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Everything posted by Rampastring

  1. @ExoR, @krooboy: Your crashes look like they're caused by mismatched file versions. I suggest grabbing the latest CnCNet YR installer from http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge and re-installing the client with it.
  2. That particular screenshot was taken with the "Extreme AI" multiplayer option enabled, which makes the AI start with two construction yards. As you may know, it results in the AI cloning its buildings, so it builds a base twice as big as normally. Thanks for the feedback
  3. Download the fresh installer from http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge and try installing the client with it. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Make sure you have .NET Framework 3.5 with all service packs installed. Missing System.Core usually means that a required version of .NET Framework is missing.
  5. Check the game modes. They could be under a different game mode, like Custom Map or Standard.
  6. Linux is not officially supported. I'm afraid that you're on your own when it comes to getting it to work.
  7. Move your maps to the Maps\Custom directory and they'll work. Custom maps are no longer read from the main directory.
  8. Check the text file that I linked to earlier. The file needs to list the same information about your tunnel as the official text file lists from all tunnels, in the same format. You also need to somehow redirect cncnet.org to point to your local http server.
  9. It's the map renderer doing its job in the background. It's best to leave it be. Do you have Windowed mode enabled in settings? We already traced some of such issues, and will fix them this night.
  10. Must've been an accidental ban. FunkyFr3sh just reverted it, try connecting now.
  11. This is because the DTA client downloads the tunnel server list from http://cncnet.org/master-list when you attempt to host a game. The current client builds weren't really made with LAN in mind.
  12. Tell your friend to try changing their nickname. If that doesn't help, tell them to upload cncnetclient.log here.
  13. Terminate all instances of CnCNetClientYR and CnCNetYRLauncher, then run CnCNetYRLauncher and update.
  14. Looks like a failed update that has corrupted critical files. You'll need to reinstall CnCNet YR or potentially the whole game.
  15. We just released a new update. It should fix the crashes that you guys have been getting.
  16. Locate your game directory Search for cncnetclient.log Paste the contents into this topic with a description on how you encountered the bug Also include: Information on your operating system :ivan:
  17. To play custom maps, move them to the Maps\Custom directory. "Battle" and "Free for All" have both indeed been replaced by Standard, with the "Allow Ingame Allying" option controlling if alliances are enabled ingame. (I know we discussed this in PMs, but for reference to others)
  18. Change log: - A new, YR-style main menu - Player name length is now restricted to 12 characters, fixing a critical bug that occured if your name was too long - The UI has been revised to fit the website better - You can now view and join games hosted for The Dawn of the Tiberium Age, Twisted Insurrection and (soon) Tiberian Sun - DTA, TI and TS clients can also display and join YR games - The client now displays icons next to player names on CnCNet to indicate with which game or mod's client they signed in with - Improved logging and display of many IRC error messages - The game host will now see other players' pings to the selected tunnel server when they join the game - Added new settings window - The game lobby will now remember its last window state (if you had it maximized, it will stay maximized next time) - Quite likely something else that I've forgotten about Game fixes include: - You can now play with friends on the same internet connection - In game alliances are now possible Thank you to everyone who helped to test the new updates, the feedback helped a lot! Also a special thanks to FunkyFr3sh, Tomsons26 and CCHyper for their combined hard work on important fixes. Have fun! If you encounter any issues, feel free to post in this topic.
  19. Make sure that your name isn't longer than 12 characters.
  20. Improves game performance on most systems. Back to the bottom, you mean? Nope. Not in the current public build, the next build will have it better though. Check out the current DTA (I know you're familiar with it) version if you want to see it. It's indeed best to pick the tunnel server closest to the players. In CnCNet 5 (DTA/TI/my TS/YR) you connect to other players via tunnels. This is to make opening router ports unnecessary and for protecting you against players with bad intentions (your IP address cannot be seen by the other players, unlike with the peer-to-peer connection method traditionally used for classic C&C). If Persistent Game Lobby is enabled, the hosted game lobby isn't disbanded after the game ends. I'm unable to answer the last point.
  21. TS doesn't have the RA1 TeslaZap effect, so we had to make something similar with particle systems. I think it looks pretty neat though.
  22. Because I can do my research better than most people around Internet forums and I can fix the incompatibility issues using compatibility fixes or TS-DDRAW or both. Far more convenient than dual booting.
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