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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Hm. That can be hard... I like to be able to rock the frames back and forth so that I know that everything looks smooth when animated. -Liam
  2. I just use SHP editor to do it. For making the GIF I just unpile the whole thing into separate png and use Gimp to make a GIF from all the layers. Thing is, Gimp takes ages to open all the files to make the layers. So I can't be bothered doing all that, just to make some GIF files that show the fixed pixels at the end. The infantry is fixed, that's what really matters. -Liam
  3. Yeah, but it would look kinda cool as part of a broken base... it does actually look quite nice next to the broken bridge. -Liam
  4. Right, yeah you could only make it destruct if you replaced the current bridge graphics with that one. Looks all pretty cool, none the less -Liam
  5. Looks cool. Is the broken guard tower just a piece of terrain? I like that bridge, too. Do we have a non-broken version of it also? -Liam
  6. Updated. Fixed stray pixels in the flame death sequence. And 1 pixel that was wrong in the e3 dragon. Don't worry, Kilk, the RPG didn't have any issues. -Liam
  7. Well, "War is Peace" is a double think. To convince people that something, which is what people would obviously be against, is in fact it's opposite. So again, maybe. But a lot of it is a big maybe. The Book and the snake yes, I think there maybe connection there, again, all a bit of a stretch, but maybe. -Liam
  8. I'm slightly confused still. There's only 2 selections from the mission but there's 3 (kinda 4 but let's not worry about that) maps for it. How can you select all 3? -Liam
  9. I think only for RA1. C&C95 AI doesn't have the programming to make bases, so it'd just be a mass of units, even if there was an option. Not to mention they'd all target the north most enemy unit/structure. -Liam
  10. 8b is the protect Mobius and the civivs. It's hard because they run into the tiberium and then you instantly lose -.- So you have to make walls around them. You get an MCV though, and that makes life quite a bit easier. But 2 small Nod bases, and all the SAMs are in the bases. So no airstrikes, really. Speaking of certain maps; Hey Nyer, what's with scg05ea and scg05wa? they're almost the same map... and with scg05eb and scg05wb, that makes 4 maps for that location. -Liam
  11. Haha... yeah, joking a bit, haha. -Liam
  12. Yeah, I love how it's a realistic fiction with a sci-fi twist. That's what pissed me off the most about renegade; they made it way more sci-fi and made many of the conventional weapons pointless. -Liam
  13. Yeah, I think I'd heard that they were from an anime before. That's very interesting, considering Kain kills Seth. Also, on Ordos: http://latindictionary.wikidot.com/noun:ordo Could be linked. -Liam
  14. Huh, that never worked for me. Always needed to make sure I was microing well etc -Liam
  15. AchromicWhite

    C&C FPS

    What a pity Renegade tried so hard to be different to C&C95, instead of filling any gaps, that the developers might have had in designing their story, with realistic warfare weapons and situations. But there are people always trying to keep the C&C95 world alive. http://www.indiedb.com/games/tiberian-dawn-the-first-strike/#4917755 -Liam
  16. Topic says it all. It would have been nice if they'd done more work on the aircraft, make them targetable when in the air and put all the jets in. It's still kinda interesting to see what they're meant to be. The tail is different, though. http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/F-23_Black_Widow -Liam
  17. Ah, yes. I know the mission you're talking about. You travel around and take out the surrounding SAMs and then deal the kill blow. You get no weapons factory and only 1 barracks. 1 Harv the rep pad. It is a cool mission, actually, but it is quite hard if you don't know exactly how to do it. Even simple things like; after you've taken out the SAMs and you go for the big attack, using the hummers/APC to snipe inc flamer troops before they mess up all your troops, and then making sure your troops don't go near the Hand of Nod in case they make a flamer man. -Liam
  18. Indeed, WB Iran. Well, that sucks that we have hackers, but kinda awesome that we have people that care enough to make anti-cheats also. Thanks for that. -Liam
  19. Indeed, there are Biblical references in C&C. You'll notice that Cain was a farmer and Able, his brother (whom Cain murders) is a shepherd. The GDI general is Gen. Mark Shepherd. I would say that the 'Orwellian' idea IS very much a part of C&C, and if you've ever looking into the 'New World Order' theories etc, there are ties to this also. (Which is all part of the same thing. Not sure if I want to get into details as I'm them getting political, and can get banned from here. haha. The 3 things I've found were. 1. The company over seeing C&C1 and Dune2 was 'virgin entertainment'. The worship or whatever of the virgin is somehow supposed to be connected. I'll let you do your own research. 2. There was a promo poster (it's uploaded somewhere in this forum), which opens with something like: Welcome to the New World Order, where perpetual war is... (and at a stretch) 3. Ordos are NO part of the Dune novel, they are fully invented. Ordos are described insidious -1. intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan. -2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful: an insidious enemy. -3. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect and are also described as 'traders and brokers' and as a cartel. This is pretty much exactly who are meant to be the group pushing for the 'New World Order'. I've tried to find the poster, but can't seem to locate it. Maybe someone else knows which thread it's in. Again. I don't want to get into a too bigger discussion, but there do seem to be links. -Liam
  20. Oh, no, I'd only played the RA1 version. It gets really hard later... there's a mission where you only get troops, and then a bunch of rangers turn up and murder all your troops. -Liam
  21. Really, I find the Nod campaign MUCH easier than GDI. The whole 'funding cuts'; you don't get a con yard thing makes it bloody hard. In most Nod missions you can just make a big base, build a nice array of units and play hide and seek with the computer, luring it into traps and then finally crushing it. Maybe for CO missions, yeah, Nod ones are probably harder. -Liam
  22. Well, I always welcome people videoing games of TD. It helps people to see that there's some great strategy in online play; even for such an old game. -Liam
  23. Huh, I didn't know that... I could change them to walls. But I kinda like them as trees. Plus you really have to go at them to kill them, as trees. Shh Nyer, you're ruining my awesome. -Liam
  24. Yeah, well, I like when people use artillery. So I made a map that's more artillery friendly; without making zero paths into the base areas. -Liam
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