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Tiberian Dawn - Need for Speed (Singleplayer)

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Started in the last millenium, the mapping mood packed me on a free hour this weekend and i finally finished this map.

It's a medium - very hard map with a lot of triggers.

This is afaik also the first singleplayer map that features an AI player without a base (and no conyard), but with a MCV which crosses the map, deploys on the other side of the map and finally builds up there the AIs base.

LKOneed4speedv2.zipFetching info...






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Small note... I notice you use a German C&C.


If you add a German briefing under [briefGer], then people with C&C95 v1.06 will get that briefing if their language is set to German. Same for NameGer=


If you do this, you have to keep in mind that the DOS ascii is different than the Windows characters though. Use the DOS 'edit' to add them to make sure any special characters get added in the correct format.

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I don't think i'll add a german briefing on this or future missions, since my missions are already now close to the 16k limit and such an additional text would let the map surely go over the limit.


In addition do those who can't read the english briefing also can't read the english forums where i posted the missions. So i doubt they will find/download them. :P


But thanks for the hint anyway.

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Well, it's not a problem if you add it to the end of the file. The 16k problem doesn't exist in 1.06, and in DOS C&C it just reads the first 16k of the ini file, so if the new briefing is behind that, it simply isn't read.


(in fact, I suspect the 16k problem never existed in C&C95 at all. I thought I changed the buffer value from 16k to 50k, but it turned out I missed a few zeroes, and it was actually MEGABYTES. Meaning C&C95 has always been able to read mission ini files up to 16 mb)

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  • 6 years later...

I just played this mission. I know I'm late to the party, but this is a great mission. Highly recommend you guys give it a try. It's difficult but rewarding when you finally do get that "Mission Accomplished" text. It felt like one of the original Covert Ops. Missions. I will be browsing for more of your missions.

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  • 4 months later...

There's no denying that I and all of the new generation of map makers owe a great debt to all of the research LKO did regarding triggers, teamtypes, etc.  It really was epic and I basically have built upon all he discovered.  And for the most part I find his landscapes really creative and appealing.  However, there really seems to be a lack of quality control on a lot of these maps.  Constant crashes, inconsistencies-- heck, there's even that map where the goal is to capture the Bio-Labs..... and they're not even capturable!!  I saw this post and figured I'd play this map again and I remembered why I gave up on it.... At first, I crashed and instantly got an error message.  Then I restarted again and it worked fine.  Then I aborted the mission to restart and got another friggin error message and gave up.  It's a shame, too because this mission looks really cool.....  I happened to SS the messages so maybe Nyer could shed some light on what they mean.  I know it's not the aircraft overload one so I'm at a loss:


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MattAttack: At which point did you get these errors? I've only had errors around that area once, and in that case it crashed in the New Missions menu itself, not during actual gameplay. The code seems to be related to drawing text on the screen, so maybe invalid characters can cause it.

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  On 10/5/2016 at 9:59 PM, Nyerguds said:

MattAttack: At which point did you get these errors? I've only had errors around that area once, and in that case it crashed in the New Missions menu itself, not during actual gameplay. The code seems to be related to drawing text on the screen, so maybe invalid characters can cause it.

It was only right as the mission started.  Strange thing is that it doesn't happen every time.  Perhaps it's because LKO seemed to design his missions with cnc DOS in mind and I've noticed there's some sort of difference in the way the briefings are formatted-- all caps, the ## doesn't seem to work, etc.

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I think the all-caps thing is a problem in XCC Editor, actually. Could be it's fixed in the later versions, mind you. IIRC, Olaf decided to convert the entire ini to upper case, because he noticed that the game could not read ini key names if their first letter was lowercase. The editor also puts the entire briefing on one line, thereby destroying the ## thing, which only works at the end of a line.


And, obviously ## doesn't work in DOS C&C; I added that with my patch (misremembering the line break symbol in RA1, which turned out to actually be "@@" :S)

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  On 10/6/2016 at 11:20 AM, Nyerguds said:

I think the all-caps thing is a problem in XCC Editor, actually. Could be it's fixed in the later versions, mind you. IIRC, Olaf decided to convert the entire ini to upper case, because he noticed that the game could not read ini key names if their first letter was lowercase.


In this instance I don't believe that is the case.  I've tested my missions in dos cnc and noticed it capitalizes all of my briefings, while they are not in c&c95

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  On 10/3/2016 at 12:45 PM, MattAttack said:

There's no denying that I and all of the new generation of map makers owe a great debt to all of the research LKO did regarding triggers, teamtypes, etc.  It really was epic and I basically have built upon all he discovered.  And for the most part I find his landscapes really creative and appealing.  However, there really seems to be a lack of quality control on a lot of these maps.  Constant crashes, inconsistencies-- heck, there's even that map where the goal is to capture the Bio-Labs..... and they're not even capturable!!  I saw this post and figured I'd play this map again and I remembered why I gave up on it.... At first, I crashed and instantly got an error message.  Then I restarted again and it worked fine.  Then I aborted the mission to restart and got another friggin error message and gave up.  It's a shame, too because this mission looks really cool.....  I happened to SS the messages so maybe Nyer could shed some light on what they mean.  I know it's not the aircraft overload one so I'm at a loss:


Yeah exactly that, I also played the mission where you can't win because of the bio lab, LKO's maps are great, but partly ruined because of crashes...

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  On 10/6/2016 at 12:28 PM, MattAttack said:

In this instance I don't believe that is the case.  I've tested my missions in dos cnc and noticed it capitalizes all of my briefings, while they are not in c&c95

Uh. DOS C&C simply doesn't have a non-caps font for that. But how is THAT relevant to anything? I thought you were talking about running the same missions on C&C95.

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