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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. I would also like to know this, as sometimes my computer seems to simply decide not to actually load for the game for over a minuet (it actually isn't even loading the game... it just sits, and then suddenly opens it). Pre-loading would be a great way to get around that. -Liam
  2. mm, must be built a bit deeper into C&C. We were having trouble getting them to fly and hit like the rockets in TD, which is why it was just changed to being like a tank shell; so that they were nice and even every time they were fired. At the worst, they're a little inaccurate if the target is moving and the troop is at max range. -Liam
  3. There certainly are missions where the chinooks are just sitting around and you can capture them. Open those missions and have a look how they are placed? -Liam
  4. But the AP warhead doesn't do a lot of splash Or are you saying that the splash dmg of AP warhead in TD is higher than RA1? -Liam
  5. I didn't even up their dmg and the rocket troops seem more effective, lol. Non tracking = better than tracking, haha. -Liam
  6. Yeah, but unless you make them not turning at ALL, they do different damage depending on the DIRECTION they fly in. I'd been doing some in game testing with LoveHandles trying to balance rocket troops for my latest mod. In the end I've made them basically like a slow tank shell that looks like a missile. -Liam
  7. Yeah, the AGT style missiles also seem hard to recreate. Maybe Nyer has some of the exact stats on how those projectiles fly? -Liam
  8. Yeah, I know, but some things in RA are really strange, like that HeatSeaker move kinda strangely and are actually quite inaccurate which makes rocket troops, etc, crappier. Maybe I should find some people to test your mod out with online. I'm sure you can forgive me for previously just just playing TD xD -Liam
  9. Huh, never noticed that... Maybe when I have 2 strips I'm just pumping out units and don't care anyway, lol -Liam
  10. sigh, and he bots D2 Probably the worst thing in D2, that Blizzard never actually policed botting. -Liam
  11. Well, that's kinda the beauty of dawn. Nod players were more likely to make bikes LONG before tanks. In fact, when I play as Nod, I seldom make tanks at all. I'm let to see a remake of dawn which actually manages to capture aspect, really at all, sadly Not that I've played red dawn online, so I don't know how well you managed to balance it. -Liam
  12. I once played an RTS called "SWARM" (from memory). But I've never been able to find it since. The maps have a bunch of 'hives' on them, for different insects. Technically, you don't play as a specific race, but you get a bonus if you are using any of the hives of your chosen race. The hives have an auto defense attached to them and obviously create units and can be destroyed by units. If you destroy a hive, you get it. From memory there were 4 types of hives, ants, beetles, spiders and wasps (in that order of coolness, lol) and each hive can create 3 types of that species. I wasn't much of an RTS gamer at that time, but I recon that was actually a pretty cool game. We only had the demo version though. -Liam Edit: Just did a little Googling; It's called Swarm Assault, and there's also a Swarm Assault 2
  13. The cranes are a cool idea then. Not sure if mines will really stop tank rushes, the better way to deal with the problem is to make sure that infantry, or at least bikes, can take down tanks. That way, there are other key units to the game, and because those key units have different armor types, other weapons also then become more useful. -Liam
  14. What's the primary building problem? You mean that if 1 plane is still to drop off a vehicle, the next will go to the other strip? Because the WF kinda has the same issue, if you build a cheep vehicle, like a hummer, with 2 WF, then if one WF's door are still closing etc, the hummer will pop out the other. Same issue if you make 3 WF and build tanks, some will still come out of another WF. Unless that's not what you're talking about -Liam
  15. That's pretty sweet Allen. I think it'd be fine for online play. Those cranes on the dock are something I haven't seen, very cool... I notice a wee graphical glitch there though, the shadow of the bottom left walls corner needs to be clipped off -Liam
  16. Sweet... just 9 years and 364 days to go! Seriously, I hope it's done well before that time, haha It had a LAN mode built in, didn't it? Would it be maybe easier to just have it hook up through that, much like Hamachi/CnCnet4 I guess it's all a lot of work in any way. Good luck! -Liam
  17. Cool stuff guys... Now if you could just expand the pallet size so it could just have pretty much any color you wanted Again, a guy can dream, right? -Liam
  18. Yeah, the airstrip would be an issue... in fact, if it was that big would 2 strips actually solve it? You might find it to still be an issue when the map is that big. -Liam
  19. The title says it all. I just downloaded tib sun, right here at CnC-Comm.com Told CnCnet where I'd installed to Then the game just crashed immediately on start up. After some looking around that while game.exe and sun.exe both ran fine, ts-spawn just crashes immediately on start up. (Which obviously explains why it was crashing through CnCnet) Thoughts, anyone? -Liam
  20. So I hear FunkyFr3sh has been patching the game up a bit... can we have it on CnCnet now? Seriously, is there a reason. Seems like a perfect place for it to exist. Is it just time and effort? -Liam
  21. He stated this was a mod for TD... So yes. And I kinda don't really like the RA1 missions anyway. Or maybe that it's just that I don't like how RA1 plays. Maybe both, a little hard to tell. -Liam
  22. Oh, that's a pity, that would be really good logic to put into the game It's kinda surprising that WW didn't think to put SOMETHING like that in. But if it ran by "buildings destroyed" wouldn't someone/everyone win at the very start, because everyone has an MCV and not a con yard? -Liam
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