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Everything posted by Crimsonum

  1. Well, I never used to consider it a cheat, more like a trick. Kind of like abusing Reaper's death anim bug to gain instant veterancy. Then again, I never use it online in competitive matches. I don't even think it works online, I've tried but it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
  2. In Tiberian Sun, you can abuse any weapon that uses Burst logic (a weapon that fires two or more shots per round, like the Mammoth's dual cannons) to fire with no delay between shots. Select a unit with such weapon, and move it somewhere where it can fire at the enemy on its own (without you commanding it to). When the unit fires, use the stop command (default S) quickly between the shots, and repeat this process. The unit will keep shooting at the enemy as long as you keep hitting stop. The downside to this is that you can't pick any particular target yourself, and must let the unit "decide". Also, giving the unit stop command also stops it from moving, chasing a target, etc. This works best when defending, IMO.
  3. Or try to set the TI exe to 98 compatibility mode.
  4. Rejoice! Another celestial orbit is completed, and a new one has begun.
  5. How's this, then? A strange situation commander: We captured a GDI MCV and they have one of ours. The frontlines are at place and it's a miracle that a conflict hasn't erupted yet. However, the GDI force is noticably larger, so we are using fake units to hide our true numbers. We are sure the driver of the GDI MCV has noticed this deception and will reveal it, once he leaves our comm. jammer range. So move to the south and quickly build up a base. Reinforcements for both sides are on their way! I thought "Both sides are rapidly sending troops" was redundant, as it is stated at the end that reinforcements are on their way for both sides.
  6. Clever mission idea. I'd fix some of the spelling in the briefing, though A strange situation commander: We captured a GDI MCV and they have one of ours. Both sides are rapidly sending troops in and it's a miracle that the situation hasn't escalated yet. Unfortunately the GDI had more resources here, so we were forced to use fake units to hide the real size of our troop. We are sure the driver of the GDI MCV has noticed this hoax and will reveal it, once he leaves our comm. jammer range. So move to the south and quickly build up a base. Reinforcements for both sides are on their way!
  7. I'm going to try this one out, I was waiting to see someone put this C-17 logic in use.
  8. Honestly, I hate these kind of missions where you must wait and collect enough of X. But this is just my opinion.
  9. Nostalgia :,) Would be even better if someone could convert the menu and the sidebar to the way they were in PS1! I'll never forget how scrolling the icons produced the "steel gate closing/lay down building" sound
  10. I wonder how they discovered it. Unless Flopjack himself contacted them first.
  11. No need when you have DOSShell Forgive me for not spending my time learning DOS (in fact I have learned it, but not used it in years so I've forgotten everything)
  12. Unrelated to the massive bot assault that just happened (whole 10-pages of new posts)?
  13. Oh yeah. I've never heard the second line before, at least I don't remember so.
  14. Yeah I saw those, but in my opinion a demo should not contain anything (aside from ads or something trivial like that) that won't appear in the full game. I'd consider it cheating towards those who buy the game (think about Westwood and their infamous photoshoped screenshots). Demos can be downloaded even if you buy the full game, yes, but what's the point?
  15. Actually, player 0 is closest to the south-eastern Tib field, and he can expand his base to the ridges (especially south-east) surrounding the starting point. I edited the map so that the north entrance to 0's base is now closed. Or he can just rob the Tiberium from 5 EDIT: Typo in previous post, I meant the top-left spot. Also updated pic.
  16. C&C64 looks surprisingly good. Though I can't tell what the EVA says at 2:55, can someone help me with that?
  17. Sounds like any demo would.
  18. The GDI one is from scg13ea, Nod one is from scb08eb. Nope, these are entirely unique and Nyer already included them in 1.06c (IIRC?)
  19. Seems like they are some kind of demo missions indeed. They are just cropped maps from existing missions.
  20. I liked it, the questions were rather easy to answer to (as in not too many options, I dislike if every question has options from 1 to 10).
  21. Same applies for PS1, I remember how the landmasses were connected (and thus I presume there were boats removed from there as well).
  22. PS1 version had the code GODZILLA, which when entered, would convert all the unit voices to Japanese
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