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Not sure if this is the right place for this post? I hope an admin sees this because people like this should be removed from this gaming environment. I am a long time player of Tiberian Sun

and just recently came to CnC.net to enjoy playing this game. Nodrescue has been harassing me for some time now and has gone way to far with his threats. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated. 


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Thanks for your reply and you are right people will loose interest for the most part. But this dude is a different breed, and finds way's  to harass me and others. My hope is to have an admin from CnC see his behavior and take some kind of action. ignoring this guy doesn't seem to be working very well. I am not the only one that he harasses but I am one that is tired of it. 

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There will always be someone out there that has nothing better to do than harass others.


I've had my share in various forums.


I had a guy who would cause problems, then get himself banned. He came back under a different name, then bragged about how they couldn't ban him. This went on under different names... before they banned his IP.


He started coming back again using different computers at different computer labs at his college. He then came back using the local library.


He would even harass others using AIM. Even when his name was blocked, he just kept coming back... bragging that he was "invincible".


This went on for a few years before he finally stopped. Whew!

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I suggest you don't "befriend" players for a while. This sad person might already be in your friends list.

If someone is constantly asking you about your personal life, you might have the one.

Speaking from experience.

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WEll well well, Nodrescue is at it again Take a look at this. This second screen shot was taken today 1/26/15. As for you TRZ, why don't you mind your own business and worry about playing the game insted of making another issue. Grow up Kid


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Unfortunately Nodrescue has always been like this and will never change. Just about everyone in the TS community knows of him, and most try to avoid him where they can. Sorry to see you have attracted his attentions.


As a related point, can I ask, as people can essentially create any login they like on CnCNet, can we be sure this is the 'real' nodrescue (Pete), or could it just be someone else trolling under his username?

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here's some more classic pete


when I work someone so bad that they can't fathom how I got em and think i cheated when I didn't

I feel flattered


I just straight up jacked you

"death from Amokk"

thanks pete!


ps he did pm me back said' ok soz'


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  On 1/28/2015 at 11:52 AM, Mole40k said:

Unfortunately Nodrescue has always been like this and will never change. Just about everyone in the TS community knows of him, and most try to avoid him where they can. Sorry to see you have attracted his attentions.


As a related point, can I ask, as people can essentially create any login they like on CnCNet, can we be sure this is the 'real' nodrescue (Pete), or could it just be someone else trolling under his username?

Could be someone else trolling under his username.


We'll be adding an (optional) nick registration system soon (it's needed for ladder authentication too).

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Anything going to get done about this asshole? Nodrecue still harassing people, here is the latest screen shot of him using a different name. I said nothing at all to deserve this from this prick. Funny how he says he never did anything to me but yet still uses the C word like in his previous messages and refers to his threats to my family.


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  On 1/29/2015 at 8:49 PM, Iran said:


Unfortunately Nodrescue has always been like this and will never change. Just about everyone in the TS community knows of him, and most try to avoid him where they can. Sorry to see you have attracted his attentions.


As a related point, can I ask, as people can essentially create any login they like on CnCNet, can we be sure this is the 'real' nodrescue (Pete), or could it just be someone else trolling under his username?

Could be someone else trolling under his username.


We'll be adding an (optional) nick registration system soon (it's needed for ladder authentication too).


Its nodrescue, http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3483.msg25041#msg25041

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