maps do modify these settings that were left out, the memory for that setting is changed but because the default rules.ini (which is re-loaded during map loading before map's own modded settings to clean up memory) doesn't contain the keyword, the memory settings for the modded map are still being used and never reset by reloading rules.ini. What funky's oos-fix rules.ini does is specify ALL the full setting for every section, unit etc so they game will reload all the memory when you load a new map. What you need to do is use his oos-fix rules.ini as base and apply all the settings you are currently using in your rules.ini to it. That probably might take a few hours though.
  5. I made the patch (which also contains a variety of stuff by other coders), config tool and launcher. I don't intend to support mods for my patch because of the sheer amount of time just working on the patch itself requires.
  6. RA Archive states the following: Is this true? I have the Aftermath CD but I don't have an easy list with map names and file names for the maps so I can't easily check.
  7. Funky does the force AM rules.ini also include fixes for England and France's country bonuses?
  8. Iran

    PortableRA beta

    Oh that, I think hifi's no-CD fixed that when he fixed the issue where with other no-CDs you still need to have a CD in the drive. I have no idea though. Guess we'll find out sooner or later. Edit: Okay there's three patches. GetCDClass' constructor checks for DRIVE_FIXED (hard drive) instead of DRIVE_CDROM (CD) now. Init_CDROM_Access() is patched to do nothing and Force_CD_Available() always returns true. Looks like it'll be easy to make no-CD optional.
  9. Iran

    PortableRA beta

    Not sure, using hifi's no-cd code. Haven't seen any requests while playing normally.
  10. Iran

    PortableRA beta

    Here's a beta of my Red Alert build that includes a beta of my patch: http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/17482-portablera-beta/
  11. Iran

    red alert content

    Did you enable the option to have fast build speed with Aftermath enabled, in the config tool?
  12. I hope to be able to fix the graphics once some more high priority things are done, not sure if it's possible to fix up the graphics..
  13. Yes, it supports C&C Reloaded, Dawn of the Tiberium Age, Mental Omega and Twisted Insurrection too.
  14. On some modern machines Red Alert crashes/freezes if Red Alert 1 isn't set to run on one CPU, but if this is in fact set for some people this causes the audio and movies to crack/lag. I think I found a solution by setting the game to run on one CPU and setting Windows 98 compatibility plus disabling desktop composition. This seems to work with cnc-ddraw on and off for me, but I'm not sure if this is also the case for other people. This is what I like people to test. Try the following: 1. Download and unzip: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21865790/PortableRA.zip 2. Run RedAlertLauncher.exe 3. Check if you crash in the main menu of the game. 4. Try playing a few games, see if you crash or not. Once done testing, tell me whether you crashed or not plus the following: 1. Whether the crashes happen with CnC-DDraw turned on and whether they happen when it's off (you can turn CnC-DDraw on/off in the config tool under the 'Video Options' tab). 2. What operating system you are running and whether the operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit. 3. If you have a multi-core or single-core CPU. 4. If CnC-DDraw is on, whether they happen with OpenGL and/or GDI as renderer (this can be configured in the config tool too) You can post your results here or on the chat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=cncnet
  15. It doesn't say so in the manual, are you sure?
  16. Awesome release, sadly not many people playing C&C95.
  17. Iran

    red alert content

    I wrote the config tool but the site and Red Alert 1 build is Funky's (it's based on my own build I'm working on though). I updated the config tool yesterday with a lot of extra options the patch I'm working on adds. My patch itself is based on hifi's (which is included in the build you downloaded) and has a lot more fixes and options. All the features I want to add to the patch for the first release are pretty much completed and I'll release it a few weeks from now probably, so then I'll release the updated config tool too and an updated Red Alert 1 build which Funky will update his build. This build has some more fixes and cool features and once I'm able to release everything it'll be a substantial improvement over normal Red Alert with the latest official patch. One thing I need to do via patching cnc-ddraw (the ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini in that Red Alert 1 build you downloaded) is stretching videos and a few screens.
  18. Iran

    red alert content

    Me and FunkyFresh checked it two days ago. You can check it too by building like 3 Barracks, setting the game speed slow and noting how long it takes to build an Engineer, both with that keyword enabled and not.
  19. Is it possible to fix the SAM site smoke and does anyone have a fix for it?
  20. Iran

    red alert content

    It's only enabled when Aftermath is turned on and more specifically when NewUnitsEnabled is set to 'yes'. Westwood actually added a check for NewUnitsEnabled inside TechnoClass::Time_To_Build(), the function starts at 0x00560F80 in the 3.03 EXE and the check is at 0x005611F3.
  21. Iran

    red alert content

    Use the http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/ build, it has expansions, a config tool and a bunch of fixes.
  22. Well anyway I patched the game yesterday so if a new rules.ini keyword is set to 'yes' Aftermath has quick build speed, it does require everyone to run my patch plus a special rules.ini file. I haven't released the patch yet but once I'm done adding something important today I can do a release with a bunch of features unfinished (though players won't notice this). edit: Okay I'm done adding that so if you'd like to see players play Aftermath with fast build speed just say so.
  23. It can be set with the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit apparently, but I need to set multiCPU via Windows Task Manager every time I start the game, for some reason it starts in singleCPU mode every time. edit: Oh it's because of a compatibility fix on ra95.exe system-wide to force single cpu -.-, fixed it now.
  24. That's cool he also has the scripts for Tiberian Sun and the MTV Red Alert ads on his elance profile: https://www.elance.com/s/notlewinsky/ https://ws.elance.com/file/STORYBIBLEDOC.pdf?crypted=Y3R4JTNEcG9ydGZvbGlvJTI2ZmlkJTNEMjMyOTA0NjMlMjZyaWQlM0QtMSUyNnBpZCUzRDM0NDQwNQ== https://www.elance.com/samples/an-award-winning-mtv-television-ad-video-game/23290960/
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