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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. More Beta Ships. This time the Sub. You can see a screen of the early sub Here. Thanks to Nyerguds It is also been added next to the remade sub on the pic below. Pre_Sub.zip
  2. Beta styled Cruiser for RA1. The Beta Cruiser is seen in the mid of the other Cruisers. Or you can see the whole beta screen Here. Thanks to Nyerguds I may do the other ships as but they need more work than the Cruiser took. You can see the others Here. Thanks to Nyerguds again Pre_CA.zip
  3. The Ingame Strings Editor is kind of odd. You click on the name you want to change. Type the new name at the bottom. Once done you have it typing hit "Enter" do not click on a another name you have to hit enter to save it.
  4. That bothers you? Did you see the 2st? It is much worst.
  5. Do you have the parts to make icons? If not you can download RA Cameo Creator. http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/utilities-2.html It has the icon text you will need. It looks like another thing by Nyerguds that I should be paying him for.... I lost it read me along time go but I found when I got you a link for it.
  6. STNK would become a BTR-70 and APC would stay the same as RA1 and TRUK would stay the same too. This would keep any one from using APC as tank full of men.
  7. Since you don't want The M2 and BMP-1 being used as Main Battle Tanks mayby you should make a BTR-70 and the US can use the stock RA1 APC.
  8. Hires.mix should be in the REDALERT.MIX in the REDALERT folder. You need the local.mix from the REDALERT.MIX too.
  9. Don't play LAN or Net games so AI is all I got. The AI for Skirmish mode was dated for RA1 at the start of the game. WestWood even said so. Look in the rules under AI Controls. There are ways to tune the AI even in mod like this.
  10. Yes. Say you want to make the [3TNK] into the T-72. First get the conquer.eng out the EXPAND2.mix. Edit the Heavy Tank to say T-72. Now save and pack conquer.eng in local.mix, EXPAND.mix and EXPAND2.mix. Since normal RA1 will delete the conquer.eng. If your using RA1 3.03 by Nyerguds you can leave the conquer.eng in the RedAlert folder with the rules.ini and not pack it in to the mixes since Nyerguds modded RA1 to not delete it on startup. conquer.eng can stay there and the game can read it just like the rules.ini Since the [3TNK] is becoming the T-72. Now take your T-72.shp you made and name it 3TNK.shp Now pack it conquer.mix If you don't have a T-72 icon get my Icon pack http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1685.0 Now rename the T-72icon.shp to 3TNKICON.shp. Pack 3TNKICON.shp into HIRES.mix If done right the Heavy Tank will be gone! It will now be the T-72 when you hold you mouse over it and the the sidebar icon and on map unit will be changed.
  11. Yes! That is what I said! Image= and Name= do NOT WORK IN RA1! It can NOT be fixed. Do not use Image= and Name=! You will need the following files. Do not add or remove files but replace. conquer.mix=Put Buildings and units shp in here. HIRES.mix=Put icon for unit and buildings in here local.mix=Put conquer.eng in here HIRES1.mix=Put icon for Aftermath units in here EXPAND.mix=Put unit for CounteStike and conquer.eng in here EXPAND2.mix=Put unit for Aftermath and conquer.eng in here Aftermath.ini=Is Rules for Aftermath mplayer.ini=Found in EXPAND2.mix. You need to delete evey thing in this file but for [Aftermath] NewUnitsEnabled=1 EngineerDamage=33% EngineerCaptureLevel=66% rules.ini=Rules for how the game plays. conquer.eng=in the EXPAND2.mix. This has unit and building name plus other things. You will need to download the “Ingame Strings Editor†by Vesa Piittinen. Get it from the link below. This file can’t be edit by notepad like .ini files. Once done editing it must be put into local.mix EXPAND.mix and EXPAND2.mix http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/utilities.html
  12. These are Icon I made for whiteshoes_N_gloves units posted here. Icons are BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle M-48 Chaparral mobile SAM SA-6 Gainful mobile SAM SU-25 Frogfoot T-72 T-80 Get the pack from the Zip below! Icon_for_whiteshoes_units.zip
  13. Did you change the TechLevel from -1? If TechLevel is at -1 the unit or building can't be made. It need to be from 1 to 10. Also in the rules there are descriptions for what each tag dose. However Tib Edit remove them. When you get every thing reinstalled open rules in Notpad and Hit Ctrl+F. This will bring up a Find box and seach for ; ******* Unit Statistics ******* You will find a list of what each tag dose. This is from the rules for TechLevel ; TechLevel = tech level required to build this [-1 means can't build] (def=-1) If all else fails. I can probly do the coding.
  14. The AI will build units it owns and can meet the Prerequisite= of that unit. (AI ignore Prerequisite= in MP game some of the time.) This is how RA1 set unit and buildings. ; medium tank : Owned by allies [2TNK] Prerequisite=weap Owner=allies ; medium tank : Owned by soviet [2TNK] Prerequisite=weap Owner=soviet ; medium tank : Owned by allies and soviet [2TNK] Prerequisite=weap Owner=allies,soviet This is how Red Dawn has it unit and buildings. ; GDI medium tank : Owned by GDI and Nod but in order build the Med Tank you must own a GDI barracks [1TNK] Prerequisite=weap,tent Owner=allies,soviet ; GDI medium tank : Owned by GDI and Nod but in order build the Med Tank you must own a Hand of Nod [1TNK] Prerequisite=weap,barr Owner=allies,soviet ; GDI medium tank : Owned by GDI and Nod [1TNK] Prerequisite=weap Owner=allies,soviet
  15. Yes you wil want to keep using the conquer.mix to replace RA1s .shp with your .shp. Make sure not to remove any files. Only replace. If you remove files it it likely to make the game crash. You will need the following mix files. conquer.mix=Buildings and units HIRES.mix=This mix has the icon for unit and buildings HIRES1.mix=This mix has the icon for Aftermath EXPAND.mix=unit for CounteStike EXPAND2.mix=unit for Aftermath You will need the following ini files. Aftermath.ini=Is Rules for Aftermath mplayer.ini=Found in EXPAND2.mix. You need to delete evey thing in this file but for [Aftermath] NewUnitsEnabled=1 EngineerDamage=33% EngineerCaptureLevel=66% rules.ini=Rules for how the game plays. Also drop Tib Edit. It known to mess thing up real bad. No the Name= and the Image= don't have to be the same. When I started Red Dawn in the early 2000 I used the Name= and Image= system. It made MP games unplayable. I'm not sure what it make the game crash but my guess it can't keep track of all the Image= and Name= it needs to display during games. Than I started to do what you are doing and use conquer.mix along with all the other stock mix files to stop the crashing. Lastly I start to Hex Edit the game to read custom named files so it would not replace stock RA1.
  16. The only place Image= is found is RA1 is the fake buildings. Name= is used in single player maps some times. nothing in the rules uses it. [POWR] Image=DOME Now the game will replace all of the POWR with DOME. However in RA1 this is bugged. Using more than 2 gives game crashes in multiplayer games and large single player maps. [POWR] Name=Allen Hax Power Plant Now any time you hold you mouse over a power plant on the map or side bar it will display "Allen Hax Power Plant" Using more than 2 gives game crashes in multiplayer games and large single player maps just like Image=. Are you adding your files to the expand2.mix? If your not using Image= how are you getting Ra1 to use the units you made? expand.mix expand2.mix
  17. I know this. I'll look into this but you can't use General as a buildable Infantry. 1 AI don't use it 2. GNRL, C1 to C10, EINSTEIN, DELPHI and CHAN can't be loaded on to a Transport Helicopter with out the game trying to fly the Helicopter and any Infantry init off the map. Could be Tib Ed. You should manually edit the .ini Also I have feeling you modding looks somthing like this... [3TNK] Name=T-72 Image=T72 If yes than this is your crash.
  18. It’s not ture.... Any user that has Red Alert 1.08PE or greater (Aftermath is 2.00) can build Ants with OUT Counterstrike. Anyway I'm writing .exe like Red Dawn has that will not mess up RA-1 or Red Dawn. It will use files that the Cold War.exe can only read. The Red Dawn.exe and Cold War.exe are modded 3.03. This means that a Ant can be used just fine. At this point I got AfterMath units to work fine in any mission and the use don't have to have Counterstrike or Aftermath to do so. I'm not sure if this will work will for multiplayer game were it is Player Vs Player but it works fine in Skirmish mode and in all singerplayer modes.
  19. Whiteshoes is not the only one. RAED and custom graphics is vary tricky. The only custom graphics in the past I've had working was for the Ants. I just ended up mesmerizing what I had changed in the rules and used no custom graphics when I did the mission for Red Dawn.
  20. Tank rushes work just fine. You get rushed and since the way I had it. It only took 3 hits to take out tanks and gun turrets, most of you force is wiped out and before you can rebuild again the AI will rush you again and your done. Infantry are killed by tank in one shot since they are so week. It make them useless. For tanks maybe set them up like this. I haven't yet fully test to see if this helps so. BMP-1 and M2 Bradly Primary=75mm Strength=250 Cost=800 M60 Patton Primary=90mm Strength=350 Cost=800 T-72 Primary=90mm Strength=400 Cost=800 M1 Abrams Primary=120mm Strength=550 Cost=1000 T-80 Primary=105mm Strength=500 Cost=900 Gun turret Strength=500 Next I went to all the tank guns and TurretGun in the rules and added 30 more damage to what was stock was [75mm] Damage=75 ;was 25 [90mm] Damage=80 ;was 30 ; medium anti-armor cannon (T-80) [105mm] Damage=85 ;was 35 ; large anti-armor cannon (M1 Abrams) [120mm] Damage=90 ;was 40 ; Gun turret cannon [TurretGun] Damage=90 ;was 40 I also did the same thing to any weapon that fires on tanks. [Hellfire], [Dragon] and [Maverick] This seem to make the tank take about 5 or 6 hit before they are destoyed. It better than the 12 to 14 seen in RA1. I will explan the warheads below. This is a M60mg for jeeps. ; vehicle mounted machine gun (.50cal/12.7mm) [M60mg] Damage=15 : We will be using this number alot. ROF=20 Range=4 Projectile=Invisible Speed=100 Warhead=SA Report=PILLBOX1 Anim=MINIGUN You can change the Warhead Characteristics but you can't add any new warhead. Same is true of Weapons and Projectile. Quoted out of the rules. "Verses = damage value verses various armor types (as percentage of full damage)...-vs- none, wood (buildings), light armor, heavy armor, concrete" So looking at my [sA] warhead Verses that is attched to M60mg ; Large machine guns (50Cal/12.7mm) [sA] Spread=1 Verses=100%,50%,20%,10%,25% Explosion=1 InfDeath=1 The M60mg will do full damage to any thing with armor=none. (In this case 15 damage to any thing that has armor=none) Than 50% of 15 to armor=wood, 20% of 15 to armor=light, 10% of 15 to armor=heavy and 25% of 15 to concrete. [hollowpoint] has Verses=100%,5%,5%,5%,5% it dose almost no damage to any thing but armor=none. armor=none is only used on Infantry. The only warhed that is set to a unreal setting is the SA warhead. This is whay I said to set all the infantry packed guns to Warhead=hollowpoint This will free up [sA] warhead to be used on large caliber Armor-piercing machine guns.
  21. Ants look fine. I'm using them for them Jeep, M48* and Arty. *I will convert the M48 when you have it done for you. I already have the rest done. Tanks killing each other in 1 or even 3 shots is way to much. You get tank rushed. No defence you make can stop it. A T-72 will "knock out" a M1A1 in real life. A hidden Iraqi T-72 hid from the M1s thermal camera by not running and waiting tell the M1 rolled right up to it. The hit rendered the M1A1 useless as the computer system of the M1A1 crashed. US crews repaired the tank when daylight came and sent it back to the rear for full repairs. This T-72 was technologically inferior to that of a Russian T-72 and Iraqi T-72 could complely destroy a M2 Bradley in one hit and did. Any IFV or APC is not going to take a hit from any MBT and survive. Edit: Maybe the best thing to do is to drop all the infantry types to Strength=25. Change the [M1Carbine] Warhead to HollowPoint. Do the same for any man packed guns. Change the [sA] Warhead for use on Jeeps to somthing like this. ; Large machine guns (50Cal/12.7mm) Armor-piercing rounds [sA] Spread=1 Verses=100%,50%,20%,10%,25% Explosion=1 InfDeath=1 Basicly use HollowPoint for any guns that you want to do little or no damage to wood, light armor, heavy armor and concrete. SA will damage all armor types.
  22. I found a fix since you want to use AfterMath units. It will let one use AF units with out having the AF disk. There is a few bugs to it but fixable. Also are Tanks one shot one kill when firing on other tanks/APCs?
  23. With Red Dawn all the unit shps are in the conque!.mix. HIRE!.mix has the icon and another copy of all the inf. HIRE!1 has all the AfterMath icons. EXPAN!.mix (CouterStike) and EXPAN!2.mix (AfterMath) have units .shps ant buildings and sounds. loca!.mix has a copy of conquer.eng and conque!.eng both files are also found in EXPAN!.mix and EXPAN!2.mix In the conque!.mix you will find a SSM with the launcher locked in place named MRJ.shp and the MLRS is ARTY.shp has the launcher locked in place too.
  24. Yes I'm sure. I just check since I haven't check with 3.03 but it is the same. You can build them to sit on the Airstrip but they are unselectable.
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