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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. can you give any specifics? I am trying to amend the ccmanual.txt and figure all this stuff out... (you might save me from having to do a thousand tests...)
  2. At first glance it didn't look like a checkerboard, it looked as though half of the paint had peeled off which gave it a used kind of rusty look.
  3. ugh... I remember reading a while ago someone joking about just making a Nyer meme to preemptively flame them for asking this stuff before reading anything in the forums... so here's the best I could pull off on the spot... edit: whoops, I guess nyer posted before I had the chance to find this gif.. lol
  4. Nyer, I most humbly and respectfully disagree with you about commandos activating the 'player enters' trigger. In my experience, this is not the case. As illustrated in the sample map, you have 1 commando and 1 engi. Player entering the comm center directly to the NE of you activates an airstrike. The engi works, the commando just blows it up.. no airstrike. SCG20EA.BIN SCG20EA.INI
  5. if I remember correctly from trying to make a totally urban multiplayer TD map, the limit is 300. Strange side effect, the buildings you build count towards that number. Meaning if you have the max allowable (300) you can't even deploy your construction yard until you destroy some existing buildings. Bummer, I know!
  6. I got mine to work! https://youtu.be/6gBfK_hycYY Now I'm gonna record shitty games and make an anti-tutorial "how NOT to play cnc95" lol
  7. lol.. after playing some real opponents, my butt still hurts from the whoopings I got but man it is nice to be back. Seems like everybody was doing their push-ups since I've been gone! It's such a contrast to making SP maps where I can play God and inflict pain on players from a distance.. ha ha My issue with recording games is that I have to have ddraw enabled and that causes all kinds of issues for me. Gonna have to fiddle with my settings a bit and see if I can remedy the situation. I've been messing with OBS with limited success lately, one of these days I'll have to test it on cncnet. Hell yeah.. that shit was tight.... Did it work in Dos CNC when playing over the modem? That was sooo long ago I don't even remember. On a side note: I really like how when you enter a game room you get all those helpful hints for new people, but I was wondering who makes those? Can we please add one advising players to resign instead of abort game? This is a personal gripe of mine when people just leave the game. I mean geez, I agreed to your stupid game with 55 units and 999999999 credits, used that to my advantage, and now I don't even get the pleasure of seeing all your stuff explode?! arg
  8. dammit weaver I just missed you on cncnet. I logged in and saw "weaveR's game," got happy and >poof< you were gone! So I played some noobs; I even tried to go easy on them, but they all split at the first sign of their imminent doom. I saw a guy making recon bikes, and I thought "I'll just send like 15 grenadiers to his base and teach him how this works." (even though at that point I had like 20 medium tanks) Killed his bikes, killed a pplant but purposely left his conyard there just to be nice.. MF'er left the game! I just don't get it... If I had that attitude, I would've left permanently the first time Ustas ever apc rushed me..... Shit, I remember how pissed off I got! But no, I kept coming back determined to crush him. And after a while, I did.. every time... WTF?! I just don't get the psychology behind it... it's not just one player, it seems to be all of them! I mean for chrissakes, I'm RUSTY!! and I go easy on them?!? What do I have to do? Make up a fake name and lose on purpose to grow our player base? EDIT: Right after posting this I did play a noob named lazarus who honorably lost. It was a decent game and he gracefully took my advice about needing more refineries. Then, of course I played 'Bob' and whooped his ass at a >laugh< tech level 3 game. Second game I was stomping him and he aborted... sigh... Weird though, at tech level 3 you get bikes but no buggies! I mean WTF is that?
  9. yeah Nyer, being the awesome resource of knowledge that he is, gave me all the info needed to do the map stuff, but I haven't even started to mess with that. That would be so far down the line it seems unreachable. He also showed me how to replace cutscenes which I have successfully gotten to play ingame, but again my attentions are directed to the missions themselves first. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only crazy one, though.. lol. Although I suppose insanity is a requirement if we're still messing around with these (awesome) old ass games!
  10. Okay, this conversation has started the wheels spinning in my head... Pretty much everyone here has been kind enough to test some of my TD for Pros maps where I want to replace all of the maps from the original campaigns. So far I've been attempting to do this myself, which can be done but will take forever. I fear by the time I'm done, I'll be 80 years old and by then nobody will have even heard of this game nor will anybody be interested in playing it. So I happened to be editing my old post (2011) here so I could put the missions somewhere for testing purposes and not be creepily be asking people for their emails and I happened to stumble upon an old topic by Chimas that I somehow had missed called 'the community campaigns' http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1915.0 This got me thinking about making this a collaborative effort. I already have a skeletal 'mission tree' sketched out which slightly differs from his (more closely following the build levels and campaign missions) but is similar in concept. I (being the control freak that I am) would still be editor in chief, and could do pretty much 100% of the mission scripting if need be, however, I could really use a lot of help with level concepts, map (terrain) building and generally just keeping me in check. I mean, heck, cn2mc already gave me permission to use his MP map 'High Tide' http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2478.0 for use in my campaign. Really, someone could have a level idea with maybe a rough sketch of the map, someone could build the terrain (adhering to certain criteria), and I could script it. It is just my goal to do something that is as good quality (really better) as anything WW did. Again, there's just certain criteria to follow... Meaning no mixed tech (except for extreme circumstances) no chinooks unloading 50 tanks, awesomely crafted maps (which I know everyone here can make.) Not only would I have closure on this can of worms I've opened but we could even use it to promote the revival of this game it and show there is still a genuine loving interest of Tiberian Dawn. It's really just meant to run concurrently with the original plot of c&c, so we wouldn't have to come up with some wacky plot, either. Although I always dreamed of making some new little cutscenes (which I can do!) and even making a new map select screen since these missions are meant to occur worldwide instead of being restricted to Belarus or Zaire or whatever but again, that's just too unrealistic, perhaps. Just throwing this idea around... no imminent deadline. Better to complete it in 5 years than never. Oh yeah, if I'm just a wacko-- please let me know and I'll apply my madness towards something else.. lol
  11. Yeah, that's something I never really took into account back when I was making MP maps.... I never realized maps like OverrunII favored Nod, because of all the grenadier killing tiberium. Although inadvertently I guess it made SSMs and ARTYs more viable. Live and learn! What would you say are the aspects that favor certain sides/units?
  12. yeah I tried to polish that turd as much as possible... ha ha Yeah I just played the original TGarden and started in the bottom left with max units... I gotta remember to look at the settings b4 I agree to start. Next guy had all the boxes checked (sep. helipad/deployable mcv/etc.) I just bailed outta the lobby
  13. I've been playing a little the last couple of nights. I can't believe people still play 'tiberian garden.' I hate that friggin map. Lol, people starting with 50 units, $3000 and then quitting as soon as you attack them. And I don't mean a full on attack, but I just recon'd this guy with a couple of buggies and he resigned. At least he didn't abort... I (usually) fight to the last technician! and that ladder crap? pffft... If it was that important I would just carve notches onto my belt.....
  14. wow! that looks really neat!! I absolutely love the slightly 'L' shaped building the best. I would only humbly suggest 'sidewalk' map tiles.. just simple 1x1 grey blocks with a shaded just border.
  15. he captures the GDI comm center at 19:10 which gives the player the airstrike. I think the 'GDI building captured' probably drowned out the 'Airstrike ready'
  16. I have the same problem... I just play without ddraw if you are able to do that. I can't take screenshots, but it works fine for me... I am on Windows 7. Looking into what I set the properties to all that time ago I am running windows 98 compatability mode. And I do not have the back buffer checked.
  17. yeah it really amazes me how much stuff seems half-assed and incomplete in this game, but somehow we never notice when playing. Like would it really have been that hard for them to make 'attack units' like 'area guard' instead? That would've made a lot more sense. So when making a mission, I primarily just have the enemy go through a bunch of waypoints where your base is supposed to be and they'll blow it all to hell. I found that a teamtype with 'guard' before 'attack units/base' will often stop in its tracks if you destroy even 1 unit in the team and just sit there. I used to have them go into your base and 'guard' so they wouldn't start migrating north, but that causes problems. 'Move' seems to be the command with which they'll attack the most and pursue you when attacked.
  18. What do you mean with "U#s"? 'F' as it's listed under teamtypes in the ccmanual. the number that's usually 7 or 15 in the stock maps. XCC editor refers to it as 'u1' when creating a team, so I just referred to it as that. We'll have to coin a term, I suppose. Maybe team AI IQ variable or something. I don't think that's right, actually. The "Hunt" command has this problem, but "Attack Units" should look for targets around the unit's current position. It is normally used in AI's scripted attacks going towards the enemy base, so it would make no sense for the units to ignore the fact they went to the enemy base and then just go hunting north. It should act more like Area Guard. Unfortunately, it is the case. I try to employ the scientific method as much as possible when testing this stuff. I noticed the cpu really only responds when you attack them, so I made a test mission where I (gdi) was allied with the cpu (nod) so my units wouldn't attack them. They, of course, are not allied with me so they go through their waypoints and just start heading away from units right next to them and proceed to the player units at the top of the map. Oddly enough, while obeying the 'move' command, they WILL fire at nearby structures/units (at least with a u1 of 7 or 15) but once they hit that last waypoint (and 'attack units') they ignore everything and head to the stuff in the NW corner of the map. We often don't notice this because we usually attack them and they engage us. (they will stop to fight if you force fire, though.) I tried 'attack base' as well and the result was the same. I honestly can't tell a difference between those 2 commands, except for when applied to engineers. I included my test .ini and .bin (sorry my WinRAR isn't working right now) to illustrate. scg24ea.ini scg24ea.bin
  19. oh don't get me started on 'F' (u1) lol
  20. again,,, have you played any of my missions? don't get me started on 'g' without 'd'.. you can actually punish players for loading savegames with that one......
  21. I'm intrigued... which piece and to which numbers do you refer too? I really want to understand all of this stuff. Surely not THE ccmanual? I've read that thing a thousand times and gleaned as much as possible from it.... Have you actually PLAYED any of the missions I've made? If I understand you correctly, the answer is any extra units 'built' are drafted into the next demand of the 'create team' or whatever, although I've fiddled with the last couple of 0's and 1's in the teamtype to lessen the amount of infantry loitering around the barracks/hand. there may be 15 teams of minigunners on the table, but it will still only build a couple in reserve. Damn, now there's like 42 more experiments I have to conduct. I still intend to amend the ccmanual.txt but of course I'll send you my changes first so you can rip all my theories a new one.. lol
  22. If you don't have anything constructive to say, please just don't reply at all. I'm getting seriously tired of this crap, Mechacaseal. I agree wholeheartedly.... Don't you realize that 80% (and that's being generous) of your posts are just blind shit talking and you are being venomous to the (dwindling) interest in these games? don't shoot us all in the foot... geez! instead of deleting your mission videos, why don't you delete your account here...?
  23. lol, I just KNEW you were gonna call me on that one... I may be ocd in my loop:0, but it doesn't hurt, right? btw I have found the teams to be less responsive when guarding than when moving. (go figure) Hell, set them to guard, too... whatever works! hey Nyer, why don't you download the map and try it?
  24. thank you for the clarification. guess I should've said 'create the teams.' however, I guess I had always observed the cpu building the units since usually by the time 'autocreate' was activated, I had smoked all the available recruitable units on the map. I guess that's why the computer always builds extras, eh?
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