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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. You still haven't defined the deceptiveness of these maps.
  2. @ElmerFudd - what do you mean by "deceptive" mods? Mods have been an integral part of C&C community since its early stages and always will be. Unless they are deliberately made to cheat in a ranked system (which CnCNet currently doesn't have), mods are and should be allowed on any and every service. You can see if someone has a non-standard map right at the beginning and have the option of leaving, so I don't get your whining.
  3. To prevent that, you can set XCC Mixer (and any other program, basically) to permanently run as admin in the compatibility tab.
  4. Are you running XCC Mixer as admin? Is it version 1.47?
  5. Answering hundreds of topics with the exact same answer does that to certain people. Embarrassing is the fact that the support topics over at C&C:Online are so apparent, not you And I didn't call you stubborn, unless you 100% fit my description like Typhoon Where exactly? His problem is that he rather bitches than looks for/does something, symptomatic for 90% of the people posting in the C&C:Online support forum. I apologise if you have a genuine problem. How can CnCNet and Blizzard servers connect nicely, but not C&C:Online? Not saying you should ditch CnCNet (I like it myself), but if Generals/Zero Hour is already covered by someone else and CnCNet has a different focus, why ask CnCNet to cover it? C&C:Online's support has ladders and is directly provided by GenTool, and all of it was barely done and a lot of it is owed to pure luck.
  6. Really? Why haven't you read the support forum's pinned threads and made a support thread if you couldn't fix it? http://forums.revora.net/forum/2735-c-conline-support/ It is nothing short of it, especially when it comes from someone who was banned on two forums for incredibly abusive behaviour after being proven wrong time and time again (read: bashing staff and posting porn). Which problem, exactly? Read: who can't read something that's so to-the-face that it's almost embarrassing. Read: who are too stubborn to have something different.
  7. You don't have to be a scientist to run it. Many people (hundreds!) are on. Quit bitching for once in your life.
  8. That is the XWIS-specific version. It has been altered and maybe incompatible with CnCNet.
  9. Kilian was framed for the Sarajevo attack. Haven't you played Kane's Wrath? For your initial question, TW and KW are worthwhile games for multiplayer (KW more so, especially if you get the 1.02+ mappack or just the patch for singleplayer, it fixes so many bugs), and the singleplayer isn't bad. RA3 is a good game in its own right, having good multiplayer as well, and the singleplayer is fun, but rather short. Steer clear from C&C4, though. RA3 doesn't need a crack, as it doesn't need the DVD to play. It did have the 5 authorizations policy, with later patches enabling you to deauthorize individual PCs. However, I don't know if their system even works still, so post back if it does. C&C4 had a TOTALLY DIFFERENT DRM thing and whoever tells you differently is a moron. It had always-online, even for singleplayer, whereas RA3 did not.
  10. Generals is covered by C&C:Online and is different from the previous games' coding. (Grant edit: Added in link to C&C Online)
  11. And why do you think the download holds Yuri's Revenge itself when the site clearly says it DOESN'T because it's not freeware?
  12. You need the fixed TUC launchers. http://bibber.eu/downloads/cnc-ultimate-collection-launchers/
  13. Haha no It's just the fact people are too illiterate and stupid to read TWO threads. TWO. TWO!!!!! http://forums.revora.net/topic/89450-read-before-posting-common-issues-solutions/ http://forums.revora.net/topic/89435-read-before-posting-how-to-report-issues/
  14. There is a sort of a way: http://www.cncnz.com/features/technical-support-help-guides/recording-red-alert-2-games/ However, it only works properly with AI players and yourself. If you try to record a multiplayer game this way, your "opponents" will be taken over by the AI and will do random things instead of copying what your opponents did. It's underdeveloped and unreliable.
  15. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3438
  16. Are you lost? http://cncnet.org/red-alert-2 http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge
  17. Anyone missing the fact EA owns the rights for RA and they're not putting games on Steam anymore?
  18. Mostly, no. http://www.gamereplays.org/tiberiumalliances/portals.php?show=page&name=interview-with-frank-klepacki
  19. I raise you: http://youtu.be/MyDJIWyUA_I http://youtu.be/uYQ1GZp3QBg And, what's more, actors are bad at acting like they like acting for video games in interviews http://youtu.be/mDXoLfq00BM
  20. Yep. May have to do with the TW grenadier animation seen at 1:13 here: http://youtu.be/98iZxISSR9M?t=1m13s
  21. Is it from the original CDs, The First Decade or The Ultimate Collection?
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