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  1. didnt forget just didnt include in this mix up, itll prob be in next month's perhaps we should look at having slightly less maps
  2. The constant available update message has been there for ages. I believe dkeeton done an update one time a few month back and we have had the message since.
  3. Should mabye show the difference in attacking groups aswell as singular units, although the ifv looks better than the flak in your video, when its multiple air unit's flaks are more effective due to the flak 'splash' damage.
  4. Not quite, latof dominated ra2 for a long time even against marko.
  5. Because hes qming as Yuri? Wtf u talking about lol
  6. ? woohoo i got a vote! Anytime! Get on for games sometime ?
  7. I dont think theres a best player ever, however i think Tomislav is probably the most succsessful player i know of (in terms of ranks/accomplishments)
  8. Maps Soviet Allied Yuri Amazons Delta * * Mirror Bull Run * * Mirror Caverns of Siberia * * * City Under Siege * * Mirror Cold War (No Barrels) * * Mirror Coldest Peak * * * Country Swing * * * Deadmans Ridge * * Mirror Death Valley Girl * * Mirror Defcon 6 Mirror Mirror Mirror Depth Charge * * Mirror Desert Island * * Mirror Divide & Conquer * * * Dry Heat * * * Dustbowl * * * Face Down * * Mirror Glowing Waters * * Mirror Golden State Fwy * * * Hail Mary * Mirror * Hammer & Sickle * * Mirror Heartland * * * Heck Freezes Over (No Gems) * * * Heck Without Lamez * * Mirror Hidden Valley * * * Isle of War * * Mirror Jungle Of Vietnam * * Mirror Let there Be Fight * * Mirror Loaded Barrel * * Mirror Meat Grinder * * Mirror Montana DMZ * * Mirror Morningtide * * Mirror New Hieghts * * Mirror North Waves * * Mirror Offense Defense * * Mirror Official Tournament Map B * * Mirror Pacific Hieghts * * Mirror Paris Revisited * * Mirror Poltergiest * * * Proving Grounds * * * Reconcile * * * Sahara Mirage * * Mirror Sea Of Isolation * * Mirror Snow Valley * * Mirror South Pacific * * Mirror Soveriegn Land * * Mirror Stormy Weather * * Mirror The Path More Travelled By * * Mirror Tiger Bay * * Mirror Tour Of Egypt * * Mirror Tsunami * * Mirror Urban Rush * * Mirror Yin-Yang * * Mirror
  9. Secret lab gives u a random special unit/structure e.g. terrorist/deso/demo truck/tank destroyer/grand cannon etc.
  10. Here's March's list which was the most active month of QM so far. March 2018 Map List Map Allied's Soviet Yuri Dune Patrol * * * Dry Heat * * * Offense Defense * * * Heartland * * * Montana DMZ * * * Country Swing * * * No Wimps * * * Dustbowl * * * Hidden Valley * * * Divide and Conquer * * * Caverns of Siberia * * * Double Trouble * * * Heck Freezes Over (Y/S/A) (1 vs 3) * * * Coldest Peak * * * Sahara Mirage * * * Snow Valley * * Mirror Official Tournament Map B * * Mirror Jungle of Vietnam * * Mirror Tour of Egypt * * Mirror May Day * * Mirror Depth Charge * * Mirror Roundhouse Kick * * Mirror Yin-yang * * Mirror Death Valley Girl * * Mirror Stormy Weather * * Mirror Morningtide * * Mirror Pirate Bay * * Mirror Meatgrinder * * Mirror Hammer and Sickle * * Mirror North Waves * * Mirror Paris Revisited * * Mirror Face Down * * Mirror South Pacific * * Mirror Bull Run * * Mirror Strobe * * Mirror Blood Feud * * Mirror Valley of Gems * * Mirror Thin Ice * * Mirror Tsunami * * Mirror Lowlands * * Mirror City Under Siege * * Mirror Ice Age * * Mirror Lakeside * * Mirror Heck Freezes Over TvT * * Mirror Heck Freezes Over BvB * * Mirror Heck Freezes Over RvR * * Mirror Heck Freezes Over LvL * * Mirror New Height's * * Mirror River Rampage * * Mirror Sovereign Land * * Mirror Twin Peaks * * Mirror Ground Zero * * Mirror Golden State Valley * * Mirror Lake Blitzen * * Mirror
  11. ZiGZaG

    Map Renderer?

  12. That's the version that is in xwis.mmx, unless you have another version somewhere that's the one we'll be using.
  13. Yea so i see, ive got the correct one now, should be swapped shortly.
  14. YellowStone will only show once now. Whats different on glowing waters? I took it directly from xwis.mmx
  15. It wasnt 'a way to get my way' it was a way to get general public opinion on the matter. Sure ill open it back up.
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