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Reviewing Tiberian Dawn Redux v1.3: Likes and dislikes? Questions and concerns?


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I am posting this to gain a review from the community of C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux version 1.3. I was scouting out many websites (via google) and forums and it seems like the Mod is not very well received and many individuals were quite dissapointed with it. It was also rumored to be boycotted due to some personal dislikes to the Mod by many individuals. I have also have seen many individuals have had many issues and errors with downloading, installing, and launching and worse, the mod is said to have bad gameplay and graphics glitches. I spent many long and hard hours trying to make the Mod almost "perfect" with beautiful graphics and stable gameplay... Where did I go wrong?


Just say what you honestly feel and details are appreciated... (non bias please)


Honesty and details help make the project better!

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Well, as I've said on moddb page where the mod is also hosted - great job, quite astonishing and unbelievable how such an old and quite buggy engine could be brought to life with exquisite graphic and sound upgrades, A.I. coding, new features, improving the old ones and many other things...all backed up with gathering of modders on the international level (feels like a GDI sponsored making of this mod :D). There are many nice things and compliments to be given to this mod, to you sgtmyers88 as it's leader and to others who participated/supported in it's creation... (for some reason I really enjoy it, even bordering sadism, when I unleash A-10 Warthogs from Task force Talon's airfileds... assault orcas are really cool... the sound and flashes of minigun and missiles from both orca, a10 and advanced guard tower are so awesome :D)


I would give it almost 10/10, but then again I really dislike zero hour, since it had lags/choppy gameplay when we compare to similar games that were out on the market at the same time as zero hour (can't remember now what was the game that had even better graphic than zero hour back in 2003, yet it was less choppy/laggy).


I have issues that sometimes the shell map will play, sometimes it won't, both for vanilla generals and zero hour (and mod too), but I believe we can solely blame it on the EA "ingenuity" of shooting their own foot (not to mention the inability to connect to generals online which led me to discover that, for some reason, i'm playing zero hour without generals.dat running and when i went to see it in folder - it is not there; its missing). Not to mention that  (even before downloading and installing mod) the game used to blow up my  units and buildings after couple of seconds of skirmish gameplay (and no, I don't use nocd cracks unless i have to; and believe it or not, after i used nocd crack, the selfdestruction of my buldings and units ceased - i could finish a skirmish play :D).


So, when you sum it up: A+ for effort; A for mod; B for engine choice; and F(ail) for EA. Once again, nothing is wrong with your own work and the work of your fellow modders... the engine and the owner are a different story, mind you ;) (though sometimes, the textures on buildings seems a bit low-res/uglish a bit when you zoom in; and small white squares popping out on some parts/areas of map... and, of course, the sudden choppy gameplay/lag when enemy A.I. moves units into attack, or when I move a lot of units to enemy base... although rarely...)


Oh, yeah, since my upload is a bit (s)low, I can't host hamachi games, and the room provided isn't online... could we have some sort of alternative hamachi room please :) Thank you in advance.


PC specs where I played the mod:

CPU Intel C2D E8400

GPU GeForce 9600GT

4Gb or ram

Windows 7

(anything else relevant to mention?)

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Yeah unfortunately the campaign programming limits are very umm... crappy. XD


Glad you enjoyed the Missions... eventually I hope to get nearly all of them remade as there is no limit to how many missions you can have (from what I believe). ;)


And yeah I need better software for fixing and piecing together those poor old Low Res FMV's without stretcing and destroying the quality further if possible. :(

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I recommend that we proceed as we discussed over PM. (converting the videos of the PSX version and replacing the audio tracks with the ones of the PC version)

I'll be at the home of my grandparents tomorrow. My Granpa has a better PC and perhabs it's strong enough to handle the conversion but I can't guarantee that. (as I wrote to you, my PC can't handle the conversion).

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Yeah but I had pieced together separate videos in coherence with the TD storyline since ZH can play only 1 cinematic video during each mission load screen. (limitataion :/ ) (look at my current video setup such as the sequence of events in GDI Mission 5 and in Nod Mission 8 )


I would be extremely happy if you did manage to copy that setup I did. :D

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I like this mod a lot. I've been playing some missions watching the FMVs and all that is very cool and even more challenging than the original C&C, I love that.

But I can't have fun playing a skirmish game. Everytime I play skirmish, even in hard mode, the enemy never builds a war factory (they were GDI).

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  On 1/9/2010 at 5:10 PM, TiberFCSL said:

I like this mod a lot. I've been playing some missions watching the FMVs and all that is very cool and even more challenging than the original C&C, I love that.

But I can't have fun playing a skirmish game. Everytime I play skirmish, even in hard mode, the enemy never builds a war factory (they were GDI).

That's strange. I don't have that problem.

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Thanks for the feedback and support.


Everytime I play skirmish, even in hard mode, the enemy never builds a war factory (they were GDI).


This may be an issue with the AI not liking some of the oddly shaped and small sized maps. Try various larger maps and even the old Vanilla Generals Maps that have been converted for the Mod. It should work fine as FekleyrTarg said.

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:mammoth:Love it, absolutly love it. Had issues with some lag on big maps with multiple players but that's about it, most likely due to not enough resources on my part. I am wondering when the rest of the missions will be available due to the fact this is the game that started my love for pc's. You guys have done a brilliant job and I can't wait to see what you do next. CHEERS.

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Minor thing I've noticed. Gameplay is great and all, though the way the MCV works is a pain in the ass. However, it ended my GDI campaign after 8 missions and I KNOW there are more than 8. The last mission is supposed to end with you using the Ion Cannon on Kane, AFAIK.

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Yes, C&C1 does have more missions than TDR; 15 for GDI and 13 for Nod + the Covert Operations missions.


The campaign in TDR isn't finished, the current focus is getting the mod running as smooth as possible, with little issues.

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Most of our development team is unaffiliated with this project but there is a Mod for C&C 3 already which we do not intend to compete with: http://www.tiberiandawn.com/


They still have a ways to go for their development and I am not sure if they will have a diverse campaign like we do (which is still unfinished for the moment to focus on other areas as Tore mentioned above).


We have a Conyard System that can be activated at the Construction Yard and the Sidebar is still a WIP until we get better skills on editing the ZH user interface. But these are all features that I would still like to improve and add on to Zero Hour (which is also MUCH easier to Mod over the newer games).


I am continuing to find ways to make the Mod more efficient for Zero Hour as many players (during beta testing in particular) have noticed a significant increase in performance in contrast to Vanilla Zero Hour.


C&C 3 is also more demanding for PC performance as well as the general public apparently has to play it on low settings to have smooth performance. Another reason Zero Hour is preferred as it is less demanding in that area.

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I'm on the C&C3 mod team as quality control manager, and I must say that despite my utter loathing of the Generals engine, this mod surprised me a lot. It's a beautiful piece of work, and although the Generals engine simply can't do the kind of high-quality graphics C&C3 can, this mod is still an amazing achievement.


I'm glad I finally downloaded it and gave it a test run, anyway :)

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Didn't realize there was a C&C3 mod in progress or I wouldn't have said anything along those lines.


As for the conyard system, I know. It would be better if the conyard system activation could be automated. I already read about the bug with with auto-deploying a harvester from a newly constructed refinery using the conyard system, so I won't ask about that. I didn't realize that it was possible to use the MCV as a construction dozer until looking at that same harvester bug. Oddities of game engine, I guess.

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Just a little possitive feedback.

I'm playing this mod a lot and I think it's almost perfect. Yes, I know there are bugs but they are few.

I always play this mod on skirmish and I tell you, it's really really good!!!!! The AI is difficult to beat some times, in fact some moments ago I was playing against 2 AI opponents and they kicked my ass!!!! It was a very good game, I had a lot of fun!!!!!

I can't understand how a real C&C fan can dislike the mod. I can't understand people that got dissapointed.

sgtmyers88, your mod really has beautiful graphics and stable gameplay. Even the wheather effects have surprised me, I like them a lot!!

Congratulations for your excellent work!!!!



PS: don't forget to add me to your MSN friends list, I'd be proud to be a tester!!!!!



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  On 1/20/2010 at 3:58 PM, TiberFCSL said:

PS: don't forget to add me to your MSN friends list, I'd be proud to be a tester!!!!!

And I look forward to work with you if the boss decides to let me test it again.

But yeah, I really think that the ones who dislike TDR should apprechiate this mod since it's one of the best with many breakthroughs.

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