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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. I'm still just plugging stuff into it. I'm just wanting to know if I can make extra warhead types, really. As it'd be helpful for certain unit designs.
  2. So, replicating units doesn't work, and that's all good, but there was also potentially the ability to create new warheads/weapons and stuff. Is THAT still in the cncnet5 version?
  3. The ones with crates almost seem random. I'm not sure, would need testing.
  4. Neat. Reminds me somewhat of Cn2's fjord. Not sure about the super weapons. I think that flyers + the airstrike would take down a con yard, too... pretty much regardless of how much AA there is. I like the layout a lot, though. The broken bridge is a piece of art. Nice placement on that! I like how the trees are really part of the terrain, too. Nice work.
  5. As someone who's done a lot of miniature painting/wargaming and also loves C&C... These totally ROCK!
  6. Yeah, well given that a bunch of them were from that C&C3>TD mod, it looks like someone just whipped them up. So, to answer your question; probably not that legal XD Yeah, the pixely ones are pretty cool and stand out to me the most, and yeah, I thought the RA1 game play ones were also really cool.
  7. DAMN! Every time I see something new for this mod, it blows my mind. So awesome! Also, we looted each other xD Anyway, keep up the good looting ... I mean work... work is what I meant.
  8. Even MORE shirts. Not ALL TD... but there's some cool ones, for sure. https://www.redbubble.com/shop/command+conquer
  9. Yes, I was also aware of the source material. xD
  10. http://www.redbubble.com/shop/tiberian+dawn These makes me grin WAY too much xD
  11. Anyway, the one you have for Red Dawn looks a lot better than the one I have. Do you mind if I edit the cab of the vehicle and use that in a mod, Allen?
  12. The turret rocks around terribly on yours? Mine isn't positioned correctly. I really don't want to do 32 frames of copy/paste trying to manually get that crap right, haha
  13. I'm looking for an .shp of the mobile rocket launcher from CnC95 with the turret locked (so, only 32 frames). Looking for it with RA1 palet, though. (But I also can convert if needed).Z I have one, but the turret placement is off. I'm pretty sure someone has one; Allen, I kinda suspect you very well may have a version of this? I just didn't want to sit around copy/pasting that turret into the correct placement 32 times... when someone probably has the finished product already. If not, I guess I'm just copy pasting, lol.
  14. Thanks. I might have more of a play around to see if I can get the translation of files working again. But in the meantime, thanks for getting these fixed!
  15. Well the old one did. But there's a new version that saves them correctly. But please read my original post which also explains that for some reason my XCC is crashing when I try to convert them! :O
  16. Sure. I mean, they're just the icons I said from the link I posted, but here's the 3 zipped up. After I played around with the mortar in shp editor it went from glitched to crashing.
  17. I'm having some strange troubles. Firstly, the adv infantry icons that I have are somehow corrupted or have some sort of bug where they either show up in game glitched, or just out right crash the game. https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=3243.0 In the downloadable versions I think the sniper outright crashes the game, while the mortar and anti-tank icons show up, but are glitched. Note that the Light M/G, RPG and AA infantry icons were made earlier, and seem to work just fine. Feel free to throw them in your game and see what I mean. I thought it might be a colour issue, but have found no such issues when inspecting them (maybe I missed something). The only difference that I can think of, between these icons and the older ones used in C&C:ClassicRev, are that I never converted them through XCC. I simply used the new SHP builder to save them directly as an shp (TD format). So I figured I'd use XCC to convert them into png and then back to shp. I can use the; -right click- Clipboard --> copy Clipboard --> paste as png But if I try to use; -right click- "copy as png" or "copy as shp" it just crashes. And because the only way to get the TD format of the shp is by using "copy as shp". I can't create an shp(TD) using XCC. I'm using XCC version 1.45 If anyone would like to convert them and test them for me (get them working and just send them) that'd be swell. Else, if you can see where I went wrong, that'd also be great. Cheers team. Also, the infantry shps themselves work just fine, even though I made them at the same time as the icons... because why not.
  18. I'd be happy if it was still hard coded to behave like e1. That'd be fine. But yeah, like you said, it seems to be bugged. Although I never even got the unit to show up int he sidebar let alone anything else. I think I've more or less given up and am now just trying to put frames over the gnrl and tanya(e7), as I don't plan to use those. Hopefully they don't have anything hard coded that's going to throw anything out. Just kinda mind numbing work copy and paste a million frames. xD
  19. Yeah, it's certainly easier. But if there is a way to replicate a simple turreted vehicle or a rifle inf, that'd be much easier and come with a cleaner result.
  20. Oh, so it should work, but only with the edited exe? Dang... Pretty sure no one cares about the score, haha.
  21. No luck yet... Tried this, with the appropriate shps in the mix redalert.mix ---> hires.mix e1sn.shp e1snicon.shp This in rules.ini [infantryTypes] 0=E1SN [E1SN] Name=Sniper Image=e1sn Prerequisite=barr Primary=sniper Secondary=none Strength=50 Armor=none TechLevel=2 Sight=5 Speed=4 Owner=soviet Cost=150 Points=25 Infiltrate=no C4=no IsCanine=no DoubleOwned=no Ammo=0 Fraidycat=no
  22. Perfection perfected brah. Nice stuff here.
  23. Found it, kinda; https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=2603.0 This stuff. Is this the exe we're using. Like, is this stuff in the cncnet version of RA1?
  24. Hey guys, long time no talky. I'm posting to ask about something that was talked about ages ago. Making more units for a mod in RA1. From memory there was code to allow multiple e1 (rifle), 2tnk (med tank), dd (destoryer) and heli (apache). Any info on this would be great... but the best info is; "Yes White, it's totally in the game and here's how to do it" Cheers.
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