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Everything posted by Allen262
Link to it? I would like to see it.
making your own briefing movies for TD?
Allen262 replied to MattAttack's topic in Modding Discussion
↑↑↑↑↑↑ Must be nice. Wasn't all that fun remembering what TD video used what RA1 video name when I was makeing Red Dawn. -
Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert reviewed by Era Games
Allen262 replied to MrFlibble's topic in General Discussion
I'm not. I was saing given the choice I would and still do take RA1 over TS. If RA1 was as editable as TS I would never be modding TS. The lack of lack of build queue was in the video and I agree with that after playing TS and RA2*. -
Red Alert has a fix number of units and building. I can not add more so I had to make use of every unit despite any flaws it may have. The Buggy was the Mine Layer and I can not remove the expand from it. Trying to make it expand dose nothing.
Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert reviewed by Era Games
Allen262 replied to MrFlibble's topic in General Discussion
Watched the RA one. All I can say is the lack of build queue is drag but what RA1 offers over TS makes up for it. -
Bradley with transport animation and turret (RA) UPDATE!
Allen262 replied to AchromicWhite's topic in Graphics
Until I take your gif and resize it smaller by 50%. It now works just fine as a replacement for the APC's .SHP -
MLRS with fixed turret and armoured front (RA)
Allen262 replied to AchromicWhite's topic in Graphics
Looks good! -
The link has the fix for “Ukraine: Mousetrap†The person will run and keep running away now. He will no longer get stuck in the wall as in the pic posted above. obsolete
I'm glad! I reply fast bacuse I get an email when some post in this thread.
An error caused by C&C-RAED. I fixed it, test played it and updated the start of the mission. The Buggy is now replaced with an Med Tank. The link has the fix for "Greece: Sarin Gas 1: Crackdown" and the past missions you had me fix. Red Dawn Mission Patch UP2 (Re-placed UP1) obsolete This link will replace the other I gave you in the past as well. Let me know if this worked!
The "missio!.ini" has briefing for missions from the Allied and Soviet disk only. Counterstrike and AfterMath has missions briefing in each mission file. You will have to extract the missions from Cc-MIScs.mix (Counterstrike) and Cc-MISaf.mix (AfterMath). You can open and edit the Counterstrike and AfterMath missions like the "missio!.ini" and edit the briefing.
It's just a hardcode thing in RA1, no way around it. The real Maverick has or is using TV, laser, and infra-red guidance systems. The Maverick can be mounted to a large number of planes including the A-10. The Kh-25 is similar to the Maverick and is found on SU-25s. I would use specialized Warhead but I'm using all of them right now for others and the missles are still beter at taking out tanks.
I still have the SUs and A-10s armed with missiles like the stock Mig. Bombs and nose mounted cannons don't hit tanks at all but the do level building quite well. I did get the planes and helos set up so that they take out tanks but don't leval a building in one bomb run by keeping them armed with missles. Laser-guided bomb are nothing more than dropped missles. In the Projectile Statistics copy the HeatSeeker code to another Projectile like Bomblet (is not used in stock RA1) and remove the Animates=yes (This will remove the smoke trail) from the copied HeatSeeker code and change the Image=DRAGON to Image=MISSILE. Now you should have somthing that looks like a laser-guided bomb.
I think I got the helicopter set up into away that makes them still usefull. Helicopter are usefull for taking out units that have no or one AA gun around them were the SU and A-10 can out run the AA fire to hit tanks guarded by a SAM. I been play some of my quick modded mission (Mostly Soviet 9) and it has turned out that the SUs and A-10s are better as a defense unit. SUs are better suited for picking off tank column as the roll up to the base than even 3 Gun Turs per side of base entrance are.
95% of the time in SP mission when any AI unit stops moving it goes in to Guard or Area Guard mode. It sits around and engage any enemy that wanders within weapon range/guard range. The default guard range is the same a weapon the unit or building has. GuardRange= you can make an unit guard a large area like the all of the Aircraft in stock RA1 or make it smaller than the weapon so you can sneek around it. The AI will retaliate with the units weapon range once it is fired on no matter if it has a Guard Range of 0 You mod is completely unsuitable for SP missions. Over powered units, long build times, weapons with vary long range render all the made maps useless. The way you have unit listed also don't help. Even the RA Terrain is not suted to units having long range weapons. You tossed out every thing for balincing so I wouldn't even know were to start to even build an SP mission AI let alone a lage number of SP missions. This is why I took my striped down Red Dawn I used to post ideas in your first thread and I'm up dating it in to full SP mod based round you idea and units. My infantry are week too however the Commandos are armed with sniper rifles to take care of other men and arent'as week as normal infantry plus my Rifle Infantry aren't packing C4. Commandos are costly so no one will be using them as "Zerg rush" unit like Rifle Infantry will be used if they have C4. Yes the Sc-Voi.mix goes in to the RA folder.
I got the Guardrange= crap fixed. I must of not save the rules after I added it. After I re-added Guardrange= back to the tanks it work better. I can sneek by or up to tanks in guard mode. However with long range set if I fire on a tank it will fire back if I'm in its weapons range. I'm attaching the NATO and Soviet Commandos I have below. e7.shp goes to Hires.mix e7icon.shp goes to Hires.mix shok.shp goes to Hires1.mix shokicon.shp goes to Hires1.mix Sc-Voi gose into the RA1 folder with the other mixes. It has the voices for the Commandos. Sounds are the one of a few things that can be replaced with out using the mix files from the Main.mix or REDALERT.mix. Any thing found in the following mix files can be place into a SC******.mix. allies.mix ,general.mix, russian.mix, scores.mix, sounds.mix and speech.mix. "*" indactes any letter can be place there. SC much be the first two letters or the mix file will not be read by RA1. A SC******.mix can not be more than 8 letter long counting the first required SC. "SCmegahaxz.mix" is too long but "SCmahaxz.mix" is fine. Longer than 8 letters is know to cause crashes but not as often the Name= or Image= dose. NATO_and_Soviet_Commandos.zip
Long ranges... That is pain in the ass with AI. The AI still fires at you from long range even if they are given Guardrange=2 and Sight=2. The best I've been to do is set sight at 4 and all tank weapons around 5 (BMP, M2, Leopard and T-72) to 6 (T-80, M1 and Gun Turrent). Infantry has been fine. I couldn't have the Anti-Air in the E2 slot. I put it in the E4 spot and put the Nader back in E2. Things are fine. I got the Commando working fine. I set E7 up as the NATO Commando and SHOK as the Soviet Commando. I ripped the Boris icon and sounds from RA2 YR for the Soviet Commando. Now each side has there own Commando.
I ended up using the super warhead for all missles. It is the same as AP but for spread that is 6. I pushed up the speed on all cannons by 10 and the same for man-packed anti-tank missiles. This helped with moving target some. Aircraft missiles have a harder time hitting moving targets than any cannon. There is no way to make the aircrafts more accurate.
Dropping "spread" on AP to 0 makes all missles useless. Also cannons have a hard time hitting moving targets with 0 spread. I've been making a AI friendly mod close to what you first layed out in text and have updated it after seeing the mod. I did stay away from high Strength on building and high Damage with weapons. I set it up like this. Ore values times 2 Vehicle and infantry Strength devided by 2 Vehicle,and buildings Cost times 2 Ships Strength times 3 All tank and anti-tankweapons Damage times 2 Ship weapons Damage times 3 Adjust all as needed Sry had ships wrong...
I told you about this… "Splash damage" is hard to fix. Damage=80 will show noticeable damage to tanks and Damage=18 to infantry. This applies for stock tanks and infantry.
I'm glad. 3 missions that have had errors out of more than 50 is not bad!
Red Dawn Mission Patch. This will fix GDI Mission 7 and Negotiations. EDIT: Also been update to cover “Greece: Sarin Gas 1: Crackdown” and “Ukraine: Mousetrap” obsolete
I like the idea but there are more than a few things that bug me. First delete evething in the aftermath.ini. It is not needed. The rules will do the same thing just fine how you have it. Going with a high Strength on every thing and Damage on every weapon is not good. RA1 has a hard time calculating how much damage a weapon should do and cost to repair a buiding. (May do the same with ship too) No building can have Strength=1000 or above reliability. If it is above this some buildings when repaired won't cost any thing. No weapon can shoot reliability more than Range=25, if grater it is likely that the weapon will explode after 2 squares. Do to having high Damage on every weapon means that your own units will kill each other when there is a weapons hit even close to them. SCUD having a nuke not good. Any thing that has Warhead=Nuke will use AtomDamage= key ; damage points when nuclear bomb explodes (regardless of source). Prerequisite of hospital for many Infantry is strange. Advanced Weapons Facility is next to useless. It has the Nuke symble on top and service depot still work better as it can repair more than one unit with out you having to babysit there and move each unit after it been fix so it will fix the next one.
Thanks for posting! Negotiations has a bug. I fixed it. GDI Mission 7 will be hard. Any time a weapon is fired out the north or top of the map. It makes the game error. I will have to remake GDI Mission 7 completely new to fix this. When both are done. I will post a link with a patch to fix them.