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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Fixed and re-uploaded the previous video! I love this mission. The evil president heads are just awesome. Allies Mission 6: A Monument of Madness.
  2. Of course. Highly Explosive is just the cheap off-brand alternative. :laugh:
  3. He, great gamer build alike! I found a solution BTW: You can't change that in the BIG file directly; the code has to be extracted. I was told that's because changing 'No' to 'Yes' adds a letter and the game doesn't like that.
  4. Man, this LP is a mess. I just checked the video: The last eight minutes are black, and got cut off when I uploaded them (or weren't properly rendered). Apologies for that. I'll have a fixed version up by tomorrow.
  5. This is lifted straight from 1984, isn't it? Allies Mission 5: The Unfathomable Fortress
  6. We now fight alongside the Soviets! What could possibly go wrong? Allies Mission 4: Enemy of my Enemy
  7. Config file hack did the job.
  8. Was the the original title or working title?
  9. No, but what I want is, say, 1280x720 stretched to 2560x1440 when I go fullscreen. More zoomed in, effectively. Instead, the game moves to 2560x1440.
  10. In the one where the Highly Explosive petrol company is based. XD
  11. Finally: Air units! Allies Mission 3: The Famous Liberation
  12. I actually have Dune Dynasty, and it's what I'm going to use for my inevitable Dune II LP. However, I'd like to see a proper C&C1-style side menu, full left click commands, a fullscreen mode that simply fills the screen and doesn't reduce the map to a rectangle in a sea of black. I tried Dune Legacy too, but it's enhanced AI combined with massive 1994 AI cheating is no fun.
  13. Pretty effective for a comparably simple change.
  14. This mission is pretty fun. It's also well-designed, with both commanders having completely different objectives. Allies Mission 2: The Shark and the Lure
  15. He, my first loss was really disappointing. I shouldn't have lost the mission if all the Soviets have left are two heavily damaged Kirovs, whereas I have 10+ IFVs, several of which are elite.
  16. Welcome to the Allied campaign! The first mission is actually surprisingly tricky. The first time I played it I lost because I didn't bother protecting my base, and then lost because having 15+ vehicles but no buildings still means you lose. Allies Mission 1: Ride of the Red Menace
  17. I like it, but there's no strong incentive for me to play OpenRA over the originals (originals with in high resolution, that is). That may change once Dune II is fully implemented.
  18. The last time I played this, Jake had to enter the edge of the beacon are to trigger the underground APC. Having him leave the APC next to the beacon wasn't enough.
  19. Here's the final mission... which isn't all difficult. GDI has no superweapon, barely uses its air force, and we have all the shiny toys, like mobile artillery. Mainly mobile artillery. Nod Mission 17: A New Beginning
  20. As Red Alert 2 starts, so does Red Alert 3 end. The Soviet campaign, that is. I always found the first part of this mission to be rather difficult to the rest. Then again, RA3's difficulty is all over the place anyway. Soviets Mission 9: Blight on the Apple
  21. Stealing GDI's Io Cannon's launch codes is even easier than last time! It will also lead to a final mission where we have access to the Ion Cannon, but GDI also does NOT have access to it, giving us two advantages. Nod Mission 16: Illegal Data Transfer
  22. TaxOwlbear

    Game bugs

    Did you try running it in windowed mode?
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