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Everything posted by X3M

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylH8atjPGaU
  2. I think because it is glitching as hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgUu9drbVc8
  3. Blazer, Regarding topic 5. I think that you need to consider the true $ ratio's. And include more advanced commands like attack+move. Also, revert the role's. 120 apocs vs 175 prisms. Then 175 prisms against 120 apocs. Other then that. I am happy someone is putting up those kind of video's.
  4. When you are hungry, drink a glass of water. Rinse and repeat. Do not eat more than a normal person would. Only eat a bit more if you start training. Your trainer can tell you how much. Stay away from Sugar, and fat. and Sugar replacements are even worse. If you are a meat eater, replace every meat with fish. Build on your self esteem. Ignore any rude comment, you know what you are already. So it has no use to listen to people who tell you what you are. That is all there is to it. But I know it is said in a simple manner. So, work on your willpower to actually have this simple solution to become a reality.
  5. Ever occurred to you that you can say no, and simply press the leave button? If noobs want to play money maps, let them. I tell them, I find these maps boring. Even though I play on them on a regular basis my self if I really have no patience. A buggy or apache rush fixes most games for me any way And if they complain about that, I tell them to host a map where I need to search for them instead.
  6. As far as I got. Huray! Clearly, I can feed myself. But I understand if others need a step by step check list. Now I got to work though. But Sunday will be a Funday. That is, if anyone is around in that server.
  7. The answer to that is simply a question too. Why hang out with the rotten? If you show that kind of attitude to someone who stopped looking years ago. And never heard of a "new" place like that simply because there was no need to. So many other things to do. I once again say that your community stays small. I said in the previous post that I would find out soon enough. That means that there is a time and date for things. But that spoonfed comment makes someone like me go 180 degrees. Back to work to earn money and do FUN stuff instead. And guess what, a big part of this world is like that too. Now, I am going to take a look. I am sure there is some fun there.
  8. I'll give it a try then when I got some free time. And so should the topic starter. What if I don't own kanes wrath. But only C&C3? O well, I guess I will know soon enough.
  9. It is a tldr story of why we never played. Keep in mind, different country, different (unwritten) rules. We only had LAN parties for Westwood games. We went with what did work. And that where Blizzard's RTS. The path of least resistance. 5 years ago, I tried with C&C3. But found nothing that worked for me back then. So it ended up in the drawer. So, if you say that c&c online works. I might try that.
  10. Why not? I like the game a lot (more options then Sun). And cncnet has proven to be a great start for the other games. And I am sure others agree with me. Of course I have said, asap. But we all know that that might take years, due to legal reasons. Not trying to hijack the topic.
  11. IMHO, as soon as it is possible to do so on cncnet. Please do so. Because I like this game very much.
  12. Ah yes. EbfD. It lacks macro. Why? Because they wanted to enhance micro. But failed IMHO. Besides, money was practically infinite. While building an army was as slow as possible. If this game is ever going to see the light, it has to be rebuild from scratch.
  13. I never tried. Can you use !seen in a chat box? If so, chat with yourself. No kicking.
  14. Change one thing at a time and test it. Or else you get lost in your own adjustments. Keep a log for your changes. The "what has been changed". And "why it has been changed". So you can always track back to a previous point that felt better. I know that jedi curve. In my eye's, it is applying imbalance, in a rather balanced way.
  15. Some do! Most don't. So mod ahead. Personnaly, most are shouting the same thing. MRLS, stronger or cheaper. And certainly sooner. When I modded my C&C. The MRLS was open with the normal radar. And it had +2 range. Notching more, notching less. Bazooka infantry +1 range. Factory had twice the health. That's it! APC and MRLS should be able to stay with NOD imho.
  16. Well... yeah. But what would you select as the worst C&C3 unit?
  17. If we are going to nitpicking on C&C3 units. Then I select the buzzers. Man, are they weak in light of their purpose.
  18. Awesome! Does it work like you mentioned before? Or did you have to try something else?
  19. Co-op maps of various degrees, could work well.
  20. Just like Berserker/Ranger sight range upgrade. The limpet drone has its uses in fog of war. Only then you use it. If fog of war is disabled. Than it is indeed the most useless unit around.
  21. Mobile Stealth generators are 10 times more usefull. You simply don't know their location. Perhaps if the shroud remained, while the gap generator is on the move. That would be really annoying to enemies.
  22. Any unit in C&C4. But if I where to pick one form the games that I played. I pick on from Tiberian Sun. Where indeed most units show a lot of uselessness. And the number 1 useless unit there would be the Nod Buggy. I prefer using the devils tongue or other infantry, for dealing with infantry. Why the Nod Buggy? As said before, there is a better choice for its purpose. The limpet drone is more useful to me too (I play with fog of war) Now, regarding the RA series. The thief. I don't play noobs that store a lot of money. And regarding the Dune series. It is obviously the Saboteur. Since in 3 out of the 3 games. It sucks.
  23. Didn't know about the tanks dying by hard code. Just let us know, if it worked.
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