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Is the CNCnet sever cheat free?


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Just checked it out. Cant believe you already implemented it, albeit still in test phase








P.S. ye we will have to keep adding maps for the trial, since even speed mods and comp stomps are all flagged

And does anyone have 'bbg' map that had the 'silo 50k credits' trigger, give it to Funky so he can compare that to a regular 'bbg' map

Also the 'amokk' maps are gud I think, amokk if u can confirm



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Guest Mechacaseal

If it's a speed mod it should be flagged as possible cheat regardless. Mostp eople play nod on speed maps for a reason.

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  On 4/3/2015 at 12:30 AM, MrFrodo said:

Just checked it out. Cant believe you already implemented it, albeit still in test phase








P.S. ye we will have to keep adding maps for the trial, since even speed mods and comp stomps are all flagged

And does anyone have 'bbg' map that had the 'silo 50k credits' trigger, give it to Funky so he can compare that to a regular 'bbg' map

Also the 'amokk' maps are gud I think, amokk if u can confirm


i checksummed all the map pack maps

the map pack maps are not checked I started tonight

dragons lair has the silo for cash for comparison



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i remember that dragons lair when you build silo sell u get mass money.


To save u guys some time here is what i know...


mod maps that have entrys that contain speed/cost/etc mods can be added into map files via finalsun map editor with 'ini' editing or i believe sunedit2k which if i remember correctly was a more simplified user friendly unit/building editing and creating program.


I dont know the process exactly but TS reads the mod map file and any entries contained in the mod map override the original rules.ini file temporarily for that map. Its like it reads and implements any changes to original values in the mod map compared to the rules.ini and everything else that has not had their default values changed remains the same. I hope i make sense here and its easy for u guys to understand.  :)


so in the case of 'buy silo then sell get 50k', the buy silo is irrelivant.


it works like this...


There is a main entry and its sub-entries have values e.g.



Name=Dragons Lair (the map files display name)

RefundPercent=1000% (the percentage of credits u recieve of a buildings original value when that building is sold)


the way the game rules works, u would not have to build a silo and sell to gain the 50k or however much credits because their is nothing that tells the game that you have to build the silo and sell to get them it is most likely because a silo is cheap and fast to build and not an important/necessary building to keep your base functioning.


The 'RefundPercent' applies directly to any building sold.


to give u guys an example how the game rules say that something is required in order to get more tech options here is part of some rules to give you a general idea:



Name=Tiberium Refinery




The 'prerequisite' sub-entry is what is required to be built beforehand in order to aquire this option/tech. In this case, [PROC] which is the code for a tiberium refinery tells us that we require the [GAPWR] GDI power plant or [NAPWR] NOD power plant to be constructed first in order to get the refinery option available in the sidebar.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 4/2/2015 at 4:15 PM, FunkyFr3sh said:

Do those even work? And what are the default values so i can check if it was changed ?



TiberiumGrows=yes YES

TiberiumSpreads=yes YES

TiberiumExplosive=yes YES

DestroyableBridges=yes YES

MCVDeploy=no NO

InitialVeteran=no ?

FixedAlliance=no ?

HarvesterImmune=no NO

FogOfWar=no NO

Inert=no ?

IonStorms=no NO

Meteorites=no NO

Visceroids=no ?



IgnoreGlobalAITriggers=no ?

TruckCrate=no ?

TrainCrate=no ?

Percent=91 ?

TiberiumGrowthEnabled=yes  YES

VeinGrowthEnabled=no  YES

IceGrowthEnabled=yes  YES

TiberiumDeathToVisceroid=yes  YES

FreeRadar=no NO

InitTime=10000 ?


[Lighting] ?














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  • 5 years later...

I never wanted to bump this topic, sorry, but I have a question related to cheating, I made a heavily modified custom map for TS, I played offline in the official CnCNet client of TS, but I didn't try it online with someone else yet, will I get banned for playing on a modified map? My custom map changes include:

-Low cost for faction-specific structures and units.

-Infinite ammo for all units with rechargeable ammo.

-Added campaign only units for specific faction.

I'm not using cheats like custom rules.ini in the main folder nor using any trainer, I don't tolerate cheating at all, however, I wanted to make something new, like a mode where one player "cheats" and others (6 players) try to defeat player #1 (who's dominating), I'm asking this because I can't guarantee the consequence, I don't want to risk myself.

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  On 11/14/2020 at 12:00 AM, AC_0 said:

I never wanted to bump this topic, sorry, but I have a question related to cheating, I made a heavily modified custom map for TS, I played offline in the official CnCNet client of TS, but I didn't try it online with someone else yet, will I get banned for playing on a modified map? My custom map changes include:

-Low cost for faction-specific structures and units.

-Infinite ammo for all units with rechargeable ammo.

-Added campaign only units for specific faction.

I'm not using cheats like custom rules.ini in the main folder nor using any trainer, I don't tolerate cheating at all, however, I wanted to make something new, like a mode where one player "cheats" and others (6 players) try to defeat player #1 (who's dominating), I'm asking this because I can't guarantee the consequence, I don't want to risk myself.


You're fine bro! Cncnet support mods too!  Check out this topic


There is a little button (if you check this topic) that will say -warning- or -no cheats-. If there's a warning its just up to the other players to check the rules inside the map. Other then that, Funky did an amazing job on keeping it cheat free.

There are a massive amount of modded maps on cncnet man! Anyone can make their own balance and gameplay.

Btw cncnet also allows custom map preview so u can even list all required info in the image if you want to. It needs to be whitelisted first tho, and it will then also be marked as -no cheats-. See this topic


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