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Everything posted by SiRaLeX

  1. Speaks the truth, mostly. Is bald. Looks like a retard and is awkward as fuck. Is a cheater. Used to be "Sean"'s friend. What more do you want to know?
  2. Less, probably. I remember getting crushed in 2 mins by infantry on Head For The Hills Ultra AI. Allies were intense. Especially when I was hearing "technology stolen" like once every 3 seconds and they even shut down my power!
  3. No. But there's this thing called stats: http://xwis.net/ra2/games/2322/ http://xwis.net/ra2/games/2620/ http://xwis.net/ra2/games/3476/ We also have Guinness world record on Head For The Hills Ultra AI AvA 2v6 in 15 mins. Pretty much Guinness world record on any other map as well. So it did happen?
  4. We have bossed them all. There's no map we didn't boss 2v6 yet (except HecK Extreme Ai v2.0, which we're probably going for next, but I think isn't possible - one player moving to middle and fast Spy might somewhat work, needless to say you'd have no chance with the underdog Soviet faction). We even bossed Rome Total War in 2v6. It was insane! :yo:
  5. Yeah, Tiberian Sun has Fog of War. I know that the Host can enable Fog in TS. What I meant was that Fog of War was removed in games after TS. Just worded it wrong.
  6. There's no way to get fog in mp. RA2 is very fast paced game, it was designed to be played with shroud. FoW was completely removed as of Tiberian Sun. The only way to get fog is with a cheat, but it's not the fog you're thinking about, it just replaces the black shroud with see through fog.
  7. I guess it should be renamed OpenRTS, then. Which advantages would that be? That it's more noob friendly? I didn't mean C++/CLI. OpenRA is like 90 % declarations only, which, in itself is not a bad thing. I actually salute you, wherever you are on a daily basis for that, baby please. But what the hell is a CPos, can't you just call it a CellPos or a Point?
  8. To be honest, the effort to get this working is very low. I've offered them to get YR to generate stats, convert those to any format they desire and pass them on to their ladder. My offer still stands. I have a very neat C++ solution (it's actually 1 header only) for completely and correctly parsing any game result (TS, RA2, YR...).
  9. SiRaLeX


    I don't have one.
  10. Do you put it in a blender or just a shaker with a "blender ball"?!
  11. That's the wrong way to go about it. You have to earn your respect, not demand it. Couldn't you just ignore him if you feel he is being disrespectful? Then again I don't understand certain people. Personally, I treat everybody with respect and show respect to everybody. But there's certain people that just don't have any respect themselves, whatsoever, so I guess they can't show any in return. Call it mental retardation or disability for lack of better words.
  12. That's insane! How can you drink cottage cheese? Adam, you disgust me, you sick, sick cunt. :reporting:
  13. What the fuck is a "cottage cheese shake"?
  14. Thanks, will try it with boiling milk! =] Although I just ate oats, I put the oats in bowl and add milk. No cooking, no heating. So I'm curious how the american way to make oatmeal tastes. :o It sure will be a lot soakier and mushier, but I like that. Sometimes I let my oats sit in milk for some time to make them soft before I eat them.
  15. SiRaLeX


    What's wrong with destroying your base with Seals or Demolition Trucks? <3 :yo:
  16. What the hell are "Quaker Oats"? Just regular oats? Do you add milk to your oats and then microwave them?! You Americans are weird as fuck! I've got honey in the kitchen I didn't use in a while. I wonder if it's still good, but then again, honey never spoils. I'm gonna try the honey in the oats thingy. But I never microwave my oats so I suspect the honey won't really dissolve and will clump.
  17. Trust me, it's not playable at that resolution, at least not at a high level.
  18. Thanks honey! Did you know that honey can be used to sweeten up things too? XD
  19. Hey guys, Just wondering, what you guys use to sweeten up your life? Artificial sweetener or real sugar? Artificial sweetener ain't optimal. A lot of sweeteners (except Sucralose for me) have a rather disgusting bitter aftertaste that can ruin certain foods. Needless to say artificial sweeteners are (toxic) chemicals that just happen to taste sweet to our tongue, although perception may differ between people. Also some artificial sweeteners are used in pigs to make them eat more. =\ Overall I'd go with sugar nearly every time. What about you?!
  20. Let's be honest with ourselves here. You wouldn't want to be playing on any resolution higher than 1920x1080 or 1920x1200, so it doesn't really matter that much what resolution your monitor has.
  21. I second that. Would love to play it and dominate the world.
  22. Copying who? Are you blind?
  23. I absolutely agree with you, FunkyFr3sh. Although I want to add that you can Indeed start RA2/YR games with >10000 money, but every player will start with the same amount of money. If you do somehow increase only your own money the other players games will go out of sync (Reconnection Error) as soon as you keep building stuff and are hitting below 0 credits from their point of view. AFAIK, WOL-Servers were never really meant to do any sort of checking. They just pass data through and act like IRC-Servers (which they are). You can easily start games with >10000 credits on XWIS and even a player who isn't the host can forcibly start a game or change the map with the appropriate GAMEOPT/STARTG commands. People have abused that in the past. The XWIS server is literally dumb af and so was WOL. You could even upload random stats (called ladder hacking). It's really bad. Westwood and security don't go together well. I also agree with the not making stuff open source which was not meant to be open source. That's also the very reason my hacks aren't open source. Simply for the very reason that they do, like most any other trainer for that reason, contain malware and they in themselves are malware as well. It's extremely easy for any skilled developer/hacker to hide malware and most malware goes undetected for years until it reaches a certain amount of distribution and ends up being analyzed by the right people or anti-virus manufacturers themselves. If you keep having trouble you could post a screenshot of your anti-viruses settings here and someone who knows Avast might be able to help you out getting it to work.
  24. At least 1 of the scanners shows that it is likely to contain Malware, 1/52: https://virustotal.com/en/file/7641dbb095d0d24570585a5bfea45b54150c20cd02384618d097c5dfcd645632/analysis/1467933327/ Besides, it's rather easy to hide Malware and make it go undetected. I certainly don't want to spread any fear but I'd put my money on it that it does contain some shady components that might infringe your privacy. If you have nothing to hide, FunkyFr3sh, why don't you make it open source? Why does CnCNet obfuscate everything? Why are you reading private data like MAC addresses? I know the answers, you want to protect yourself against cheaters, etc. etc. blahblahblah but two wrongs still don't make it a right. The ones who suffer are the casual fair players.
  25. Umm, are you saying that chat isn't sent in plain text? That's weird, bro. You have to take into consideration that when RA1 was designed 56k or even slower was prevalent. So perhaps there's some compression going on. How much do you know about hacking? How much do you know about Reverse Engineering. I would definitely look for any signs of compression, perhaps LZO? Anyways, good job, bro. That doesn't make any sense, to be honest. Do you even math, bro? :laugh: Anyways you have to know how BSD sockets and UDP datagrams work together. There's definitely no need to send any size or terminating byte because upon return recv tells you the number of bytes received. Just FYI. BTW, welcome to the forum!!! It's nice to have you here! :ivan: Let me introduce myself: My name is SiRaLeX and I hack everything RA2 related. I've never looked into its p2p protocol though. I mostly use(d) my knowledge to create cheats so that other players can match up to me. Now, isn't that nice? I also hold several RA2 player RaNk #1s [they are all acknowledged and registered in the Hall of Fame] on XWIS (the official RA2 server) but I swear to you I've never used any cheats in any ranked game I've ever played. Some people will tell you I'm "scum". But that's just the way it is. I'm learning that my worth is more than their word. Don't let anyone bring you down just because you're researching the RA1 p2p protocol. The game is 20 years old after all. Unleash all its dirty secrets! :heady:
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