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Hey guys,


I was wondering, is the 1.06cr2 the final version of the game? It's clear the new version (and future versions) of cncnet will be implementen, but is there anything else left? Are there ingame additions or fixes planned?


Just curious, thanks.

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hmm.. Who knows, but I'm hoping he's open to suggestions! Such as allowing for the changing of color schemes in multiplayer (so neutral structures are not GDI gold) or that enemy aircraft flying to the repair bay if damaged thing being optional instead of manditory in SP missions.. just to start.  Or making the CHAN trigger available in all missions just like the passive helis option.  Wish list, I guess........

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  On 7/9/2013 at 1:45 PM, DarkVen9109 said:
1.06r revision 4

I suppose you mean 1.06c r4? The "r" is kinda short for "revision" :P


And no, r4 is mostly aimed at cleaning up the current systems. Full ini modding is still kinda long-term stuff. First order of business is a full rewrite of my patch on hifi's patching system, so I got actual code of all my hacks, which I keep up-to-date instead of editing the game directly, since right now I have far too many undocumented quick fixes and other small edits in my patch, for which I never bothered to update the original code files I wrote.


Putting everything in actual code files will also make it far easier for my already-developed systems for putting the game strings in ini files, and free music adding to be ported to Red Alert.


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  On 7/6/2013 at 8:19 PM, MattAttack said:

hmm.. Who knows, but I'm hoping he's open to suggestions! Such as allowing for the changing of color schemes in multiplayer (so neutral structures are not GDI gold) or that enemy aircraft flying to the repair bay if damaged thing being optional instead of manditory in SP missions.. just to start.  Or making the CHAN trigger available in all missions just like the passive helis option.  Wish list, I guess........


i think "PassiveHelis=True" without the quotes works for Chinooks too, but never tested it. And yea i really want the CHAN trigger too, there are quite a lot of things you could use it for.


Also i hope multiplayer expands the color scheme list since we already got Silver, DarkGrey, Fire, Brown and maybe some i missed, or allow 2 color schemes like Nod but i doubt that will come true because multiplayer was never made that way

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  On 7/16/2013 at 5:59 AM, ProjectL said:

i think "PassiveHelis=True" without the quotes works for Chinooks too, but never tested it.

Uhh, the ONLY thing "passivehelis" does is making sure that the "Guard" command on helicopters isn't automatically changed to "Area Guard" for AI-owned ones. It doesn't do anything else.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 8:28 AM, Nyerguds said:

I want to see Scrin (or Kabal) in CNC95

And I want twenty million euros. We'll both just have to live without, hm?  :roll:




got nother suggestion, can we add 'air strike' to the GDI tech level 7 (highest tech), and please increase its damage it's shit, or maybe 2 air planes instead of just 1. The ion cannon is kind of usless compared to nuke so adding AS would be nice

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  On 7/18/2013 at 7:20 PM, Riseofbane said:


I want to see Scrin (or Kabal) in CNC95

And I want twenty million euros. We'll both just have to live without, hm?  :roll:




got nother suggestion, can we add 'air strike' to the GDI tech level 7 (highest tech), and please increase its damage it's shit, or maybe 2 air planes instead of just 1. The ion cannon is kind of usless compared to nuke so adding AS would be nice


C&C95(or TD) isn't really that much mood friendly, also the damage of Airstrike is random, it depends on how many planes come in, as for the Ion vs Nuke, Ion cannon is really strong compared to Nuke in multiplayer, it takes a lot of buildings(like War factory, Power plant and some others) in first hit and also killing most of the weaker tanks(buggys,bikes, actually most of Nod tanks to be clear), multiplayer Nuke is really weak and has quite big charge time but singleplayer Nuke is really overpowered which is why it's only usable once(in a mission i made but not yet published i took out the AI CY,Advanced Comm. Center, a Weapon Factory and 2 Advanced Power Plants in one Nuke)

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  On 7/18/2013 at 7:20 PM, Riseofbane said:

got nother suggestion, can we add 'air strike' to the GDI tech level 7 (highest tech), and please increase its damage it's shit, or maybe 2 air planes instead of just 1. The ion cannon is kind of usless compared to nuke so adding AS would be nice

I do hope none of these 'suggestions' of yours are serious, since, if they are, you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.


1. I don't do balancing. AT ALL. None of my patches will EVER contain ANY balance changing.

2. The airstrike is the most powerful superweapon there is in C&C. It is the only one that both has repeated use and can destroy a construction yard. It is not meant to be owned by one side in multiplayer; it is a crate bonus only.

3. the ion cannon is more powerful than the nuke in multiplayer. The nuke only does 300 damage. The ion cannon does 600.

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  On 7/21/2013 at 5:44 AM, Jacko said:

or lets keep it as it is?

I don't really want there to be an airstrike in multi because its ridiculously powerful compared to the ion cannon/nuke

This. Also, as I said, I don't do balance changes. At all.

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  On 7/21/2013 at 5:44 AM, Jacko said:

or lets keep it as it is?

I don't really want there to be an airstrike in multi because its ridiculously powerful compared to the ion cannon/nuke


Actually, it seems to be weaker as there only comes one plane. Also just some bazookas can easly destroy the bomber plane, since it seems to be less health than in singleplayer. But if you combine it with Ion Cannon or Nuke, well...


About balancing: I don't think that it should be in a fan patch. it would changes the gameplay, and if Nyerguds does this, I (and a lot of other players) would blame him forever. FOREVER! :P

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you're not far off what would actually happen (which is not up for discussion)

updates should generally be to improve the end-users view and enjoyability whilst keeping as close as possible to the original gameplay

so things like hires and extended sidebars and cncnet in general are exactly what fit into this category


although if you update so flame men don't constantly incinerate themselves I'm up for that  XD

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  On 7/21/2013 at 3:41 PM, pichorra said:


or lets keep it as it is?

I don't really want there to be an airstrike in multi because its ridiculously powerful compared to the ion cannon/nuke


Actually, it seems to be weaker as there only comes one plane. Also just some bazookas can easly destroy the bomber plane, since it seems to be less health than in singleplayer. But if you combine it with Ion Cannon or Nuke, well...


About balancing: I don't think that it should be in a fan patch. it would changes the gameplay, and if Nyerguds does this, I (and a lot of other players) would blame him forever. FOREVER! :P


pretty much everything is stronger in singleplayer lol. also the amount of planes that come for airstrike are random(in singleplayer it's usually 2 or 3, and really really rarely 1, in multiplayer 1 or 2)

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  On 7/21/2013 at 5:44 AM, Jacko said:

or lets keep it as it is?

I don't really want there to be an airstrike in multi because its ridiculously powerful compared to the ion cannon/nuke


i said for level 8.. u obviously dont play cnc online that much as I dont even see you playing ( I play everyday).

u can choose level 7 (current max tech) if u dont like airstrike. And like Pinchorra said, the amount of airplane is most of time only 1 and they are easily taken down by few rocket infantry. I don't get why people who dont even play multiplayer disagrees.


add to tech level 8 and I will report it myself that if people enjoy that level and if there will be any complain regarding ANYTHING.

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whilst technically that is a solution it would be much simpler (and better if you ask me) to keep it as crate powerup.

I have only been playing TD online recently in the last couple days but it has gone surprisingly well

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