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Tiberian Sun 1v1 Tournament with Cash prizes.


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We are for sure trying to reach out to those in that list already, part of the issue is a lot of these players didn't know a tournie was coming up, and skylegend for example is out of town working with his uncle or something, but might be back any day.  We still have some time to go, so we are hoping we get more sign ups in the mean time.

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  On 6/1/2016 at 12:35 PM, NerdSlayer said:

Sign me up boi!~





I also would like to sign up for this tournament.


Added!  (I is a weird ? lol)




hi all


plz sign me up cause u need some newbs in :)


best regards,

lime ;)



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Not to be a downer but... I'll point out some issues.


Firstly I'll say... I'm glad something like this is being organized. I hope everyone who signs up is able to play and not do the usual...20 sign up, 13 back out/disappear last minute.


Also... Who ever is organizing and more importantly, financially supporting the tournament obviously has full rights to do any format with any rules etc as they please.


In saying that... I'll talk about a few issues which if not fixed for this tournament, could be implemented in further ones should this tournament be a success.


1. The map. As trz said... We can basically skip the fun and go right to the final 4-6. We know who the dominant players are, this is even more so on a map such as terrace. Perhaps in future tournaments incorporate other maps not only to spread out the skill variance, but perhaps to entice more players in joining... best of 3...player 1 picks first map, player 2 second, tiebreaker something neutral.


Secondly, on the same topic as the map, again as trz said, when you get to the better players, spots can mean a win or loss almost instantly. Why use a map where it's essentially a lottery. To counter this, stretch the series to more than 3 games, or again, maybe look into designing designated tournament maps... , such as sc2, CNC kW etc


Ideally I'd prefer to stick to we, and selected mod maps for longer series, as that's what makes ts good, different spawns with different strats.


This isn't meant to be negative, but to look towards improvement for the future.


I'm not on much, can't promise I'll be on that day, however if this is successful I'd be willing to host a tournament later on with the help of those involved in this one, been sitting on an format idea for a while, should include people of all skills, and I'd be willing to put 5-10% of my poker winnings for that month. (Varies, for example last month +4600)

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has hell frozen over? reid agreed with me twice. and in the same post.  :heady:


also reid just out of curiosity. how well have you done lifetime with poker? for one month thats a lot of money. im jealous. ra1n told me hes basically broken even lifetime.

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We will off course be having tournies on other maps, like Forest Fires, or Dueling Island, etc. etc. as well as team play events in the future.


We are just trying to keep things simple for this first test run :-D



I am just going to assume anyone who doesn't make it is scared of Ray :P

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Never said u didn't know what you were talking about when it came to ts.


Just minor things humble, I'll give u my tournament idea when I have time.


As for poker... No clue over lifetime... It's like anything, more you do, the better you get. So 2 years ago compared to now is a huge difference, id say lifetime I'm down... By how much who knows, I can say that online I am down 10-15k... live probably +9-12k.... months like last aren't that common for me given the amount I play (maybe 5 days a month), I just happened to be running hot, 1k in like 6 hours, average i usually make 1-300 or lose my 100$ buying, averaging anything over 20$ a hour is a success in my book lol

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Okay.. I have been checking this post a couple times and everything has looked great so far to me. However, after reading Phen post, he is right, we need to use a special map for this type of tournament.


I mean honestly we all love Terraces, it gets everyone wet - I get that. But for a straight up tournament play, especially since money is being thrown down now (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGRzpQHG9zA sorry had to throw the plug in) we should definitely create an even playing map, especially for this type of event.


Obviously maps are easy to make. We should create a map with same terrain / money layout on both sides so it is completely fair. I propose a flat map, that's simple, basic, no cliffs, trees, etc. with same amount of Tiberium in each field, so only skill shines through. It would need to be a left vs right map, since planes will spawn from top and bottom of map and reveal player areas.


We could literally create some sexy goddess map with trees, cliffs, water, weeds, etc. but it is not necessary. Only a map that is completely even will show one players skill, over the others... we all know who some of the best players are...


But seriously, if you're throwing real money on the table, you have to give both players the same chance and not start one with a handicap.


Plus, the best part is, It would cut down on the amount of games you would need to play by switching sides on terraces. You could do best of three on every game. If one players wins the first two games, it's over. If it's a tie, then the tie breaker is the third game. I'm thinking a map like the same size a terraces. One that is flat, with same amount of green tib on both sides and 1 expand each. Starting locations would be the same distance from Tiberium and that's it. Nothing fancy. Pure & legit. No excuses, no whiners.  :roll:


Oh, yea.. I just realized, I have been typing wayy to long. Hitman out.

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Everyone's suggestions are appreciated and welcome.  This is actually the purpose of this tourney, is to bring out more ideas and boost player activity, which both seem to be working so far.


What hitman said is why I made Throwback, and why Skylegend made his Dessert map, but unfortunately it is hard to replace Terraces when everyone likes playing what they already know.


Eliminating cliffs is a real bad idea, because it takes a level of skill out of the game.  Now, if cliffs were evenly distributed and on same levels then that would be cool.



We are planning on having one every month or two, so you guys better get to work making some maps that steal the glory from Terraces :)

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Having a map like terrace is a double edge sword...on one hand, I love how every spot has a different strategy to it, because, every spot is totally different. At the same time, it creates natural unfairness. A map should have a bit of everything...take The Pit by Seb for example...all sides have blue tib, cliffs, bridges etc, its completely even and yet can introduce many different strategic elements.


again, a way to avoid the spot bias is, as stated, play multiple games (best of 7), however that also has its negative drawbacks, such as time.


Again, ive been thinking of a format for quite some time, not sure how itll play out, but in theory should kick some ass....however it needs traffic, so thats why im waiting to see how this one turns out first.


In the end, its up to xme and humble to decide whatever they like....a tournament is better than none in my opinion, despite some flaws.


Its just...sad to see a lot of players (all be it, lesser skilled- aka the nodrescue gang) not even try to attempt to win some money.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 4:53 PM, Iisaweird said:

I wanted to ask, is this regular Tiberian Sun, or are we doing the Firestorm expansion for the tournament?  Also, how is the cash being given out?


Regular Tiberian Sun.


As of now we are planning on using Paypal, but open to suggestions.

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