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Everything posted by McPwny

  1. sweet map. looks really good and i didnt even see any errors in it on FA2 at all. INI editing those lightposts wouldnt hurt, though
  2. nobody tell that guy he cant lose if he chronospheres an MCV directly into an invisible lightpost!
  3. just take a look through the mix files for a while. i can tell you from memory the vxls and .ini files will be in local.mix inside of ra2.mix. as for the thing about putting yr stuff in normal ra2, you can put the files in your root ra2 folder, or in a mix you make in that folder, and then write the content into both the rules.ini file, and the art.ini file.
  4. there is a yuri prime in non-yr ra2. its pretty much just a normal yuri with longer range that doesnt float or capture buildings. or it was. it looks like a change in hard code happened between the two games, and it wasnt adjusted for. [SuperMindControl] ; this is the yuri prime weapon from yuris revenge Damage=1;Number of mind control links ROF=200 Range=7 Projectile=PsychicControl Speed=100 Warhead=ControllerBuilding ;Report=YuriMindControl Anim=YURICNTL FireOnce=yes [SuperMindControl] ;this is the yuri prime one from vanilla Damage=10;Needed to be considered offensive unit ROF=200 Range=30 Projectile=PsychicControl Speed=100 Warhead=Controller ;Report=YuriMindControl Anim=YURICNTL FireOnce=yes
  5. CAWA2A, CAWA2B, CAWA2C, CAWA2D are the .INI names of the 4 'pieces' of the pentagon building. for whatever reason, they are listed as prerequisite overrides on the navy seal unit. you can build seals if you garrison the pentagon. the CA stands for civilian. buildings that start with NA stand for "Nod" and ones that GA stand for "GDI", and that system was kept from tiberian sun and was made to mean "soviet" and "allied" in ra2. the WA 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D part doesnt mean anything special. someone just decided on that name when they made the building images. the WA here means "washington", like the 'RUS' in "CARUS01" mean "russian"
  6. oh weird! something went bonk in map triggers. did you edit the map file by chance?
  7. you must be playing the original ra2 without the yr expansion in skirmish. you can enable them in skirmish by editing the rules.ini file that you will find in the .mix files in the game folder, which you can open with xcc mixer. after that you can put the extracted, edited .ini file in the game folder and it will overwrite the one in the .mix file.
  8. did you think i was just being sarcastic? no but really action 63(apply 100 HE damage at waypoint...) works just fine on high bridges...
  9. i dunno, try spawning a navy seal next to the bridge with a script to blow up the bridge and delete itself when the map starts or something
  10. i dont know if anyones ever thought of this or not, but its really bogus how theres no way to select and delete a map from the cncnet client, yet people can just press the down arrow to scroll through maps and quickly transfer dozens and dozens of undeletable maps. whats worse is that since the maps are all randomly named in the custom maps folder, there is literally no way to get rid of the masses of junk maps, short of deleting the whole contents of the folder. this is bullcrap; not only are there innumerable broken and duplicate maps circulating and congesting every single user's map select screen like the arteries of a donut addict, but its also causing people to play literally nothing outside of the few maps they know probably arent broken, meaning there are lots and lots quality maps never being played. please please please for the love of god would you add a way to delete maps from the client?
  11. even if you set war and chrono miners to "CrateGoodie=no" in a map ini file, they still appear in crates. this happens in cncnet but not in vanilla
  12. heres the map, xcc didnt want to convert it because it wasnt a jpeg or smth xcc recognized. the file size went from 90kb to 300kb by adding the image, by the way. dryheat8p(2).map
  13. what a nice map, i did a lookover of it in fa2 and found only 2 small errors in it. cliffs like this should always these little guys in them so it doesnt cause clipping and this building, which is on the top edge of the map, will leave rubble and also overlaps a cliff tile, so destroying it might cause you an IE thats it though. the map looks flawless. the shores, ramps, tiles, and details look perfect. even the back of the cliffs are clean.
  14. thats because most infantry and tanks share locomotors, like tank destroyer and gi use the same one. im not real familiar with locomotor logic, but i do know: {2BEA74E1-7CCA-11d3-BE14-00104B62A16C} water {92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} jumpjet {4A582742-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} hover {55D141B8-DB94-11d1-AC98-006008055BB5} walker (TS) {4A582743-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} subterranean (TS) i honestly doubt the problem is fixable at all, but if you are hell bent on trying to hack it, this might be worth trying
  15. also i should make a correction on the very first thing i said; the bug is caused when a unit occupies 3 cells at once during the turn frame, not 2 like it does during normal drive. someone speculated that this only happens with the "drive" locomoter, but im not going to go and do something stupid like insist something is true when i havent seen and confirmed it myself.
  16. all completely hallucinated and wrong a blatant lie using my name and also wrong wrong and wrong you pm me this when i say "prove it": and proceed to call me a "hater troll" in pms and ping me like six times... dude literally why?
  17. it makes no sense that battle fortress would be able to clear dead cells. whats it going to do? kill the shadow of the already dead unit? i wouldnt even insist on this except ive seen battlefortresses caught in dead cells plenty of times. literally everything you have said in this thread is straight up wrong and i find it suspicious.
  18. i said no such thing and furthermore i dont know why he is insisting the omnicrusher tag would even have an effect on the pathfinding glitch.
  19. uhhhhhhh i just remember seeing it in some old tiberian sun forum post on the PPM forums. has nothing to do with terrain type, map theater, or omnicrushers. and yeah, its a vehicle only thing. it can happen on any map at any time, but it happens more on hellspam survival maps for obvious reasons. https://ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=45237
  20. this bug is caused when a unit is turning at a certain angle and is destroyed at that moment. what happens is the unit, for a breif moment, takes two cells' space in the game. when the unit is destroyed, the first cell is cleared but the game still thinks the unit is in the second space forever. you cant build there and units dont even try to go around because they think the dead unit can be 'pushed' out of the way. there is no way to fix or prevent it.
  21. i dont know whats more upsetting: that someone edited a challenge map because they couldnt be assed to beat it, or the fact that people keep putting their own names on another persons map file like that.
  22. ive made another co-op map, which will probably be the last of the maps i make, as i have started college. an old skirmish map called "blood and concrete" forms the basis of this map. if you want, you can get the original here . this map is for four players, and is pretty intensive. if any of the four players die, its going to be a hell of a lot harder for the remaining players. this is not like your typical lazy "survival" map. its highly detailed, and one of the AI (actual AI) can easily tank two human players. so im pretty happy with it. i dont want to make this post too long, but ill mention it starts fast and has several map expands. further instructions will appear on the map image on cncnet EDIT: its been some months and ive had a lot of good matches with others on the map, during this time i noticed a handful of things that i went and refined. this is the refined and final version of the map. bloodandconcrete co-op.map
  23. no one really mentions this, but did you know theres a tile mode that drops all the tiles to the same level so you can look behind cliffs? press D to toggle it on and off. i should only take a few minutes to fix and you will probably notice the difference in AI immediately. great map.
  24. thats done by ini editing a map file which anyone can do, so it would be like compiling a list of leaves on the ground.
  25. i looked at this in fa2 for a while, and while the cliffs are for the most part cleanly made, theres a lot of errors hidden behind the cliffs, which is absolutely toxic to the AI. i also see some INI edits to the pathfinding of the ai, and "basesizeadd" theres also this these have to look like this, or you get ingame issues but yeah man, its a massive map with a lot of detail. very nice map. consider .ini editing some light posts and playing with the renderer, or even adding some AI triggers since it seems to be oriented for gameplay vs computers
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