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The Red Alert 2 balance suggestion thread (Made for funsies)


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  On 8/11/2016 at 1:27 AM, SiRaLeX said:

I've never seen anyone else but me and Marko use walls in RA2.


That's because you've been banned from ra2 for a long time  :roll:


in a SERIOUS balance thread i could make a few serious suggestions,


but a couple of questions id have is..


can you make something (maybe just one unit) cost less if you build a battlelab?



could you make rocketeers stronger/more useful against missiles



please dont let yuri players able to mutate their own slaves, lol.


Magnetrons need a tweak


apocs should be buffed maybe (cant be lifted by magnetrons+shoot while moving????)


tesla tanks need a definite buff. (maybe more range so you can use them behind walls, or a little quicker like a ra2 grizzly tank not too sure)


chronosphere timer down maybe 20 seconds


engis play an important role vs yuri and sometimes even vs allied as sov in certain situations!

Can you just make it so your mcv can not be captured? multi engineer is annoying vs yuri on certain maps, and no eat vs yuri is just fixing an intended weakness for them built into the game (lack of scouting+securing tech derricks)



those are some things i think could be worked with maybe not all will agree but those would be some opinions of mine





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I didn't play in 5 years, that's correct.



  On 8/14/2016 at 4:38 PM, a1nthony said:

apocs should be buffed maybe (cant be lifted by magnetrons+shoot while moving????)


Yes, please make Apocalypse Tanks shoot while moving.




engis play an important role vs yuri and sometimes even vs allied as sov in certain situations!


So now you suddenly acknowledge that Soviets are the weakest faction and need to use "lame tactics" like Engineers to win against an Allied player? So you finally managed to comprehend the 6 pages in this topic?




[...] and no eat vs yuri is just fixing an intended weakness for them built into the game (lack of scouting+securing tech derricks)


Now you also acknowledge what I've been posting on all the previous pages that the Yuri faction has the hardest time of all to scout the map and therefore is susceptible to a lot of surprise attacks?






:) :) :)



Yeah, because having naval missile launchers backdooring you is totally not OP for the early game stages. All you need is a Sub Pen and Psychic Radar for a cross between a Typhoon and a slightly weaker Dreadnought.


On maps where something like that is useful, namely Isle of War it is extremely hard for Yuri to scout.


Yuri has the hardest time of all factions to scout the map.


Besides, even if Yuri pulls an early Boomer on Isle of War an equally skilled opponent will easily smash the Yuri on land and can just move his MCV to where the Boomer can't reach, "GG".

:) :) :)

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I'm just getting back into the groove of RA2. I haven't played much YR yet, but I remember Yuri being broken af. All of his units were incredibly good and had a use. I think the Boomer was pretty garbage iirc, but they were more of a "support" unit to me more than a full on naval assault unit.


Rather than tweaking unit balance, I honestly think the best change that could happen in RA2 would be to implement some type of fog of war mechanic. I know vision is super important in this game, but I honestly think there's a better way to do it than "once you put units there, permavision forever".


A couple of ideas would be :


- A C&C version of Xel'Naga towers - radar like buildings that can be captured with an engineer to give vision over that area. How big the vision bubble would be is up for debate.

- Structures that can be built to give small vision bubbles around your base. This way, it doesn't really give you total map vision, but would allow enough time to prepare for an incoming attack.


In all honesty, I think the game is just fine as is. It would be fun to see something like this though.

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Boomer's a great support unit but hard to counter for allies if you don't scout the water fast enough and build destroyer ships in time and a couple of rockies (to guard against boomer missiles). It's hard when you first start but once you get the build order down it gets easier. For example, on tournament map B, once you go 1 miner from wf, que up all grizzlies while you build 4 eagles to get the lab/miners/radar/power and stretch to center. If you play properly they should lose their battle lab once or twice allowing you time to get a BF and mirage. Once you scout the water right away and see a submarine yard then you'll know to build a couple destroyers because a potential boomer could be around.


The downside on xwis was people didn't get a chance to develop skill on naval maps against yuri and its pretty much why everyone sucked at 1v1 naval vs boomers. The only naval map was sovereign land which had water where boomers could pressure you. Beating a good yuri player on a naval map such as tournament map B with korea is perfectly viable, considering you use good micro, have the right unit composition and have a good build order as in any other map.

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  On 8/19/2016 at 8:51 PM, ore_truck said:

Boomer garbage!? You're talking about it being garbage because it trashes the game, right? Naval units in a C&C game were never main assault units. Like aircraft, they're there to support your real units.


Not entirely right. Planes aren't VehicleTypes, indeed, they are there to support your "real" units. But all naval units are, in fact, VehicleTypes, so they are "real" units.  :)


Pretty much everyone on XWIS bailed Yuri all the time and still everyone mandates how you cannot pick Yuri. I mean how the fuck are new players (even the stubborn old ones) supposed to learn to play against Yuri? Saying that Yuri is overpowered is just pure stupidity/cowardice and hypocrisy because most of those people then pick Allies, which are the real strongest side.




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Not entirely true that everyone bails yuri. Quite a few people do though and those are the ones always complaining with the false notion that yuri's over powered. When I was playing as yuri in qm on xwis I usually got games from the top 5 because I always ended up having the most points at the end of the month. The odd time I picked allied was super fun because as I know exactly how to counter all strats yuri could use I would never bail any yuri player. There's always a perfect counter to everything yuri can throw at you BF and mirage are very difficult to stop usually.


Sovs are also good against yuri with the iron curtain, they're just worse than allied at countering mm's and mags. UFO are the most annoying because you fall back on rhinos massing flacks to counter them. Even if you're a top yuri player, it's tricky countering proper use of the IC and nuke and the occasional engineer. What worked the most vs pro sovs was stretching the game out to be super long with bunkers, etc. Then late game they run out of ore while you keep mutating and using dominator along with your units..

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  On 8/21/2016 at 5:01 PM, Korc said:

with proper play yuri will stomp any country other than another yuri or sometimes France.


Wrong. With proper play Allied (America/Korea/France) will stomp any Yuri or Soviet Country.





with proper play yuri will stomp any country other than another yuri or sometimes France.


how about a game later on, I'm going allied and you take yr show me proper play (map cs).


How about you accept Sunny's challenge, Korc?!





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  On 8/22/2016 at 9:52 AM, SiRaLeX said:


with proper play yuri will stomp any country other than another yuri or sometimes France.


Wrong. With proper play Allied (America/Korea/France) will stomp any Yuri or Soviet Country.





with proper play yuri will stomp any country other than another yuri or sometimes France.


how about a game later on, I'm going allied and you take yr show me proper play (map cs).


How about you accept Sunny's challenge, Korc?!


He did, we played country swing and I won 3-0 there with allied, then we played Dune vs Allied (slightly favors yuri rush) and He won there 3-1.

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