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Everything posted by FunkyFr3sh

  1. if it's the tool that i'm thinking it is, then you need to save it as shp (ts) and then use xcc to convert it to png, then convert it to ra1 shp
  2. Updated to 1.3: Better Aftermath/counterstrike support Map packs updated added high resolution patch
  3. You can use celltriggers, timers or even let them attack when u build any specific unit or building just make a trigger that is linked to the reinforcements and set the event to -no event- ... then create the other triggers that will fire up the reinforcement trigger when ever you want them to attack
  4. nope but maybe arda can do it
  5. i tried it, but i needed six minutes extreme maps ?
  6. did you try the redalert1.com version ? (we already talked ingame) :beer:
  7. I use microsoft paint and XCC, don't need any shp editors
  8. if u don't use the version from redalert1.com, make sure you got the 3.03 patch and then just start cncnet.exe like you did -> multiplayer -> network
  9. I would like to thank Tore for the special game he gave me yesterday
  10. for arda you will need a "clean" ra95.dat, use this one: http://www.mediafire.com/?72val6f3jdfvbb7
  11. raed should include all the units. If you wanna take a look at the missions you can extract them with XCC for example
  12. i use redalert1.com version, you need to copy redalert.mix main.mix and raed.exe to a new folder (its only 30mb)
  13. this happens cause of some bad map names, that's why i got RAED in a empty folder without maps
  14. raam.exe is just the same as the redalert1.com exe with forced AM/CS to avoid registry keys. And it includes the filename changes for the TLF videos too
  15. I have no idea what the problem could be, try to re-download the full game, but do everything as administrator
  16. you will need to update it to the latest version, dowlnoad this: http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/
  17. yes, try to install the pack from here and then copy the xwis installation over it. If it doesn't work then also try it the other way around, install the xwis one and copy the files from cnc-comm pack over it
  18. Did you try to turn peer-to-peer in the settings off? Start cncnet.exe, press settings and uncheck "use faster peer-to-peer connection" (both of you should do that) This is only for testing, your game might lag if you turn it off but if your game starts when it's turned off then it's a port problem, follow this tutorial after and enable the faster peer-to-peer connection again: *link-removed*
  19. play my cooperation maps, they got insane hard ai and work on red dawn too since no ini file is needed get em here: Red Alert downloads
  20. it's not freeware and xwis version requires a legal serial
  21. Eww, xwis The other xwis games also work on cncnet, it's worth a try
  22. you could try this: http://xwis.net/downloads/Tiberian_Sun-0.0.0.exe
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