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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Well I hope there is but if not let me know. It may also not hurt to let Tschokky know as I think it would be a good idea to add to the basic interior. Adding rivers and open water may not be a bad idea.
  2. Funky I was thinking today (yes I know a scarry thought) but if there is a real want for the interior why not add an new interior that uses the same files names as all of the other theaters? The interior uses less tiles (tilesets) than the outdoor theaters. This way all of the current interior tiles could be listed in the right catagory and new tilesets could be added.
  3. The flag flagfly.shp is loaded from the conquer.mix. The flag is bing loaded but is is being listed in the Ridge catagory Over all this is progress!
  4. Glad to see thing are still going!
  5. Your anti-virus should have exception/ignore list. Add the lanucher to it and your anti-virus will quit messing with it.
  6. Allen262

    AI buildings

    Far as I know no changes where done to how the AI builds buildings. I don't think any one knows how the AI building coding is done. The AI will build a tech center but normally sell it right after unless it has a bunch of money.
  7. Karpersky should have a place to report false positive. I did this years ago with the RA95.exe. Took a week or so and they no longer saw the RA95.exe as a threat. As to why Karpersky detect it as a virus? The hacks done to the files to make them work are similar to what a hacker would do to make a virus infected file. Report them as false positive and things should be fixed soon.
  8. Allen262

    Problem with MSI?

    An MSI is an installer file I belive. On Windows 7 and up you can NOT Alt+Tab out of the game. It will mess up and you will have to close the game. There is no known fix for this.
  9. I don't think this can be fixed unless button are told to be drawn larger to match the rez settings. I'm sure this is why the launcher has a Ant mission option.
  10. Not from the Aftermath CD. Counterstike and Aftermath just used name of movies1.mix with cutscenes from both the Allied and Soviet disks saved in the movies1.mix. Counterstike (1.07/1.08) added the expand.mix to the RA95.exe and Aftermath (2.00) added EXPAND2.MIX, hires1.mix, lores1.mix. Not sure when the wolapi.mix was added. It could have been with Counterstike and updated again for Aftermath.
  11. I don't have a current copy of the singleplayer RA95.exe but my guess is that if you delete the "movies10.mix" that the RA95.exe will read the movies1.mix and movies2.mix just fine. If not movies1.mix is for the Allied missions and movies2.mix for the Soviet missions. You can remame movies1.mix or movies2.mix to movies10.mix so you can get the french brefings. You will have to do the renaming depending on what missions your playing at the time. Over all I'm not sure why a movies10.mix was added...
  12. Boso That worked. No idea why it would been to be change like this but it now works. rocketsteve Here is WarZone. It is set up as a debug map so it has a reveal map trigger. 4 spies that first player can controll. You will need to remove them and the reveal map trigger when your happy with things. The Prod (Production) tigger will let the AI start building units after 8 min of gameplay. The Auto (Autocreate) Trigger will start forming teams to attack after 10 min of gameplay. warzoneS.mpr
  13. The Bradley is an APC as well. It can hold 6 or 7 men inside. The M2 was made to replace the old M113 APC (APC in TD RA1) Cutscenes showing the a Nod M2 unload.
  14. The light tank for Nod never quite made since. If they wanted Nod to use a M2 Bradly they should have made it fire like the M2 dose using the TOW for heavy armor and the 20mm? or 30mm? for light armor. This was do-able in Tib Dawn.
  15. Alright some one from the CnCNet Team did you remove the ability to use autocreate in multiplayer games? I programed the map and it work fine as a singleplayer .ini map but soon as I change it back to a .mpr no teams are made. Attaching the map. All you have to is change .mpr to .ini and start the soviet campaign and when the timer runs out they will build units but if the map is loaded in to multiplayer with .mpr they never build a unit. scu01ea.mpr
  16. The fourm says it will let you attach .ini and .mpr files. If it won't work put map in a zip file and attach the zip.
  17. I forget that a lot too. I'm helping some one trying to do much the same right now.
  18. Before I forget some more info on Team Types. The Num box need to have 1 or more or the AI won't ever build the team.
  19. Make sure it has the Num: 1 or more on the teamtype.
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