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Everything posted by X3M
Ugh. I have seen the gameplay. Its disencouraging to say at least. Everything so far seems to be melee units. You need to control the nuke through a form of domination. 2 nukes and you win. Upgrades on units. I wonder how that will turn out. It is only avaiable in the U.S. so far I know. So no game for me.
I played KKnD 1 in the good old days. Imho so much better than 2. But it died with the computers getting better. I think the same thing happened to KKnD2?? If one of the 2 relives. I will take part of it again.
Position 3 has a bad spot. Either put some tiberium in its backyard. Or remove the position. Position 0 has the best spot. Look at all those blossom tree's. And only 2 choke points. 4 and 5 will be fighting, 2 and 3 will be fighting. Where is 1? I think that if you make this a 4 player map and shift a bit the balance in tiberium and blossom tree's. Then this map is good to go.
That map looks good since it is random. It is new and shows interesting terrain. The only issue that each new map has is the balance. Which is needed for fun. I think suggestions for modifications should drop in for that map. I got some. But await others first.
Other games don't really fit into c&c. This is because of the game mechanics in general. Often, the map is intended for the balance that the armies have. Maybe the dune series can have some input. They are mechanically the same.
Maybe a chem check box for all the suggestions that he suggested. Just one ini that is changed.
Henceforth the scouting. Who cares about the details. You can't order your orca's to move deep into the shroud. Or else you could scout with them as well.
The crates could be modified too. Have them do certain power ups. But not bad stuff like explosion on dying and such. I don't like the crate in my opponents base to contain that commando that I immediately can use to kill CY etc. Isn't it easy to just give everyone one A10 with the comsat? And make it slower too. So it is really just for annoyance purposes. One thing that I dislike about the A10 is that it scouts too.
Well, if you don't like my suggestion. You could also go for DTA. Where you can build up to 3 A10 planes for an airstrike. But all those suggestions. Isn't it better if you start making a mod yourself?
Open RA has these things. Have fun.
Funny how everyone has anti infantry on a lower group number then anti tank.
Who else places the commando's under 7?
If they are going to make a new RTS. I think that they could simply use the engine from C&C3. Make more realistic graphics. And place a Dune world in it. You could get a remastered EbfD with proper builds and proper RPS. It would actually fit.
Sometimes i split up my buggies from my bikes when i see medium tanks with infantry support. Air is always a group on itself. My apc is a group and the engies in it is another group. When I use all strategies at once. I guess i have 5 groups. Maybe a 6th for my steamroll group.
C&C3 is indeed one of the best games out there. The rps was kepts so simple that the game plays almost perfectly. I think that EA games has a better chance with c&c dawn. That plays like the mobile version of dune2. Also check out projectY for good control. Another Good example would be Warfare Inc. It plays like the mobile version of Dune 2. Just placing suggestions.
This comment to the power of 2.
I don't think that GDI has a right advantage. Other than that. Great to see a new 1v1 map popping up. Don't put an island in the sea if it isn't accessable over land. That kind of games are considered unfair or even lame by a lot of people. How about having a land path from down right to the island? Players could base creep to the island. And it could be filled with somewhat tiberium. Not a jackpot. But decent to invest in. A return of perhaps 150 percent on top of the 100 percent investment.
I find Blistering sands 2 a good map to compare these strategies. .... except for the top left position.... Yet he took it so good that top left.
Ffa games. Maps with at least decent tiberium.
I asked PhD what he did as build. Because everyone knows that he has a massive medium tank army on short notice. This is what he told me: pow, bar, ref, ref, ref, pow, WF, WF. After that, I guess he goes a couple more ref before making the third WF. But the thing is, with such a big army of medium tanks. I find it weird that 2 WF build after the 3 ref, can push out so many tanks. It feels like, he has them early. PS. he has grenadiers running all over the place with just one (or two) barracks. He builds no humm-vee's at all.
I watched it. I am always curious about what abuse is possible in games that I once played. Also, the response of the victims (which in this case is great).
Td winter maps are my most favorite of the whole franchise.
Be a shepherd. Cluster those bazooka together. Now a simple apc to rush in with some flamers or a ssm-launcher will do. Just one apache attacking their WF on a regular basis will force him to build bazooka around his WF. (Unless agt are his way). Nuke'm. An apc with flamers might work here too. Simply have those flamers grouped if you wish to kill the WF first.
AchromicWhite gets it! Regarding group attacks that is. I am used to have 3 groups with this when all warmed up. Although infantry are indeed hard to select on high resolutions. Tanks are easier. I do this a lot more with GDI vs GDI tbh. It is also more common and more cost efficient. How many apaches are needed to kill a tank?
Have 1 apache per group assigned. Then when you see a squad of infantry. Simply go by the numbers on your keyboard and select targets. 8 grenadiers? 1 and target a grenadier, immediately 2 and target another grenadier, immediately 3 and target another grenadier, etc. You have them fly in 1 by 1. But in very short succession. If no AA is present, you can go back to 1 and target more. The infantry will be sitting ducks. Bazooka, if a few. Are obviously targeted first by this method. But if there are a lot, if would not recommend this. When all infantry are gone in the "unprotected" force. The soft targets are next. humm-vee, apc and lastly the medium tank. When a MRLS is present, have several apache's work together. I think 4 can do the job without losing one. But this needs to be tested. More MRLS will manage to kill 1 or more apaches. I would not recommend doing this when there are more then 3. When a Mammoth tank is present. You will not target it, and if infantry are around it like engineers or a commando. Only then it is worthwhile risking or losing your apache. Guard towers are extremely weak against buggies. So 5 buggies or 1 apache, the choice is simple. But if by land is blocked, you need a couple of apaches still to do the job. But this situation is extremely rare.