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[WIP] [Tiberium Resurrection]


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Greetings! Welcome to launch (12th) update time! YES! We are finally here. Before we get to the most important part, I have very few things to tell you...

 At first let me say, that this can be either end of the journey or the beginning! What I mean by this is that this "project" had very little support / feedback from your side. I will see, maybe it will change. So, I am going to wait till 1st June, see how you like it, your feedback (hopefully) and then based on that I will decide whether it is "worth" to continue or not. Once again - future of this project depends mostly on you.

Alongside Campaign map, I included 3rd version of [TIBERIUM DIVISION]! - a bit more balanced version of the map with bug fixes.

And now - part you are waiting for... First public release of [TIBERIUM RESURRECTION]! But before you play it, please check [READ-ME].txt file! http://www.mediafire.com/file/efawb0d8on8tb7z/[TIBERIUM_RESURRECTION].zip/file

NOTE: Map was made and tested on Origin version of Tiberian Sun

That is everything for now, I hope you enjoy the map and after you finish it do not forget to review it here ?. Next update time will be 1st June!

Have a good day! 

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2 000 views on cncnet and 1 200 views on ppmsite

Wow... Just wow. I honestly never thought we would get this far. Once again HUUGE thanks to everyone who gave this project a chance, I really appreciate it and hope you enjoyed it! As we reached "milestone" I want to share my thoughts about making this project. 

Ini-files making: This one was really interesting. Understanding different segments of it and editing them in your own way is amazing. I know - focus on this was not big so far, but if project will continue I will work on this much more. 8/10

Map making: This was the best one. Map making in FinalSun is pretty easy to understand and except for some glitches it was fun. I am surprised that old game like this is so easy to edit. Environment feels real, many customizations and everything fits together. For me, it is just the best, just look at it! Took me about 10 minutes, but I think it looks fantastic! 10/10


Trigger making: Pain in the ass. So many problems, bugs, glitches,... Making this was difficult, but being able to create your own world with not so much limitations was immersive. 6/10

Dunno why, but this turned to some kind of weird review... Anyway do not forget to report bugs / suggestions. See ya 1st June :) 

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13th update time has arrived, decision was made... but first - lets talk about other changes!

- I am aware, that addon can only be played through Origin version (not CnCNet version) and am working on fixing it

- this addon is now on ModDBhttps://www.moddb.com/games/cc-tiberian-sun/addons/tiberium-resurrection and on CNCNZhttps://forums.cncnz.com/topic/21765-wip-tiberium-resurrection/

- 4th Map Making video is out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM5CTtHW2no

I noticed much bigger support now and I am very thankful, so addon [TIBERIUM RESURRECTIONwill continue! I already started making second map (according to official briefing) which you can see on video above. I decided to start gameplay series of Tiberian Sun (every Wednesday at 12am CEST) as well as Map Making videos (every 2nd Saturday at 12am CEST). I will work on map and update main post with progress, however update times are once again stopped till Map progress on second map will reach 75%!

See ya soon, have a good day :)

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New FinalSun mapping tutorial is out! If you want to learn, how to make custom maps for Tiberian Sun or just revise some of your knowledge, be sure to check FinalSun Complete Tutorial - https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9934-finalsun-complete-tutorial/

I also have few "changes" regarding YouTube videos I want to share with you:

- Tiberian Sun gameplay series will last till the end of GDI campaign. (Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6ayc6mmkW8)

- Map making videos will last till 10th part (for now), but will be less frequent - every 2nd Saturday instead of every Saturday (next one coming 22nd June).

- this addon is now also on W3DHubhttps://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417938-wip-tiberium-resurrection/

- 2nd Campaign Map [NEVER-ENDING STORY] is expected to be released in August(check main post for progress updates)

Have a good day.

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Hey. I have been working on final (4th) version of skirmish map [TIBERIUM DIVISION] for a while and I want to quickly share changes I made with you:

- changed name from [TIBERIUM DIVISION] to Fields of Insurgency

- files reduced, updated README.txt

- the map was enlarged a bit for fairness

- the map accessibility is now better

- few bugs related to terrain fixed, so the map should be 100% stable

- DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dou5k7pm9tjptr9/[TR]+Skirmish.zip

- MAP MAKING OF THE MAP (available 22nd June) HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD4dwDyf8qs

I honestly hope, this final version is bug-free and that you will enjoy it! Also feel free to share your thoughts and report bugs (if you find any).

Have a good day.

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Greetings. I would like to give you some "hints" regarding upcoming content and current situation. Lets begin!

You may have noticed, that I haven't updated main post in a while and you are probably wondering Why? Let me answer that briefly - I am working on other stuff related to [TIBERIUM RESURRECTION]. What stuff? When? I can't answer "What stuff", but I can answer "When"! - I really appreciate your support so far, and we are close to reaching amazing 3 000 views on this post, which is incredible! I want to "reward" reaching that huuge milestone by things I am currently working on (and believe me - there are a lot of them). Most of them are in early stage of development, so I can't tell you much, but I believe I will finish them in time. One hint - this "reward" will be as big as release of [TIBERIUM RESURRECTION] 1.0 or maybe even bigger! So be patient and forgive me for less activity.

I will update the post and add hints as soon as I can. Have a good day.

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Hi. It's time for me to tell you about upcoming update, as well as about a few other changes for reaching 3 000 views on this post. Before we begin, let me explain those % at the end of every sentence. These tell you, how many % of change in front of them is completed. I hope you are as excited as I am. Let's begin:

Non mod-related changes: 

- Avatar image v2                                                                                                                                                                                           [100%]

- Q&A, blog                                                                                                                                                                                                       [100%]

- FinalSun Complete Tutorial [P.1] v2                                                                                                                                                           [100%]

- FinalSun Complete Tutorial [P.2]                                                                                                                                                                [100%]

- YouTube Tiberian Sun gameplay series CANCELLED                                                                                                                            [100%]

- YouTube FinalSun tutorial series STARTED - every 2nd Saturday at 12am CEST                                                                              [100%]

Primary mod-related changes:

- 2nd skirmish map - Islands of Destruction (2)                                                                                                                                      [100%]


- CnCNet support

- New main-menu design

- 3rd SoundTrack


Secondary mod-related changes:

- Logo image v3                                                                                                                                                                                             [100%]

- Map-making video of Islands of Destruction                                                                                                                                         [100%]

- 3rd Gameplay premiere video of Islands of Destruction and Fields of Insurgency                                                                         [100%]

All of these changes will take effect once milestone is reached. I am working on it very much, to finish it in time, so there will be no updates except % changes here. I hope you will like it :). Oh... and here is the first look at Islands of Destruction.

Islands of Destruction

Have a good day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 000 views on cncnet, 1 600 views on ppmsite and 150 views on other sites

It's... you are truly amazing! We are getting close to 5 000 total views and that's definitely something. Thank you all for your support and patience. Tiberian Sun community isn't the largest one out there, but I think, it is one of the best. All changes, that aren't crossed just took effect everywhere. Crossed ones are scheduled for release later (not cancelled!). And now, as promised for reaching this "milestone" I am going to discuss changes:

Non mod-related changes:

- Avatar image v2 - "I felt the old image needed few improvements. I think this one is a bit better. Feel free to tell me your thoughts about it!"

- Blog - "I thought it would be interesting for you to see my thinking while making these changes!"

FinalSun Complete Tutorial - "I updated 1st one and merged it with 2nd one, I hope you will enjoy it and learn something new from it!"

- YouTube Tiberian Sun gameplay series CANCELLED - "I felt, that this was not the right way for the channel and that content should be original"

- YouTube FinalSun tutorial series STARTED - "I think I could share my skills and tips with community throughout these videos. Series is starting 13th July at 12am CEST and then every 2nd Saturday. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjjwlzyJni7VrKTFltZ03e-4imT-_xwlD"

Primary mod-related changes:

- 2nd skirmish map - Islands of Destruction (2) - "Main plan is to release 3 skirmish maps and 3 campaign maps. Islands of Destruction is small 1v1 map with HUUGE amount of secrets waiting for you to discover them. Some of them can help you win match, others... well... not... so much. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dou5k7pm9tjptr9/[TR]+Skirmish.zip. Never play this map with "destroyable bridges" setting OFF. Always turn it ON!"

Other changes were delayed due to lack of time

Secondary mod-related changes:

- Logo image v3 - "I felt once again, that the old image needed few enhancements and you can once again tell me your thoughts about it!"

- Map-making video of Islands of Destructionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URVDHUCa6bI&t=6s

- 3rd Gameplay premiere video of Islands of Destruction and Fields of Insurgencyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM0grsxVln4

That is everything for now. I am going to take a break from Tiberian Sun for a while, so expect less activity (except YouTube videos every Saturday). This break will last whole July. Next update time will be 3rd August. See ya on the premiere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM0grsxVln4 (today at 6pm CEST)

Have a good day and wonderful summer holidays. :) 



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Hey! Today, (in 15th update time) I would like to talk about 2nd campaign map - [NEVER-ENDING STORY], about its difference to the 1st campaign map and something more about release...

2nd campaign map will be much, MUCH bigger than the 1st one. I tried to give player always atleast 2 options to approach any situation. It means, that you can either "storm" the area or use quieter and better approach. In instance to the 1st map, I tried to make larger environment and less complicated triggers. But I am still making easter eggs, bonus objectives and secrets, so player can earn bonuses if he is scouting whole map. While I was making the 1st map, I fixed bugs after finishing whole map, which resulted in even more bugs. Now, I make a few triggers, test them and then make another few. This technique is much better and I can proudly say, that there are very few bugs.

Its release will once again be delayed, but no worries - not for long. I am making nearly daily progress and if I keep this speed, I should release this map in the early September.

Once I manage to reach 50% on both map and trigger stats, (check it in main post above) I will do gameplay premiere, so you can see how it works in real time.

I am also making more smaller changes in .ini files and preparing BIG surprise for 2nd map release.

That is everything for now! I will inform you, once I reach 50%, which you can also track in the main post above.

Have a good day ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Tiberian Sun fans! Those, who had been checking on this post regularly may know what is going to happen, but lets summarize it in a few sentences...

We are really close to reaching amazing 4 000 views on this post, which is spectacular! I will talk more about it once we reach it.

I recently finished HUGE part of the 2nd map - [NEVER-ENDING STORY] and I want to release it as we reach 4 000 views. Gameplay premiere from this map will be out this Saturday (7th September) at 18:00 (6PM) CEST, followed by map release. Be sure to check it out as I will reveal few secrets scattered across the new map. I will put link to premire here, once I have it recorded. 

See ya there :P

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  • 1 month later...


Yes! It's here! 1st anniversary of Tiberium Resurrection

So... How I got into making this mod?

I was always obsessed with RTS games... I played every C&C game and some other RTS titles since I remember. It was 2016, when I discovered Ultimate Collection on Origin and immediately bought one. Since then, my obsession got worse :P... I re-played Tiberian Sun, Tiberian Dawn, Tiberium Wars, Renegade and partially Red Alert 2. At one point, I got bored again and started looking for some community creations (2017). Not long after that, I found Final Sun, later CnCNet, which I officially joined 27th December 2017. I started making more TS maps (mostly for myself) and got in touch with dude we all know: @Holland. He is something like tutor for me, and I have learned very much from him ever since (and I still sometimes get surprised by his knowledge). It was summer 2018, when I was going through some sh*t and TS was now my hobby, where I could relax. I decided to take it to the next level and started making plot for Tiberium Resurrection - my own mod. I just couldn't get it done right, so I spent a lot of time making different plots, stories and eventually maps. I decided to re-play Tiberian Sun and when I finished NOD mission Sheep's clothing, I got a plot which would take place after this mission and so I started making map for it. Not long after that, I finished the plot and announced it here on CncNet on 31st October 2018. Since then, I have learned much more about map-making, modding and video editing than I could ever imagine, but I have still much to learn...

Alright... And what about the update?

I am currently working on an update 2.25. It will include 3rd soundtrack and 3rd skirmish map - TIBER RIVER. The name should be already known to you. It's river in Italy, where meteor with tiberium impacted the Earth and created madness for decades. Based on information I found about this river (from real world sources and tiberium universe), I will try to re-create it as best as I can. Constant fights between GDI and NOD, new tiberium liveform which came alongside with meteor, Rome and much more in this skirmish map for 2-5 players!

And at last... When will the update be released?

I can't tell you exact date, but it should be this year. I will inform you about progress occasionally.

Cheers :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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