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Everything posted by Rampastring

  1. Sorry, but I'd want to know how you arrived at that conclusion While I wouldn't call myself a reverse engineer, I do have 8 years of experience with C# and .NET, and I know the basics of VB.NET, Java (quite similar to C#), C++ and x86 ASM. http://cncnet.org/what-is-cncnet This page doesn't mention me either, btw. It could use some updating.
  2. Something is preventing the client from starting CnCNetYRLauncher.exe. Anti-virus software, maybe?
  3. Closed as duplicate of the issue in this topic: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4492.15 For a solution, install .NET Framework 3.5.
  4. You can extract and convert the music tracks from SCORES*.mix for all C&C games. For Dune, I don't know.
  5. To be more precise, they're rendered when you're on CnCNet. They're not rendered when you're playing Skirmish.
  6. Delete the dscore.dat file in your YR directory.
  7. You can edit spawner.xdp and prevent CnCNetYRLauncher.exe from accessing the Internet with a firewall. You won't be able to play online then, though.
  8. Version 1.1453 has been released! Change log: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/tutorials/change-log Download: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/downloads/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age-v11453 If you already have DTA installed, you can also use the client to update.
  9. That has already been fixed in the latest version. It's some kind of a bug that only occurs on some systems.
  10. As the developer of the YR client I've noticed the same thing. I'm planning to address this in an update some time in the future, it's an important issue but not critical.
  11. The game host is free to decide what kind of a game they want to play. If the game host doesn't like Yuri and you want to play as Yuri, feel free to host your own room where you lay down the rules. Nothing prevents you from doing that.
  12. Do you have the dscore.dat file in your YR directory? If so, delete it.
  13. I don't think you can assign a single owner to CnCNet. There's a bunch of random volunteers doing work on it. The person responsible for handling RA1 happens to be FunkyFr3sh. So, you're already talking with the "CnCNet Management".
  14. Nope, such an option isn't technically possible due to how the anticheat works. I'm really puzzled on why you're getting this issue. Maybe you two should try a game together to see if the files match between you.
  15. What the hell. I'm the primary developer of the YR client (other people have only made textures and the installer is by FunkyFr3sh) and I've got no role in any of this social media / forum advertising, the people responsible for those have had no real role in client development itself. Please do your research better before calling others "idiotic". If anyone has any questions on what the client exactly does, I'm happy to answer.
  16. They're mostly either taken from the original games (TD and RA), modified from existing graphics by Bittah or created from scratch, DavyCrockett (now ex-staff) and Lin Kuei Ominae being the most important artists of our new graphics.
  17. Pretty much. "Rampa" is a modification of my real name; some people used to call me that when I was younger. I wanted to make a nickname with a programming reference, so I decided to pick Rampa and add string after it. Sounds a bit like an exotic real name.
  18. DTA indeed supports multiplayer only through tunneling. I've never set up a tunnel server myself, maybe someone else can help with that. DTA's client wasn't made with LAN in mind though, so you'll likely need to do work-arounds like redirecting cncnet.org to a local machine that contains the tunnel list on a server.
  19. Is this kopio file really needed? I had problems with such files from finnish windows versions before. On finnish windows it will add a special char before the "kopio" word which can break the command line for any reason No, it's not needed. I accidentally left it in the zip that I sent to you
  20. Hmm. Try deleting the whole "INI" sub-directory and the "spawner.xdp" file in your YR directory and see if the problem continues.
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