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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. There seems to be something off with the custom maps. I started two matches on two custom maps, and both times only the first AI (out of five AIs) would build something.
  2. One last request: I think the "CC" folder also contains missions in .exe files. Could someone extract those too. That'd be great.
  3. In this case, go with a clean install of the original release with the latest official patch.
  4. And this is why you don't just blow up your base after you finish a mission. GDI Mission 5: Defend Crash Site
  5. Funny enough, it works with Zero Hour, where that value is defined on the .config file. Maybe Generals just doesn't allow for this to be changed in general (no pun intended).
  6. It's generally recommended to install TDR over a fresh, unmodded install of Zero Hour. Which version of Zero Hour do you have? Original release, Deluxe, TFD, Ultimate Collection?
  7. I found my DOS version. Runs fine, save games work. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  8. Now before I hunt down CDs of the original unpatched RA1 release*, is there a way to get the RA1 DOS version going with DOSBox? Or does it need to be modified? *They seem to go for something like £3 without box and manual on Amazon, which is cheaper than I expected - provided those are actually original discs and not a later re-release.
  9. It's another nuclear convoy mission, but at least we have a full base and medium tanks this time. Allies Mission 7: Siberian Conflict #2: Trapped
  10. Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (2x, 16GB total) MSI AMD Radeon R9 390X 8GB Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
  11. Looks like I need the original unpatched DOS version for that... Thanks for your help!
  12. I see. Could you uploaded them here? I'll give it a shot in the DOS version - I think I have pre-Counterstrike DOS RA1 somewhere.
  13. I got my hand on an old unofficial mission CD for Red Alert called Perfect Alert. The CD has 100 MP/skirmish maps which can be installed by copy-pasting them into the RA folder, but it also has five single-player missions. However, I can't even find the files for those missions, and I'm not sure how to install them. Being from 1997, the installers don't work on a modern OS. Here is the content of the CD. I'm not as tech-savvy as some of the folks here, so any help is appreciated.
  14. Do you see all those fancy tanks? They'll be gone as soon as the next mission starts. GDI Mission 4: Secure Crash Site
  15. Nevermind, the issue just fixed itself for no apparent reason. Also, damn Generals still looks sweet in high-resolution with proper zoomout.
  16. Now this mission was frustrating (so frustrating it got its own thread). I eventually managed to do it, but basically only because I knew that map and convoy routes by heart. Allies Mission 6: Siberian Conflict #1: Fresh Tracks
  17. So I managed to get Generals running in 1440p - actual 1440p, not stretched 1080p. However, I have issues doing the same for TDR. I can change the resolutions settings in the options.ini and they remain changed, but the game is always launched in 1080p. Is that due to the launcher?
  18. He probably means the first Sarin Gas mission, where that is indeed the best strategy.
  19. As per title: When I set DrawEntireTerrain to 'Yes', I can't start the game. Any reason why? I wanted to change that because I changed the camera height and now get "empty" space at the edge of the screen.
  20. But a high degree of realism is a staple of the C&C franchise! Okay, not really.
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