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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. It's like a light heavy! But seriously, that's pretty sweet kilk -Liam
  2. Yeah, I know TS had nothing to do with EA, but still, the situation of completely immersing the game in a setting that deeply sci fi kinda messed everything up. IMO, if they'd gone slower and made games about the world deteriorating, the feel of the whole story would be better. But once it was that deep in, EA didn't really know what to do with C&C3. -Liam
  3. That sounds really weird, but I don't have any info to give you in feedback, sorry... Anyone else? Would you like to share the file etc? -Liam
  4. I think they had an idea for a world to base a series of games in, but wanted to start by making a game that took the world as people knew it and started evolving it towards what they had envisioned. Helping to immerse the gamer in their universe. Unfortunately, after TD, they rushed it right into a totally crazy and broken world and then had nowhere to go... not to mention the whole thing being pushed in different directions by their new owners. Just my thoughts. -Liam
  5. I also wanted to double agree with Kilk's point on C&C95 being more realistic, with that hint of sci-fi, rather than it being all so crazy. It's something that gives the game a great feel, in a similar way, RA1 also, but even RA1 was getting a bit over the top... still, it had lots of good concepts. Honestly, many of those same concepts were in RA2, but were better implemented. -Liam
  6. Too true... remember that time he got shot with the Ion Cannon... still calm as a rabbit. -Liam
  7. I think Kilk is just saying that Kane was played really well in TS, but I kinda know what you mean. Yeah, inf being useless sucked. It's why I mod RA, because the balance is kinda messed, even though there's lots of dynamic unit ideas in the game. -Liam
  8. I don't think the issue is finding someone who COULD do it, or someone that has TIME to do it, or even someone that WANTS to do it... it's finding someone that's all three. Still, sometimes to just takes some time for the right person to come along. I know what you mean though Myg... I kinda thought someone would have come along and picked it up by now. -Liam
  9. Oh hey, you know that the nuke warhead value doesn't change the area damage, only the initial hit. The spread of the nuke is fire warhead, if I remember... which is why it does like NOTHING to tanks. -Liam
  10. True, TS seemed to be pushing the tiberium universe in a particular direction, with mutants and aliens. Obviously, aliens was explored quite well, but the rest, not so much at all. I haven't played C&C4, so I wont comment on it's story, but I have heard enough about game style to know they messed it up pretty badly. There have been games that died off a bit and them made comebacks, but they need to be made by people who care about the game and are not only after money. RTS games need to be pretty dynamic, so you can't just pump them out like a sport or movie game. They need to capture imagination AND a tactical mind. If EA get bored, they may yet sell the rights and have someone who understands the concepts better, actually pick up on it and make something great, which, as we know would also get modders involved. -Liam
  11. Yeah, having the warning is a good thing, but maybe just reword it to something like "This map has edited features, such as edited units or buildings. This could allow an unfair advantage to certain players. Do you wish to continue anyway?" Else it's popping up for all the mods and stuff as well, claiming that people are cheating, lol. Which is possible but not probable. Saying people might be cheating is pretty offensive if they've just been spending time making something for others to enjoy -Liam
  12. If it makes it so that you can pretty much make a temperate map and just rename it, then I don't think anyone cares about file names. Everything for simplicity -Liam
  13. I say each to their own. (people can play and make what they want). In saying that, I don't think that Nyer has any intention of making something like build que, even if he could. He's just wanting to patch, but NOT mod, the game. Original C&C is gonna live on for sometime yet, same with RA1. -Liam
  14. That's looking really cool. I like this one better -Liam
  15. Holy crap guys, this all looks amazing. -Liam Congrats!
  16. If you use the other version of RA to mod with, it should make things easier to mod, and make the game much smaller. There are no videos in that version either. Would the videos even still line up with the missions you now have in RA (with the edited team etc)? I know it's a bunch of work to copy the files over into new mixes, but the majority of the work for modding is graphics and balance (I find). I went through this myself. These larger versions of RA are really not that good for modding. -Liam
  17. Also maybe just a little more random style pixels on the greeny brown areas on them. The flat areas look a little plain.
  18. Maybe make sure there's some shadow under the buildings on stilts also, so that it really stands out that they're high up... even if you strait up just have to put really dark green parts under it. But, looking good -Liam
  19. Hey, try using this as a base Should help. Main MINIMUM game package (13 MB, comes with expansions) Campaign files (12.3 MB), should be all you need. http://iran.cnc-comm.com/ra/# Yeah, chill Nyer, I know it's crazy seeing someone do this, but there's actually not that much info on how to mod RA. I remember when I started modding it was insanely hard to figure out how to do stuff. I mostly just asked people in the CnCNet IRC. -Liam Hope that helps
  20. Ah, that's kinda strange, but I mean, where did hifi put the download? xD (I think it's in some thread somewhere, I can't find it) -Liam
  21. Quite neat... hard to say at this stage. I think making sure it has a nice light effect between the mirrors and tower may be the biggest thing to give it a fancy look. -Liam
  22. Hm, I hadn't noticed you'd changed that turret on the rear of the rocket launcher. Personally, I quite liked how it popped up and then fired. Little sad to see it'd been taken out. -Liam
  23. Ask Nyer, pretty sure mixing StarWars with CnC was his thing xD -Liam
  24. Meh, I'd like to see a new building set... But then, I'd also like to see a mosque for the desert terrain. -Liam
  25. That pretty much sounds amazing Tschokky. Can't wait to see what you can whip up Ocean Oil rigs... him, that's an interesting building, considering there have been no floating civ buildings out there yet. Looks a little naval yard though. (I'm teasing because I know you can totally do better, hehe). I know, right kilk? I remember releasing CR and thinking that it was all that... and now people are starting to show me up. I need to get back to modding! -Liam
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