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Big problem with CNCNET's RA2 / YR ore grow algorithm.
McPwny replied to CCCP84's topic in Red Alert 2
this thread has become a shitpost. someone just make a map with some ore drills in it, load it on the cncnet client, set the game speed to max, and see if the ore grows/spreads. If it does spread and grow, nothing has changed; and if it doesnt grow and spread, something is broken. -
this map was something i started after making the map 'einstiens daydream', but never really finished. its a survival map but you start with only engineers, and there are tech buildings you can capture that will let you build special units. the units themselves spawn onto the map when you call them. literally all player buildings, units, and superpowers are mods. its a crazy map and ,because of that, people often pussy out mid-game. anyways, i am disappointed in how often people pussy out of it and am dumping the finished map here. maby later i will compile a preview gif file. EDIT: here is a preview of some of the gameplay GigamodV1.map
i guess i am a little confused about what you are trying to do; infdeath 9 does nothing more than play an animation, in artmd.ini this animation has a tag that spawns the(first and only) infantrytype listed under "AnimToInfantry=". you cant really separate the animation from the effect without changing art.ini. (this is also how virusdeath works but it spawns a particlesystem instead of an infantrytype). it also means that you can just straight up attach infdeath=9 to any weapon fired by a unit owned by a house and it should play the anim that spawns the unit. the unit will take the house of the firer, so i dont really understand what the workaround is for. but to answer your question about the particle system (which will almost definitely not transfer the players house), assuming that the gas particle system is set up right, a reason that the warhead might not be firing could be that the warhead isnt listed. make sure that the warhead is listed under the [Warheads] list in your mapside .ini file. EDIT: the EXCEPT_CNCNET file is the file i need to debug crashes
i would like to know if you find any crashes you can identify or replicate; ive played it many times and the only crash i know of is the one caused by not assigning all of the slots. you can leave any of them empty. anyways, thank you. i didnt really think anyone plays my maps
Big problem with CNCNET's RA2 / YR ore grow algorithm.
McPwny replied to CCCP84's topic in Red Alert 2
well i thought "maby they patched it" since you were insisting that theres nothing wrong w ith it, so i went and checked again. kind of wasted my time since its still broken. this gif is probably 15 or 20 minutes of ingame time. the last one was about 2 as for what CCCP was saying about the commented bits in rules.ini; those are there because there were extra types of tiberium (ore) leftover from the tiberian sun engine, and the devs were thinking about whether or not they want to add more than 2 kinds of ore. i am almost certain this bug has nothing to do with rules.ini -
Big problem with CNCNET's RA2 / YR ore grow algorithm.
McPwny replied to CCCP84's topic in Red Alert 2
you can see from the gif that thats not whats happening. it is putting out only a small layer of ore and not stacking like its supposed to. ore is also supposed to spread at a really really slow speed, but i didnt test for that. -
Big problem with CNCNET's RA2 / YR ore grow algorithm.
McPwny replied to CCCP84's topic in Red Alert 2
can confirm that the ore doesnt grow properly anymore i wonder what in the world they could have done to break the ore -
tbh the yr music is trash and they would be dumb not to use the ra2 music if they can. i remember the first thing i did after installing yr on this computer was to patch out that crappy annoying yr music and patch in the ra2 stuff via xcc and editing the music ini file
he has made 15 edited versions of every map anyone else has ever made, and people cant delete maps... so yeah. just try joining a surv game and asking the host if they have any not-missing maps at all once. Yes.
sloppy codes make crashes tbh
its an ini mod made by a guy who calls himself 'MISSING'. its been copy and pasted into hundreds and hundreds of maps and every single one of those maps is chalk full of internal errors and recon errors. you will probably never beat one. http://mapdb.cncnet.org/search.php?game=yr&age=0&search=missing heres a list of all of them on cncnet
its hard to find 8 players so people dont play it a lot. prism tanks had a big advantage over any soviet tanks in taking down the towers, i think. pretty cool, though
theres a whole bunch of harvester controls in rules.ini like TiberiumShortScan=, TiberiumLongScan=, HarvesterTooFarDistance=, ChronoHarvTooFarDistance=, and HarvestersPerRefinery=, you can try playing with in the map ini to get better results.
i dont know what the source code is, i just make maps you can make this happen by adding this: [Battering] InfDeath=9 and you can even change the infantry it spawns by changing [General] AnimToInfantry=BRUTE but it will always show the genetic mutator animation without being able to change artmd.ini in maps it would be nice if the cncnet devs did things to make their client more mod friendly, or even more user friendly (why in the hell can users not delete map files they have been shared??), but im pretty sure no one is in charge of the cncnet client anymore
your right about the oil derrick thing, which is a really bogus and exploitable bug. i tried a few things but i cant fix that the mcv captured by yuri thing isnt a bug though, the reason they made it like that was because you used to be able to cap a conyard with yr prime, undeploy the mcv, and redeploy it and it would now be your building without being mind controled
changing the damage should be all it takes because there was a change in logic to make 'damage=' on mind control weps to mean 'mind control amount' between ra2 and yr. if not, clone the normal yuri wep and change the range= and rof= to make it the same as that old yr prime wep ive never even heard of the oil derrick thing before, is it a ra2 and yr or just ra2 mode bug? does the building's animation stop after being chronod?
you can can if you add this to your map: [SuperMindControl] Damage=1
[TeslaFragment] is already in the game, its used on shock trooper's elite weapon. to answer both your questions Yosef, the only way to attach an animation to a projectile like that is through art.ini, which i cant port to map files. just like the 'making enemies into zombies' thing. it could be done through genetic mutator logic if i could edit art.ini. the only thing you can do with JUST rules.ini is give warheads "Infdeath=9" and they will turn into brutes (or whatever AnimToInfantry= is) while i am posting, i made another mod-map compatible lightning unit: an artillery that deploys into a defense that sends out aircraft to attack with a storm weapon. [Particles] 24=HugeSpark 25=CloudParticle [ParticleSystems] 15=HugeSparkSys 16=CloudParticleSys [XCOMET] EliteSecondary=STORMAIRBURST [AircraftTypes] 13=STORMRIDER [AMBU];these two are the unit that deploys and calls the storm planes UIName=STT:EMPTY Image=LPST Name=Storm hub (mobile) Prerequisite=GAWEAP Strength=500 Category=AFV Armor=light DeployTime=.022 TechLevel=5 Sight=8 Speed=6 CrateGoodie=yes Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=2500 Soylent=2500 Points=25 ROT=5 Crusher=yes Turret=no IsSelectableCombatant=yes Explosion=EXPLOLB VoiceSelect=GenAllVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenAllVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenAllVehicleAttackCommand DieSound=GenVehicleDie MoveSound=GrizzlyTankMoveStart CrushSound=TankCrush Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Normal ThreatPosed=10 DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys SpecialThreatValue=1 ImmuneToRadiation=no ImmuneToPsionics=yes Size=6 ;4 ride for the price of one Insignificant=no Trainable=yes VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF PipScale=none Spawns=STORMRIDER SpawnsNumber=1 SpawnRegenRate=1200 SpawnReloadRate=200 Primary=DefuseKit Secondary=HornetLauncher IsSimpleDeployer=yes UnloadingClass=FTRK DeployFire=yes DeployingAnim=none OpenTransportWeapon=1 SelfHealing=yes [FTRK];these two are the unit that deploys and calls the storm planes UIName=STT:EMPTY Image=SONIC Name=Storm hub (mobile) Prerequisite=GAWEAP Strength=500 Category=AFV Armor=light DeployTime=.022 TechLevel=-1 Sight=8 Speed=6 CrateGoodie=no Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=2500 Soylent=2500 Points=25 ROT=5 Crusher=yes Turret=no IsSelectableCombatant=yes Explosion=EXPLOLB VoiceSelect=GenAllVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenAllVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenAllVehicleAttackCommand DieSound=GenVehicleDie MoveSound=GrizzlyTankMoveStart CrushSound=TankCrush Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Normal ThreatPosed=10 DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys SpecialThreatValue=1 ImmuneToRadiation=no ImmuneToPsionics=yes Size=6 Insignificant=no Trainable=yes VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF Spawns=STORMRIDER SpawnsNumber=1 SpawnRegenRate=1200 SpawnReloadRate=200 Primary=DefuseKit Secondary=HornetLauncher IsSimpleDeployer=yes UnloadingClass=AMBU DeployFire=yes OpenTransportWeapon=1 SelfHealing=yes [STORMRIDER];this is the storm plane itself Image=ASW UIName=STT:EMPTY Name=stormrider Secondary=ASWCollision Strength=75 Category=AirPower Armor=light Spawned=yes TechLevel=-1 Sight=2 RadarInvisible=no Landable=yes MoveToShroud=yes PipScale=Ammo Speed=16 PitchSpeed=.9 PitchAngle=0 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance Cost=500 Points=20 ROT=3 Ammo=1 Crewed=no GuardRange=30 Explosion=KTSTLEXP MaxDebris=2 VoiceSelect= VoiceMove= VoiceAttack= VoiceFeedback= DieSound= CrashingSound=OspreyDie ImpactLandSound=GenAircraftCrash Locomotor={4A582746-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Fly MovementRestrictedTo=Clear ThreatPosed=10 DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys AuxSound1=IntruderTakeOff AuxSound2=IntruderLanding ImmuneToPsionics=yes ImmuneToRadiation=yes VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER EliteAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,SELF_HEAL,FASTER Primary=STORMBOMBERGUN ElitePrimary=STORMBOMBERGUNE [STORMBOMBERGUN] Damage=10 ROF=10 Range=5 Projectile=STORMPROJECTILE Speed=70 Warhead=STORMCLOUDMAKERWH Report=WeatherStrike Burst=1;2 [STORMBOMBERGUNE] Damage=10 ROF=10 Range=7 Projectile=STORMPROJECTILE Speed=70 Warhead=STORMCLOUDMAKERWH Report=WeatherStrike Burst=2 [STORMPROJECTILE] Arm=2 Shadow=no Ranged=yes AA=no AG=yes Image=none ROT=100 SubjectToCliffs=no SubjectToElevation=no SubjectToWalls=no Airburst=yes AirburstWeapon=STORMAIRBURST [STORMCLOUDMAKERWH] CellSpread=.3 PercentAtMax=.5 Verses=5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5%,5% InfDeath=5 AnimList=none Particle=CloudParticleSys [STORMBOMBERWH];this is the warhead that is actually used for damage Wall=yes Wood=yes CellSpread=1.0 PercentAtMax=.5 Verses=70%,70%,70%,80%,80%,75%,13%,13%,13%,100%,100% Conventional=no Rocker=yes InfDeath=5 AnimList=WCLBOLT1 Tiberium=no Particle=HugeSparkSys PenetratesBunker=yes [STORMAIRBURST];this is the gun that is actually used for damage ROF=40 Range=3 Speed=30 Damage=90 Report=none;GuardianGIDeployedAttack Warhead=STORMBOMBERWH Projectile=InvisibleHigh [HugeSparkSys] HoldsWhat=HugeSpark BehavesLike=Spark ParticleCap=5 SparkSpawnFrames=25 LightSize=50 OneFrameLight=true SpawnSparkPercentage=.1 [HugeSpark] BehavesLike=Spark MaxEC=1500 XVelocity=30 YVelocity=30 MinZVelocity=80 ZVelocityRange=40 ColorList=(255,255,255),(100,100,255),(100,255,100),(255,100,100) ColorSpeed=.13 [CloudParticle] Image=WCCLOUD3 MaxEC=120 Translucency=50 Velocity=1.0 Deacc=.15 WindEffect=0 BehavesLike=Smoke DeleteOnStateLimit=yes EndStateAI=60 StateAIAdvance=1 [CloudParticleSys] HoldsWhat=CloudParticle Spawns=yes SpawnFrames=1 SpawnRadius=500 Slowdown=.0085 ParticleCap=8;gs8 SpawnCutoff=1.1 SpawnTranslucencyCutoff=12.5 BehavesLike=Smoke
i made it all. if you or anyone else wants to use any of the units or hacks in my map, feel free to.
some time ago i saw a weapon in a mod map that spawns a cloud above the target and hits it with lightning, like a storm weapon. i thought this was a cool concept, but it looks stupid, and has a lot of down sides because it uses airburst logic: like being unable to shoot aircraft, being unable to use combat lighting, and being unable to have shrapnel weapons. so i made a better lightning gun of my own design, and i would like to share the code for anyone looking to make some sweet mod maps: [LightningGun2] Damage=75 ROF=80 Range=9 Projectile=LightningGun2Projectile Speed=40 Warhead=LightningGun2WH Report=WeatherStrike Bright=yes MinimumRange=3 [LightningGun2WH] Wall=yes Wood=yes CellSpread=2.0 PercentAtMax=.5 Verses=90%,85%,80%,85%,85%,75%,85%,80%,65%,100%,100% Conventional=no Rocker=yes InfDeath=5 AnimList=EXPLOLB ;KTSTLEXP Tiberium=yes Bright=yes CombatLightSize=300% Particle=LightningGun2Sys PenetratesBunker=yes [LightningGun2Projectile] Inviso=yes Image=none SubjectToCliffs=no SubjectToElevation=no SubjectToWalls=no AA=yes AG=yes ShrapnelWeapon=TeslaFragment ShrapnelCount=5 [LightningGun2Part] Deacc=.05 Image=WCLBOLT1 MaxEC=3 Velocity=1220 EndStateAI=3 WindEffect=4 BehavesLike=Smoke Translucency=0 StateAIAdvance=4 DeleteOnStateLimit=yes [LightningGun2Sys] Spawns=yes Slowdown=.03 HoldsWhat=LightningGun2Part BehavesLike=Smoke ParticleCap=7 SpawnCutoff=16 SpawnFrames=15.5 SpawnRadius=1 SpawnTranslucencyCutoff=12.5 ; and dont forget these bits: [Particles] 23=LightningGun2Part [ParticleSystems] 14=LightningGun2Sys it really does look better ingame, the gif maker had a hard time recording the quick flashes of lightning EDIT: i made a map-mod compatible tank to go with it; it has a sort of "battery" logic where it stores up and depletes an energy bar [SUVW] Image=DSHP UIName=Name:GAWEAT Name=storm tank Prerequisite=GAWEAP Strength=300 Category=AFV Armor=heavy TechLevel=5 Sight=8 Speed=5 CrateGoodie=yes Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry Cost=500 Soylent=500 Points=25 ROT=5 Crusher=yes Explosion=KTSTLEXP VoiceSelect=GenAllVehicleSelect VoiceMove=GenAllVehicleMove VoiceAttack=GenAllVehicleAttackCommand ThreatPosed=20 DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys ImmuneToRadiation=yes ImmuneToPsionics=yes Size=13 Insignificant=no Trainable=yes SpeedType=Hover Locomotor={4A582742-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=AmphibiousDestroyer PipScale=Ammo Passengers=0 DefaultToGuardArea=yes GuardRange=12 OpportunityFire=yes DistributedFire=yes Reload=60 EmptyReload=180 ReloadIncrement=30 PipWrap=6 InitialAmmo=6 Ammo=18 Primary=LightningGun3 [LightningGun3] Damage=50 ROF=10 Range=12 Projectile=LightningGun2Projectile Speed=40 Warhead=LightningGun2WH Report=WeatherStrike Bright=yes MinimumRange=3 OmniFire=yes
it is pretty tough yeah, though plenty of people beat it. it takes most players two or three tries to get the hang of it. thanks for the video by the way, YosefAnan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPTehnHm_tk
i would love to, except im going to be pretty busy since the semester just started. im glad you like it though
thats weird. ive never gotten an IE or disconnect with this map over dozens of trial runs. the only thing i can think that could possibly cause one is that one of the six player slots hasnt been filled.
ive made a new map over the course of college break, and its a bit over the top. its a three player map, two players find themself with a soviet base and one player finds themself with only einstiens lab, a radar, and a whole bunch of sweet technology. the map progresses in difficulty at a steady pace and gets pretty crazy near the end. if you make it to the end, there is a part two to the map which i will just leave a surprise. the map is about micro managing your units quickly, being smart about how you deal with each wave, and team coordination. heres a sample of some gameplay from an early beta test. Einstiens Daydream.map
you can do it by taking the attached file, playing with the numbers in a text editor, then going to FA2 →Edit→INI editing→"Insert another INI file content", put the file contents into the map, and save. you can see the changes when you make a rendered image of the map, so its pretty easy to fine tune quickly. lamps.ini