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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. As I said before, Allen, try starting with the stats I used in the mod I posted earlier, the cross over units, esp GDI units (gren, med tank etc) are taken as much as I could, from TD. I 'raced' units and stuff... was fun. -Liam
  2. Yeah, I didn't know you could get the infantry to cloak. Or maybe I'm thinking of TD (yes, I'm aware that everything can cloak with a crate. I'm talking about modding so that it has that attribute upon production). Stealth thieves sound OP as hell, haha (well, maybe not as OP as stealth Tanya/engineer, but still) -Liam
  3. I spent a good amount of time looking at the speeds of units for that mod I put above. Some units are a bit different to TD, the rocket trooper walks at the same speed as riflemen, from memory. -Liam
  4. You're welcome. Have fun. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3056.0 -Liam
  5. Yeah, I don't even think infantry can be cloaked. -Liam
  6. Yeah, lately I've gotten used to watching my cash as I do it, so, if I have more, I go for a ref (it sucks out the cash because of the build speed), if I have less I go for pp/bar/comm cen/WF etc, so I'm not wasting time. As long as it flows, it's good. -Liam
  7. We've pretty much found that making slightly more closed maps balances out TD. Considering SC and SCII both did the same (just from the start), I'd say TD has pretty good balance. RA1, on the other hand, I'd say it is indeed imbalanced. But I can understand it to be fun for people. -Liam
  8. Yeah, I'm no programmer Sounds like a fun idea, though. -Liam
  9. "Free moments in your construction" See, once you get more fluent in your builds, and so does your opponent, this isn't really a thing. It's also really REALLY bad to try and do early on, which is pretty much the hardest part of the game for GDI when vs Nod. -Liam
  10. Well, it depends if you want it in your mod or not. What I wanted was to be able to give it to a specific country or team, while still having the airfield for both teams. *sigh* a man can dream. -Liam
  11. Is there any way to make fully animated tiles? Would be neat to have a rolling shore line. Looks damn awesome anyway xD I just get excited, haha. -Liam
  12. Iran patched the game, so that, when you're modding you can not only edit units, but you can create a new units of each type (infantry, Vehicle, Flyer, Ship). Each type is simply a copy of another unit. Infantry = rifle (labeled e1 in the rules.ini), Vehcile = Med Tank (2tnk), Flyer = Apache Longbow (heli), Ship = Destroyer (dd? I forget what it's called in the ini). -Liam
  13. Err, my thoughts on changing the Tesla was more to do with thinking about what types of units each side uses. It makes less sense for the sovs to need big hits against heavy things, as the allies are lighter. (not really considering the science of a Tesla Coil, anyway, the Coil in game is in no way realistic). I thought, maybe less range, and has a constant rate of fire, rather than the '3 hit/1 big hit'. Maybe it kills like 1/2 a light tank in 1 go. Fires at the same rate as a turret, requires a little less power. This is for a mod, obviously. But it'd be interesting to see how it'd fit. -Liam
  14. I remember seeing C&C for the first time. TD dos. I didn't get to play, as it was on a friends computer and my bother was there, so obivously, he just hogged it the whole time. Funny thing, too, the game was hacked and hummers shot lasers. Years later, my brother purchased the game, he kept the CDs in his room so I had to beg him to let me play it. I did get to play it a bit, though, and I played it online and via modem with a friend from school. Was fun. We didn't know how to play, though, so we just made tanks and thought that tanks were the only really good thing...... Years later, TFD came out. I saw it for $100NZ and bought is almost exclusively for TD. Yep, that's right, I was willing to pay $100 for a copy of TD, but the rest of the C&C games were something I hadn't played a lot of, either. My brother came to live with me for a year, soon after, and he still had his copy of C&C. We duked it out, and at first he mopped me up with his GDI meds. I remember him saying "I don't think Nod can really win, GDI just rolls over them". I played one match where I created a diversion and sent flame tanks into his empty base while his meds where out of position; he went for a quick push, given he'd annilated my lights, but I made on ob just in time and then finished him off... It got me thinking. I got online and found some people on XWIS to play. I found how good bikes were and it changed how I played completely. Playing my brother again, he just couldn't win. He felt that bikes were the new 'top unit', as his Meds were no longer all the useful. I somewhat agreed and continued to seek out games online. A year or so later, CnCnet arrived and I started to find new players, I started to learn how the infantry worked. I played Nod for years, but have, just lately, swapped to GDI. Enjoying the challenge of building nice balanced ground armies of Troops, Hummers and Tanks, supplemented by Orca strikes. For me, Red Alert will always be something that I don't understand, TD however, I'd still pay $100 to play. -Liam
  15. Yeah, it was said they they did have the idea of dueling scientists, would have been nicer to see it in full. Yeah, I know that the two weapons (ob/tesla) are fundamentally different fluff wise, but gameplay wise, they are very much similar. Would have been nice to see the coil do something quite different, though. I wonder what it would be like if it fired multiple small blasts only... might try that out... you know, make it more like the AGT. -Liam
  16. I thought that an alternate timeline Tiberian game would be cool. Like, if Nod's campaign plays out in TD, and then have a games that takes place JUST after that. So, still a lot of modern weapons mixed with sci-fi stuff, taking place where Nod has taken Africa and destroyed one of the monuments/political buildings. -Liam
  17. Yeah, to me, the similarities are more laziness. Even the connections between ob and tesla, etc, seem to just be that they couldn't think of a new thing to give them. It doesn't even make that much sense (in the way it works) to be on the soviet side. It only makes sense, as it's Tesla's weapon. -Liam
  18. Very cool, makes me want to get back to making CR... Have to fire up my old PC and put everything on a flash drive, so I can copy it all over, though. haha -Liam
  19. Well, yeah, I really would have liked to have seen more connections between the Tiberian and RA universes. Twisting them while not making them all in the same world, would be cool. And at least then it'd make sense, rather than just being something that you have to, more or less, invent in your own head. -Liam
  20. Tiberian Dawn: - Make sure to group your air units onto a team by pushing 'ctrl 1-9', because they cannot be selected, by clicking, while flying. - If you hear 'silos needed' just build a helipad and cancel it, the used credits are no longer counted towards silos and you get all the money back. - If you're having trouble keeping your weapons factory alive against Nod recon bikes, try putting grenadiers around it. - If GDI tanks keep destroying all your Nod tanks, build recon bikes instead, they are a direct counter to the medium tank, even in a head on fight. - Push the "X" key to make all selected units scatter in a random direction. This is very useful for quickly getting your troops out of the way of a tank trying to crush them. Just put the infantry on a team "ctrl 1-9", select them quickly and tap "X" once or even twice. - Try spreading your troops out so that splash attacks from Flame or High Explosive weapons don't do as much damage, it can help them to not get crushed by tanks, also. - If you're Nod and spawn on the western side of a map (left side), make sure to place your Airstrip as far to the East (right) as you can, to stop your units from being build delayed. Building a second airstrip will completely solve this problem. - If your airstrip is too far to the West and has a build delay and you find that a unit will just say 'ready' on the side bar, wait until EVA says "Reinforcements have arrived" (when the last unit is dropped off) and then click the 'ready' unit on the sidebar to call in the next plane. - 4 Apaches can destroy a construction yard in 1 run, even if it's being repaired. - 4 Orca can destroy a Weapons Factory in 1 run, even if it's being repaired, 3 if it's not. - Troops, base defenses and Communications centers can all detect stealth, when the stealth unit is on an adjacent cell. You can also detect stealth if one of your units collides with a stealth unit. Use groups of fast units to move around an area where you think there's a stealth unit to try and collide with it. You can also hold "ctrl" to force fire on a cell where you think a stealth unit is hidden. - No unit is 'bad' in Tiberian Dawn. If your opponent uses a new strategy with units you're not used to dealing with, think about what units have an effective weapons against the units you're facing. - Starting with more than 10,000 credits often means players will spam helipads at the start of the match, because they build at the speed of a 300 credit structure and the orca/apache can then be used to snipe the Construction Yard etc. Try to avoid starting with more than 10,000 starting credits. Note: Turning on 'separate helipad' doesn't fix this, because air units can be produced faster for each helipad you own. - Refineries and Helipads build faster than other buildings in regards to how much they cost. A refinery cost 2000 but builds at the speed of a 600 credit building and a Helipad costs 1500 and builds at the speed of a 300 credit building. - To tell your large vehicles to crush enemy troops, select them, hold 'alt' and click on the enemy infantry.
  21. The best way to do it is to not make each field too big... although, in RA, the harvs eat the ore up faster, so it's more of a problem there. -Liam
  22. This looks great, that grave site would look great with the church next to it, also -Liam
  23. That's a really silly ending, then But then, I always thought firestorm was really silly (so nothing new). On the RA story line stuff... RA1: "According to Adam Isgreen, a lead designer on many of Westwood’s Command & Conquer games, early drafts of Red Alert’s script featured a ‘duelling scientists’ sub-plot, the increasingly bizarre inventions of Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla fuelling a technological arms race. Many elements of this idea are present in the finished game, including teleportation with Einstein’s Chronosphere, weaponised Tesla coils, and a defensive force field dubbed the ‘iron curtain’. Fascinatingly, this facet of the story was also intended to provide further connections to the original game - Tesla, who famously speculated about radio communication with extraterrestrials, would have successfully contacted an alien civilisation during the arms race, an event leading to the eventual seeding of Tiberium on Earth." - http://bennet.org/blog/tiberian-origins/ RA2: "Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Incursion (also known as Tiberian Twilight during development) was the working title for an iteration of Command & Conquer 3... ...GDI and Nod fought in Area 51. GDI was attempting to retrieve the remaining Screaming Eagle suit from the vaults. During the fighting GDI inadvertently activated technology from Command & Conquer: Red Alert in one of the vaults, including a Chronosphere. A chrono vortex threw Yuri back in time. Yuri was the result of Nod's psychic experimentations and an acolyte of Kane. This would make Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 another branch of the timeline." - http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer:_Tiberian_Incursion So, there was meant to be MASSIVE ties between the Tib and RA universes, but yeah, EA didn't care, or didn't know, or forgot of some shit. Which is a pity, because it would be nice for the whole thing to fit together. In fact, it's a pity WW didn't make RA1 more about Einstein vs Tesla. -Liam
  24. I'd really like to see a mode like the original BF1942, where you'd both be moving across a map taking flags that can be used to spawn from etc. And just have some vehicles that re spawn, that can be used. C&C is nifty, in that, you can have vehicles being purchased and so on, but you can also have modes where you just have them etc, as the world itself is rich enough to allow anything you can think of, in HOW you want the gameplay to work out. You could even have an extended mode with some of the unused units shown in cut scenes, such as the jet planes.
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