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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Roll in the obelisks. And the gunboats. GDI Mission 9
  2. The start of this mission is rather tricky on the highest difficulty... but then the mission becomes a glorious pushover. Rising Sun Mission 3: Behold the Mighty Saint of Swords
  3. Here's the main theme of this campaign: Destroy the cultural heritage of other countries. Rising Sun Mission 2: To Conquer Shattered Spirits
  4. The framerate is fine. The game slows down when there are 20+ units fighting at once, but that's pretty much an engine limitation.
  5. Neat. Here is Nod Mission 9 BTW. Just out of curiosity, what was the deal with the obelisk?
  6. Just finished GDI 9 and 10. In GDI 9, there's only two gunboats coming when the beach guns have been destroyed, and both are visible before on the very far eastern side of the map. They also move to the western side of the map and then stay there until they are destroyed. Is that WAD? In GDI 10, I didn't have any issues. The only thing I noticed is that the Obelisk of Light has a blue health bar and is out of power (?) at the start of the mission (see here). Oddly enough, it's not black, like non-powered buildings usually are - that only happens when you destroy a couple of Nod power plants. I also recommend to increase Nod's attack frequency in that mission. The Orcas make it relatively easy otherwise.
  7. There's still a lot of interest in the mod, though. TDR is my most popular series (based on views) and has been for the entire year.
  8. Videos work fine for me and now are activated by default. I deactivated them, though, and simply import the video file later.
  9. Just finished Nod 9. No issues except three things: GDI sold its Orca Helipads at one point. They were short on money by then, but I never saw them sell anything else before. Also, the GDI Constriction Yard in the northeastern corner wasn't hostile for some reason. When I moved over it while having units selected, I just got the selection cursor, not the attack cursor. I could destroy it with force fire, though. And I guess the gunboat is missing on purpose?
  10. Are you using OBS or OBS Studio? I can confirm that OBS Studio captures YR on Windows 7 64 bit.
  11. Sweet. Can you include a save file or an alternative way to access the missions? I don't want to play through the entire campaign again. XD
  12. TaxOwlbear

    Hello all!

    Welcome aboard, Jared.
  13. There's also a delay in taking over buildings in all games except C&C1, RA2, and TS. In Dune II and RA1, you have to shoot the buildings to bits first, or send in 4+ engineers at once. In Generals, taking over a building takes time, and from TW on, engineers have to stand there for a couple of seconds before they actually enter the building.
  14. The first Japanese mission isn't overly exciting. As the Soviets, we defended Leningrad. As the Allies, we saved Britain. Here, we interrupt the New Year celebrations. Woh. Rising Sun Mission 1: The Death of Father Frost
  15. Here is the final Allied mission, using the same map as the first Soviet mission. It's not too difficult of a mission, though the final part (destroying the Leningrad Fortress) can be a bit tricky due to the building's insanely long health bar. Allies Mission 9: The Moon Shall Never Have Them
  16. A fun mission. Turns out Cuba is really into sports. This is also one of those mission where the AI (relative to other games) shines. Giles is quite compete at brining down those airships. More competent than me when I played this mission for the first time! Allies Mission 8: The Great Bear Trap
  17. This isn't all that hard... unless you play with the AI and let it chronoshift onto the mainland. Then you're dead. Allies Mission 7: Forever Sets the Sun
  18. Of course! The eighth mission in both campaigns is best beaten with a huuuge pile of Abrams Tanks. GDI Mission 8 Nod Mission 8
  19. That's weird. Well, it's not a priority, and I usually squish the videos into the correct aspect ratio anyway.
  20. Currently, the video are in their original 4:3 aspect ration and as a result get stretched to 16:9 - which I'm sure is what 90% of all players use nowadays. I don't think Generals/SAGE likes actual 16:9 videos (or does it?), so would it be possible to add black bars at the side, then squish the videos back to 4:3 and have the game stretch it back to the correct aspect ratio?
  21. For the uninitiated: What happens if you just use the skirmish AI for campaign missions?
  22. I guess you could half all unit speeds, attack speeds, build times, and double all weapon timers and time limits... but that sounds like it will result in a mess.
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