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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Total playing time was just over an hour. I decided to cut about 15 minutes because it was really just me building stuff, and I try to keep videos under an hour. I'm psyched for the last three GDI missions!
  2. The revised version is much more challenging and fun. GDI put up a good fight, and the on-map Warhogs are killers. The new bridge helps too.
  3. Alright, I'll replay it. The video will probably be ready by Wednesday then. Yes, the ending cinematic worked for me. I was wondering why the extra map was necessary, though - Generals does have an ending cinematic after the pre-rendered ending (dramatic music with the faction flag waving).
  4. I finished the mission yesterday. A couple of things: 1. The Eastern AI lines up its units on the river between its base and the player starting location, which causes frame drops. This can be fixed by building Obelisks there which zap all those units. 2. I have access to a lot of tech, including Chem Warriors, Nod Launchers, Armour Upgrade tec. Is that WAD? 3. The Nuke is very powerful. Both bases can be crippled with a Nuke, which makes the mission easier than in the original. 4. I have access to the Temple of Nod immediately without getting the XP upgrade. 5. The Eastern AI had trouble rebuilding some stuff e.g. one of its AGTs got stuck at 40%. Could be a random glitch. 6. The Eastern AI didn't use its on-map Warhogs much. Maybe there should be a second bridge in the East? Yes, it changes the map even more, but it would also make it more challenging because then the player has to defend two fronts.
  5. Is it due to the unit load or due to units getting stuck and the pathfinding AI going mad?
  6. RA2 and YR are notoriously difficult to record. I recommend either Bandicam desktop recording or playing the game in windowed mode and using OBS Studio.
  7. I'll play it later today and it will probably be up by Monday.
  8. I wouldn't call not foreseeing on what machines people would play RA2 15 years later "bad coding".
  9. Then you're in the right place here. In case you haven't done it already, I recommend to check out the CNC.net version of TS based on the freeware version.
  10. I have to play that top map.
  11. The Sergeant is working alone on the mod, but the mod has made some good progress in the past year, so it's hopefully going to be finished in a couple months.
  12. I know, but there's still a large pile of cancelled games.
  13. Command & Conquer, the franchise with more cancelled than released games. XD
  14. Now I envision C&C5 with a massive 3D printer as a Construction Yard, printing buildings in the field...
  15. He. Ironically, stacking up and getting stuck is actually how it "worked" in C&C1, but I guess we don't need that kind of authenticity. :laugh:
  16. Have you tried windowed mode? That has fixed a couple of general issues for me.
  17. ALL OF THEM! Seriously, though, probably Nod 13. It's nice to wrap up the Nod campaign first. That said, do you have plans for a credit video? Will you just leave the original video in or make custom one? And which landmark will be zapped by the Ion Canon? I presume there's not way to mod in something akin to the screen where you chose between the four.
  18. Alternatively, run the game in (borderless) windowed mode and use display capture.
  19. I'm into boardgames in general, but I came across the service because someone used it to create a boxed set for a tabletop RPG.
  20. There's actually a print-on-demand service for board games. I could see this going somewhere if you remove the obvious C&C IP stuff.
  21. Wow, that's an amazing little piece of software. Fifteen minutes and all issues (windowed mode, colours, game speed) have been fixed. Thanks again!
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