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Terrain Expansion for RA1?


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Units, infantry, buildings and aircraft rely on a bunch of other things, like infantry animations, building animations, weapons, etc, who in turn need projectiles, warheads, animations, etc, and the chain goes on. Terrain tiles are fairly independent in that aspect. The only thing they technically link to are the theater prerequisites, but I more or less kicked those out when adding Snow, and have no intention of reintroducing them.


215 of the 254 possible values in the C&C1 terrain are already taken, though, and that can't really be changed without a change to the .bin format, since a cell's tileset ID happens to be one byte in the file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you talking about C&C95? If so I think XCC Editor uses many .xif files that should be able to be expaned on. For RA1 RAED already dose use them because I used the file names that are used for the interior maps. I put the new terrain in the current version of Red Dawn. You can get it in my sig and see for your self.

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And the Pope speaks Latin.


My point is that hex editing the map will generally be hard to impossible for most mappers, and even if they could do it, it would be very, very inefficient as far as map making is concerned (as opposed to cell replacement on a map that has already been built, which is closer to what you do). Having a template cell copy/paste function in XCC will speed up the map drawing process immensely, as it would allow the user to freely experiment with different cell combinations when (s)he wants to achieve a particular effect. Using hex editing for that would require you to close XCC, run the hex editor, replace the cell, close the hex editor, open the map up again in XCC... and just then you see if you actually managed to do everything right. And if you haven't chosen the proper replacement for the cell(s) you want changed - it's everything all over again.

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Yes, Nyer, I know, and that map is not exactly a work of art, just an excercise in hexing tiles (it's also EZ). The issues I pointed out with hex editing .bins still stand: it's slow, it's user unfriendly, it relies too much on trial and error to get it right. And if even a simple copy/paste cell function or an option to select only a single cell from the .tmp to place can be implemented in one of the already available editors, that would open up a lot of possibilities. F. ex. there are some unused tiles in TD, right? I only need to make 6 or 7 additional cells to be able to create long bridges over water. For the ~/~ bridge it's 1 cell for North, diagonal bridge over water, and 2 cells for South, with the arches and columns under the bridge. The photoshopping for this is like 30 minutes. Take the converting back and forth from different formats and some time for testing and make that an hour. You hackers can make the game read new theatres and tilesets. If you (or Olaf, or anyone) could add these options to XCC or CCMap, we mappers and artists would be able to work wonders.


P.S. On a related note, I'm experimenting with the cell replacer app. and it's working real nice, but I'm having trouble with some of the tiles. F. ex. I can't seem to be able to place tiles from the listed as 151=r16 and 152=r17 desert rivers and I'm pretty sure I tried every viable combination for their ID values. Either the IDs are flawed, or, most probably, I'm stupid (in my defence I'll say the last time I had to do anything with hex was probably about 12 years ago in highschool).

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  On 12/7/2014 at 2:26 AM, cn2mc said:
F. ex. there are some unused tiles in TD, right?

Hmm. There are a few odd purple blocks in the tiles, but besides that, I dunno. The old bibs, yeah, but those are literally missing from the game's tiles list and thus unusable ingame.


I only need to make 6 or 7 additional cells to be able to create long bridges over water. For the ~/~ bridge it's 1 cell for North, diagonal bridge over water, and 2 cells for South, with the arches and columns under the bridge. The photoshopping for this is like 30 minutes. Take the converting back and forth from different formats and some time for testing and make that an hour.

Actually, you're ignoring one very important problem there:


Bridges are over rivers. They don't actually connect to beach tiles  :roll:

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Rivers can be (and have been) easily connected with open water through selective use of only some shore and river tiles, and sometimes some cover-up terrain features added, like rocks and trees, to hide imperfections. It's quite possible to achieve in all theatres, but .tem is the best for it, as desert rivers are awkward and rocky, while winter rivers are snowy, whereas the shore tiles are not.


EDIT: By unused tiles, I meant not those tiles that are in the .mixes but do not appear in the game, I meant that the game can theoretically handle more, completely new tiles if you or someone else can make it read them. Is that right? Since TD can handle whole new theatres, I can't imagine why this wouldn't be possible.

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