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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. It's time to go to Colorado and get back the Air Force Academy the Soviets took over. Remember how many missions it took in the first Red Alert to get planes? Not here. Allies Mission 2: Eagle Dawn This mission is surprisingly difficult to complete under par time considering that it's only the second mission of the campaign. Then again, the par times for RA2 are all over the place, with plenty of missions that can be completed in 30 minutes or less - but have a par time of 50+ minutes.
  2. I will LP all C&C main games, promise. I'm not sure when I'll do TS, though, the reason being that I did a coop LP for RA3. So I will either do TS after RA2 and give RA3 the Tuesday or Thursday slot, or the other away round.
  3. Welcome to Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, the last C&C main game developed by Westwood before C&C Renegade (albeit with a different team). Red Alert 2 is probably one of the most popular C&C games. I certainly like it a lot and think that it has some critical improvements over Tiberian Sun. But enough talk, here's the first Allied mission: Allies Mission 1: Lone Guardian
  4. Here we go: The very final mission of Red Alert! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcMnmUNarTw Until I play the secret ant missions, the add-on and the other add-on, that is.
  5. I'd love to help, but I have never ever scripted anything for Generals.
  6. Here is the last Chronosphere mission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19VWiRSrOCc Alternative link. it's also the game's penultimate mission. After this, only the invasion of England remains.
  7. Do you have plans to include the full campaigns at one point?
  8. It requires Generals and Zero Hour. Making it standalone would probably be legally dodgy. Back in ye olden days, Generals required quite some GPU/RAM power. I could only run it with all the bells and whistles (and no big FPS drop) when I got a new machine a couple of years later. I'm not sure whether the Sergeant optimised it further.
  9. This may very well be the most stable Generals full conversion mod. I haven't had a single CTD yet and no significant FPS drops. Shockwave and Contra have more issues, though I think at least Contra is still in development.
  10. Here's the second mission where we try to get our hands on the Iron Curtain. This mission was broken in some RA1 version and could only be finished by destroying all blue units, but thankfully, not for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tUQBZfIlS0 Alternative link.
  11. Against groups of infantry, AGTs do pretty well - provided you actually face infantry,
  12. I wish he wouldn't chop his LPs into 17-minute bits. I'll give his channel a shot, though.
  13. Yes. After the first start, the Allies steamrolled me, so I just re-did that part. I didn't want to re-do the commentary, though, so I just took the first part from the old recording.
  14. Finally: Mammoth tanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skytypV-2qY Alternative link.
  15. Today we have to liberate some prisoners (probably war criminals)... which means we get those magical C&C engineers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc1n3DVvwLA Alternative link.
  16. Here's the whole thing all over again, but with more planes and less choppers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxn5oKN34sg Alternative link.
  17. A bug in GDI mission 5: The Nod units that attack the offmap Abrams tanks at the beginning of the map i.e. they are standing at the southern edge of the map and shoot into the blackness.
  18. Oh, those cruisers. Damn are they cheap! Also, only five missions left!
  19. I think what he meant is that they feel exactly the same despite the maps being slightly different. The other redundant missions have more variety e.g. the bridge mission has different starting units (like the artillery), the first Soviet lorry mission has the Allied base at different positions, and Tanya's Tale has very different map layouts.
  20. Is there such a thing? The C&C Wiki lists each mission with a name, but Gamepspy seems to have different names for missions with more generic names (e.g. "Capture the Control Centres"). So where do the mission names come from? Are the in the game files? Or in the strategy guide?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE90qSXJqrM This isn't exactly my favorite mission. The map is designed to make maneuvering as obnoxious as possible, and the edges of the map feel really artificial here. Alternative link.
  22. I suppose the walls offended them in some way. XD
  23. Just how many lorries do we have to babysit throughout this game, and why are we transporting valuable equipment through enemy territory AGAIN? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHzZLPiqGzI Alternative link.
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