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Terrain Expansion for RA1?


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Heh. I seem to recognize those rivers from certain C&C1 beta pics :D


  On 12/7/2014 at 2:16 PM, cn2mc said:

EDIT: By unused tiles, I meant not those tiles that are in the .mixes but do not appear in the game, I meant that the game can theoretically handle more, completely new tiles if you or someone else can make it read them. Is that right? Since TD can handle whole new theatres, I can't imagine why this wouldn't be possible.

It's not that simple. For adding the Snow theater, not a single extra tileset was added. The same tileset can simply be implemented for all theaters. I never added the extra RA tilesets that C&C didn't have (like water cliffs and such); I just made it match C&C Temperate. Because no map editor would contain these extra tilesets anyway.


As for how many new ones the game technically supports, well, it's not that many, actually. Due to the 2-byte "tileset ID, cell ID" structure of the maps, the maximum tileset ID is 255, and "FF" is taken up by a special case for auto-tiling clear terrain. So besides clear terrain, only 254 actual tiles can be filled in, and the game already uses 215 of those. So, 39 left.

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39 is not that small of an amount, considering you also have a winter theatre, which, if used for a conversion, can have more additional tiles (like modded snowheaps). My point was, that with several different tiny 1x1 'patch' tiles arranged in a couple of larger tilesets, one can expand the game visually in a lot of ways. F. ex., there'd be a couple of 'shore fix' tiles, which make river to ocean transitions easier. As I already said, a long bridge over open water, or a wide bridge (as in RA) is also theoretically possible. So are direct cliff to open water tiles, etc. Threads like this have shown that the actual drawing of the graphics is not an issue. For TD it comes down to A) whether these eventual new tiles (which the game can read) can be made easy to use for mapmaking in a new editor or in one of the preexisting ones, and B) if the game can be modded/hacked in order to set the correct passability for these new/replacement tiles.


Anyway, I was actually here to comment on the dam and graveyard. Really nice!

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Well, you don't neccessarily need to add all RA tiles, just add/make the ones that would be essential for what you want to accomplish. I whipped this up in good old paint as a quick proof of concept:




The shorelines are all made in xcc through the use of some overlapping of shore/bridge tiles (note, no river tiles were used). I could've made them better if I used the cell-replacer/spent time hexing, some are juuust a bit glitchy, but that's easy to cover up - either through the use of obstructing terrain features (like the boulder South of the bridge) or through slight retouches in the original graphics, which will make seemingly unconnectable single tiles connect better. The long part of the bridge was made in paint through the petterned use of the four tiles on the left, the two in green are readily available from the stock bridge itself. The two in red are the ones I made, and I'd imagina another two, three at most, would be needed for the other one. Now, here's why I mentioned rivers not being used, we can do away with those awkward rocky desert rivers. The shores are already (almost) perfect and can connect in all sorts of ways to bridges and eachother (1-2 new squares needed, tops). Next, a part of the river tiles can be converted into other shore tiles, another part can maybe be turned into concrete-lined canals for an urban setting (with the N-S and E-W fords being made into normal road crossings, etc.). The remaining river tiles and free ones, and they may not be as little as you think, can be converted to all sorts of other neat terrain eyecandy.


But, of course, we know that they can be converted, but my initial post here (from a while ago) had more to do with the poor capabilities of TD map editors, which lack a copy/paste function and do not cope properly with the 'fine-tuning' of the .bin file.

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If you want to actually insert those as extra tiles, you'd need to make one tileset of each bridge head, and one of the actual repeating middle part, just like in RA1. So, that's three extra.


And yeah, I've done all my fine-tuning manually, in a hex editor, or the Mighty CC-Scen  :D



Though XCC and cncmap cope perfectly fine with such "fine-tuned" maps, as long as you don't use the tile-overflow trick of adding extra tiles into an existing tileset file and editing the map to use those extra tiles ;)

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  On 2/24/2015 at 9:32 PM, Nyerguds said:

If you want to actually insert those as extra tiles, you'd need to make one tileset of each bridge head, and one of the actual repeating middle part, just like in RA1. So, that's three extra.


Umm. Bridgeheads already have their own tileset - the bridge itself, right? I can easily just place two bridges on both sides of a wide river, use only the few tiles of the respective bridgeheads and delete what I don't need so I can fill in the blanks with the new 'fixer' tiles, and those can be made part of another template. You are right, though, I would need not 2 but 3 new squares to make each bridge perfect (this one's missing the reflection of the rocks in the water).


Anyway, again, I know about cc-scen, hexing and whatnot, my initial post had more to do with the fact that the main map editors for TD lack functions as simple as copy/pasting or selecting a single tile of a tileset to place.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 2:43 PM, cn2mc said:


If you want to actually insert those as extra tiles, you'd need to make one tileset of each bridge head, and one of the actual repeating middle part, just like in RA1. So, that's three extra.


Umm. Bridgeheads already have their own tileset - the bridge itself, right? I can easily just place two bridges on both sides of a wide river, use only the few tiles of the respective bridgeheads and delete what I don't need so I can fill in the blanks with the new 'fixer' tiles

These "fixer" tiles would also take up a tileset ID, so what's the use of making them just the fixer tiles, and not just the whole bridgehead? ;)



Oooooo noooo I remember CC-scen from a long, long time ago... I got it from a geocities server, so it must have been before 2004 that I encountered it. Wouldn't say I liked it very much.

Well, it was the first editor they made. Gotta start somewhere, you know.  :P

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  On 2/23/2015 at 11:30 AM, Nyerguds said:

Heh. I seem to recognize those rivers from certain C&C1 beta pics :D

Exactly that's where I took my inspirations from  :D


Stuff can be played now:


A testmap + theater here:

A mission Unseen in the Mirror (pics shown below) is included to the discovert ops campaign now.



terrain4.mprFetching info...

temperat.mixFetching info...

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It's for temperate. For adding this to the jungle theater, ask Tschokky. I would appreciate it.


Nah, I like it. In some mods like Red Dawn it wouldn't be anachronistical anymore. Anyway, that structure isn't very special. Buy some planks from Ikea and mount a browning on it, you'll have a guard tower. Then fire a bazooka and it will look like on the picture  :laugh:


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  • 3 months later...

Railroads in RA!!!  :mammoth:


This is a first try made in gimp.


Real trains like in TS are more or less impossible, except a one-vehicle teamtype (with a unit with modded image) of a non-player house following a route of waypoints exactly put on the tracks, so the rails will more or less stay a landscape element...


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Iran, you got a PM.  ;)


At the moment there is a temperat.mix file (page 6 of this thread) which includes all of Allens additional things (Paved roads, Interior), all of my new template files (from the beta pictures and new stuff), some extra terrain (rocks instead ice) and the desert civilian structures converted to temperate.

- eg, more or less all new temperate tiles from this board so far  :cncsmirk:


For some new tiles I put a couple of images of smaller items into one bigger tileset. Technically that's not really proper, but effective. 8) For tracks, I've to do the same.

RA seems to support at least 6x8 tiles, maybe 8x8 is possible, so there is a lot of space.


I didn't make any tracks yet, except those on the image. I plan to do:

2 straight tracks (4x1 and 1x4, which may be used in parts)

4 track ends (each 1x1)

4 curves (3x2 ?)

1 or 2 river crossings (3x2)

2 street crossings (3x3 ?)

2 or 4 tunnel entrances (3x2; 2x3)

maybe 1 train station (at least 4x2)

(maybe diagonal straight tracks but that will be more complicated)

(maybe a train-like vehicle)

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