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Everything posted by McPwny
Mission Map : Weathering the Storm (Soviet mission)
McPwny replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
i tested it and can confirm that trigger action 90 fires at waypoint 0 if the trigger tells it to fire at a waypoint over 100. i dont know what causes it since ra2 is supposed to support up to 704 waypoints.. maby some arcane leftover code from TS, i know they hacked trigger action 90 so that firing it at waypoint 0 would disable the EVA voice EDIT what you say `` For a start, the AI builds bugger all, despite having the resources to do so. It simply can't see a threat. ``, do you mean it wont build a base? -
Mission Map : Weathering the Storm (Soviet mission)
McPwny replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
first turn 'ignoreglobalaitriggers' to 'yes' under basic in your map, this will make it build nothing but a few miners for units. then under [General] in rulesmd.ini you will find MinimumAIDefensiveTeams= and MaximumAIDefensiveTeams=. these need to be met or the ai will trip out and do nothing. just tick the basedefense on a few of your teamtypes AND their AI triggers and you will be all set. the AI will make the teams you tell it to with AI triggers now no problem. the last thing you need to do, if it is a campaign map, is tell the AI it can build. do this with a trigger using actions 13 and 74. add action 38 if you want but you dont need it. and just like that the AI will do exactly what you tell it to through AI triggers. take a look at this for more details about teams and scripts if you want -
Final Alert 2: Broken trigger "entered or overflown by"
McPwny replied to DoctorEvil's topic in RA2/YR Maps
the trigger isnt broken, but there are a bunch of triggers that only work with pre-existing houses which means they mostly just work in campaign maps. the -1 as the house number is kind of a hack. you could just create some invisible neutral buildings with a modded anti air gun that instantly yeet any aircraft that come near. something with an invisible projectile and a cellspread warhead would work nice. too bad the firestorm generator doesnt work in ra2 -
Mission Map : Weathering the Storm (Soviet mission)
McPwny replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
i played the map and it was pretty good for being a vanilla ra2 campaign map. i noticed that all of the enemies come from reinforcement triggers, and looking at the map, i see that there is an intricate system of triggers and local variables that bring in enemy units. the map would be a lot more engaging if the AI itself attacked the player, and it would probably be easier to script, too. -
Are these units of any use in competitive/pro games
McPwny replied to ReaperAA's topic in Red Alert 2
they teach in game design that general imbalances are what you want, as long as one thing isnt something overpowered and uncounterable. the reason being, is that the game will devolve into a meta game where the goal is to use that one uncounterable thing better than everyone else, undercutting the rest of the game's content. especially for RTS games. i have seen your proposed patch with my own eyes ravage and can only describe it as random tweaking of every damn knob and dial in rulesmd.ini. the smart thing to do would be to give very specific tweaks to the few worst offenders of the meta-game, and then after that gently tweak some of the unusable units into usability. but you know, this is a twenty year old game and all, i dont have time to pester neogrant into pushing my maps and ini mods or whatever -
Are these units of any use in competitive/pro games
McPwny replied to ReaperAA's topic in Red Alert 2
flak troopers are fine tesla troopers need speed or range or price change. they dont work how they should crazy ivans are okay robot tanks are really niche use and high liability. idk add trainable=yes or lower cost tank destroyers are pretty stupid tbh the warhead needs to be reworked tesla tanks should opportunityfire like literally every other short range tank with a turret can do. maby slight hp boost terrorists are retards and no one likes them demo trucks are fine how they are -
Is Rhino vs Grizzly (or Lasher) situation balanced?
McPwny replied to ReaperAA's topic in Red Alert 2
you arent wrong about the battlefortress thing. though battlefortresses themselves are big chonky bois that are faster than apocolypses and with guardian GI's have an obscene range of 8 x 2=16. times that by five, add a 1.2x damage modifier, and let it shoot backwards while moving, and you have the second most egregious fault in game balance. one that blatantly enough, can only be countered with rhino spam. making them also slower would be common sense, but this is just wishful thinking. -
Is Rhino vs Grizzly (or Lasher) situation balanced?
McPwny replied to ReaperAA's topic in Red Alert 2
rhinos are unbalanced which is obvious from the fact that the only counter to rhinos is build rhinos yourself. even if you tweaked the firepower/cost ratio of grizzlies, there would still be the disadvantage of needing to get more tanks in firing range at the same time to make it work. if rhinos were slower it would be more ideal, but i can hear the metafags autistic screeching at the notion of having to find a new way to play already. -
apocalypse tanks have the same speed as battle fortresses except they accelerate slower and also they have a turret which means they aim slower, too. buffing their ROT and acceleration would be good i guess, but nerfing the ROT and acceleration of battle fortresses would be even better
should be in your localmd.mix inside your ra2md.mix, like the other ini files.
you can inject any rules.ini flags into specific modified map files and play them over cncnet that way.
you can adjust a few things about the AI from rules.ini but the only way to make the AI do much of anything besides build a few more buildings than normal is to change the AImd.ini settings. cncnet will only take custom settings from modded maps, and though you can actually write this stuff onto map files, doing it gets pretty complicated and involved; moreso than changing some rules entries so yeah...
!!!!! I discovered the reason causing the reconnection error !!!!!
McPwny replied to CCCP84's topic in RA2/YR Maps
i can help you test this if you are online -
i still get recon errors with v 1.5, and it sucks because this is a great map (way better than everything on that last "map pack" they pushed not so long ago)
yeah i am having the same exact problem right now. it says theres 600 people online but i only see 20 names in the client and i cant get enough people to start a game. rip my plans to play today
yep they can add assets to the cncnet client, they name the .mix file they do it with "expandspawn", and you can see them in your ra2 folder. i made all the assets in that mix file, and their framework tiles, with the exception of the few pavement cliffs, their ramps, and some pavement 1x1 tiles. i honestly did think about making transitions from paved to normal cliffs, but i cant think of any way to do it that looks decent. as for the thing about the concrete not bonding to the paved cliffs right, it is because fa2 (and the ra2 engine both, its some weird shit), have a system where the game looks at what kind of tile each tile is, then looks at the tiles next to it, and makes a decision about how they should interact with eachother (for example pavement and paved cliffs). thats actually what LAT is about, it means "Lookup Adjacent Tile". at any rate, you can use the tiles labelled "NON-lat) to fix that problem. those corners you cant seem to fix are actually easily fixable by using the depressed tile mode (toggleable by pushing "D" in the editor), but seeing that many experienced mappers dont know about that one, i will make a walkthrough about it when i release the set. short cliffs actually have 2 inherent problems: 1) the cell directly behind them isnt impassable by default like it is for tall cliffs 2) when using the auto-level tool on them, the tiles in the hidden area behind the cliff get morphed and it causes pathfinding issues to solve both these problems, i made an impassable tile built into the short cliff backs, which you can see are red in the screenshots i guess they can be a bit obtrusive when placing sharp corners. the ts TX didnt have those backers, and it was a dumpster fire because of it. and finally, those pieces are to transition high and low cliffs together, like you can see in this picture i really appreciate you taking the time to test the tileset like this.
once i am satisfied with them, the tiles will be added to the cncnet client, presumably whenever the next update is. all i want to do now is have someone test them a bit as i try and get these stupid tunnel pieces to work properly. dont build any full-scale maps with this set though, they will probably get corrupted when i make my final changes.
you could probably place a powerplant on there, yeah. i know that the back ramps are a little weird, but its sort of a design limitation. i could have made them like in the tiberian sun terrain expansion (which doesnt include framework tiles by the way), but made the executive decision to painstakingly make these ugly overengineered things on account of 'i dont like game-breaking pathfinding errors all over the place'. please bear with them/ i also breifly considered making front and back ramps like this but they would break the game in a pretty bad way.
okay here check it out. putting these files in your ra2 folder will enable the new temperate terrain.expandmd06.mixtemperatmd.ini the things that i am looking for are: - do any of the pieces not fit together right? - do any of the pieces cause pathfinding bugs? - any other notable visual weirdnesses
what i mean by the ramp that it looks like thisbut should look like this the absence of that one impassable tile makes units which move across this ramp fail to respond to orders in a very noticeable pathfinding glich. the actual design of slopes is important to keep intact. as for the cliff thing, all cliffs in westwood maps are placed by hand, so its kind of a tradition and norm to do it like that. but yeah, being pavement cliffs and all, it doesnt really matter a lot, just because the way they were designed. oh hey by the way, i am going to do a terrain expansion for the CNCnet client's temperate theater terrain soon, how would you like to test it out before its implemented?
to be honest some of these maps look like they were made in 2 hours
Props Appearing in Final Alert/Sun But Not In-Game
McPwny replied to RadicalEdward2's topic in RA2/YR Maps
the system has a weird setup to give certain building different arts across the various theaters where different versions of the building have to be in specially named .mix files for each theater. as you claim, these buildings are available for placement in FA2's temperate theater yet are missing from the .mix file they ought to be in. looks like you found an oversight by westwood and/or the makers of FA2 -
Props Appearing in Final Alert/Sun But Not In-Game
McPwny replied to RadicalEdward2's topic in RA2/YR Maps
not all art is made for all theaters, so if you are using some weird modded, or maby old and unpatched, version of fa2 it could happen. the editor is SUPPOSED to not let you place art with the wrong theater, and i havent ever had the problem. -
i played this map with some people and they thought it was okay, but they didnt really like how there is almost no ore near the bases with it being a "first one to the middle wins" type map. its a very 'bay of pigs-esque' map i think that these nice, symmetrical, moderately detailed, balanced maps are something that everyone wants, but i also think this needs a solid re-weighting in terms of strategic layout for it to catch on as a popular map. now about the actual iso tiling of the map; i can see that these were kind of haphazardly placed and while it almost doesnt make any difference with pavement cliffs, the attention to tilework can really break or make a map. for example, you paved over one of the bottom tiles of one of the ramps (on the innermost, lower left base), and as a result of that, it caused a nasty pathfinding break. anyone to try and move any units between their base and that mach shop nearby is going to hate this. but yeah. the map stands out as having superb detail and symmetry, though i do believe that it would be more popular if you were to do a detailed inspection of the iso tiles, and re-consider the general layout after giving it a few plays EDIT: also i forgot to mention that it doesnt have an image for use by the cncnet client injected, and also that the name 'arena' is as generic as it gets; people find those things off-putting when they see it in a lobby
you would want to mod a map to change the AI; you can change/import anything from rulesmd.ini into a map, but the actual controls for which units the AI builds and what those units do is in ai.ini, which cant be ported like rules.ini. you can and would have to manually write AI triggers for the map, and its pretty technical work to do so. i did write a couple of maps last year which have modded AI, maby you and your friends would enjoy them. http://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/008dd9fd49a76b11e009c744fad80d98ebaaf2a6.zip http://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/7ff9ce7ae681fa5f0e37edaf99b804a5a9a7d3d6.zip http://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/5c351e805eebdf86f35fd9e841dd910eb5732852.zip EDIT: if you didnt know, files with the suffix 'md' are for the yr expansion, rules.ini is for ra2, rulesmd.ini is for yr. ai.ini is for ra2, aimd.ini is for yr, etc etc.