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You were saying gentlemen?


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Most probably the projectile spawns there indeed for tanks, and when it's a shell it looks just as if it flew out of the barrell. Can we have a few pictures of the tank firing the laser in different directions? That might give an interesting perspective on South advantage and offsets in general.

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Yes, it's really only one frame. From what I've seen, game speed doesn't even affect it.


I think the code that draws is is the same code that normally takes care of the muzzle flash... which is also just a single frame.

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I would be interested in this yeah. If the dino attack could be modified into a laser that worked on an infantry, it would be very very fitting :O Currently I have the invisible laser of terrible death.


Of course, if it fires from where the muzzle normally is, I'd have to get that moved as it would be waaay off target...



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Awesome, thanks :)


  On 7/9/2015 at 10:07 PM, Allen262 said:

Not with out changeing the lighting bolts from Tesla Coils/Tanks/Troopers and than than the "laser" is not a nice line.

Umm... since we're talking about hacking here, that's simply not true at all. This code can very probably be added to RA somehow. It'll probably take a lot of work, though.

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Um. The actual TD flame weapon logic isn't hard; as I said before, it's just a short range weapon that does quite some spread damage. There's nothing special about it.


Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't do damage between the attacker and the target; anything that makes it look that way is just spread damage, combined with the fact a weapon can't do damage to the one firing it. (This is also the reason why using flamethrowers in groups is a really bad idea; it does damage their colleagues standing around them :P)

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Yes, I know about how it dmgs them.

That's quite cool. I'd really like to know the full stats on them, then. Could be an easy way to make RA1 flamers work like TD after all... though, would need the flame 'muzzle flash'. So map based mods wouldn't maybe LOOK good (and let's be honest, that's important!)


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