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Everything posted by SiRaLeX
CnCNet didn't create "CNC Maps". That's the irony. They're just using it for their profit.
Lol, so it took you an hour and a half and 100 discs to win? What makes it worse though is that this is regular Heck Freezes Over and not HecK EXTREME Ai.
1v1 Matt (vwwwwwwww) vs Taita 3 games Matt wins 2-1
SiRaLeX replied to -AuF- AuFRuLeR's topic in Red Alert 2
Wait, why didn't Matt play Allied on Dry Heat? Dry Heat despite being small immensely favors Allied. Are you sure this was really Matt? He's not a Soviet player. Also this map is called Dune Patrol. -
My introduction to C&C was through Red Alert on PlayStation 1, which me and my half-brother used to play back in 1997 when I was 7 years old. We'd hook up two PlayStations with a link cable and we each played on our own TV in the same room. Of course we played hour long games against each other, agreeing to no attacking and no harvester killing for an hour and agreeing not to look at the others TV to see what he is doing. It was heaps of fun, we used to build armies of Mammoth Tanks and huge walls of Tesla Coils. Needless to say we also were both huge noobs. I remember one day when I was attacking with something while he went to the toilet and when he came back I had already taken out his entire plane army or whatever it was. Boy, he was pissed. Well, I first started playing RA2 on my first own PC in 2003 having had extremely tough times with the last Allied campaign. At this time I lived in rural Slovenia where there was no internet so I never played it online, until... Eventually mid 2006 when I moved to Germany and got 2 Mbit/s ADSL I started playing RA2 online. I only played mod maps with other noobs until early 2007. That's when I started playing QM and got good pretty quick. I only played until August 2007 though, then moved house. Well, I picked it back up February 2008 (on neighbors WiFi) and would have gotten a rank #5 HoF that month but the German "Zwangstrennung" which is an ADSL disconnect every 24 hours to free IP addresses cost me that game. Oh well. From then on I started becoming a better and better player amassing a bunch of HoFs: http://xwis.net/ra2/hall-of-fame/ 2008 March: Rank #7 SiRaLeX April - June: Did not play. July: Rank #7 MiLeY August: Rank #6 VeronicaS September - November: Again did not play because of no internet and school December: Rank #8 AlyAndAJ 2009 January - March: Did not play. April: Rank #10 AlohaVivi May: Rank #5 UnSun June:Rank #6 Miley July: I actually built a Phenom II X4 GTX260 DDR3 machine and played mostly newer games. August: Rank #9 Faithy (aka Faith from Mirror's Edge ) September: Rank #4 SexyLucyP (at this point and all throughout 2010 I've started recording a lot of games and put them on YouTube) October: Did not play. November: Rank #5 ESTK December: Rank #6 Rodriguez (aka Rodriguez sisters from ESTK) 2010 January: Rank #1 SiRaLeX February: Rank #1 ParamoreX March: Rank #7 MizBiz April - July: Wasn't playing including half of March August: Rank #1 Vanessa September: Rank #1 SceneGirL October: Rank #2 SWEETNaMx November: Rank #1 tATu December: OK, so this is where I actually went terribly wrong. I used the xmas holidays to write a functioning "ladder hack" that actually worked. On 6th January I used it against a player in QM who had disconnected me several times in the previous months and got permanently banned without any warning 64 days ban... 2011: August: #8 HopeSolo (I was actually banned at this point pretending to be some fictional "Herbert" using a dutch VPN and playing on my old Yuri serial that they didn't ban and didn't even aim for anything but fun and still got into HoF, haha!) 2015: September: This is where all permanent bans on XWIS were lifted and EA was giving away free serials. I actually went out of my way and installed Windows 7 again just to start playing RA2 after being assured that I can come back. November: #8 Kiarely December: #7 SceneGirL 2016: January: #5 VeronicaS February: #6 SiRaLeX March: #7 AlexGoMAD April - May: Did not play. June: #10 SiRaLeX July: #2 SiRaLeX August: #7 SiRaLeX September: #1 SiRaLeX Let us know your RA2 career too! I'm curious to know!
Lmao, you gotta admit that's quite funny and original. Maybe it was just a joke? Impersonation is when they claim to be you talk and trash.
[X3M/CHEMSiSTRY]: Special Physical Properties of Water?
SiRaLeX posted a topic in General Discussion
Hello! So we all know that water has some special properties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_water [*]Water has an unusually high boiling point and is liquid at room temperature [*]Water is most dense at 4 °C (39 F), which is kind of an anomaly (negative thermal expansion): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_thermal_expansion [*]Water has surface tension: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_water#Surface_tension Does anyone understand water? Is this all about hydrogen bonds? I understand that the surface tension has got something to do with forces inside the glass canceling out and water on the surface being pulled downwards while having no attraction to the surrounding air. -
An Idea for a New Command&Conquer game
SiRaLeX replied to Doodsalot270's topic in General Discussion
I don't want to hurt you in any way but a wall of text is hard to read. Add some paragraphs. Enumerations like 1:, 2: should be their own paragraph with line breaks. People are unlikely to read this. -
It's not bug abusing. Killing any and all animals on the map in the game (not in real-life) is perfectly OK. You can also mind-control them and grind them (they give money). But that's a story for another day. Tomi is so desperate to get rid of people he can't beat that he actually tried to get me banned for it: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/183028-siralex-bug-abuse-selling-cows/ BTW, you can also mind-control trucks and cars and use them for scouting (uncovering shroud). There's actually special shooting range targets that promote GIs/conscripts and some other nifty stuff but it's just based on simple math. These can also promote tanks and can, occasionally, lead to the "surprise elite" when you get an elite tank (simply because it ran something over or shot something down) and nobody knows where it came from but only on maps with lots of such things on them.
Markus, are you still denying these chat logs where you're clearly repeatedly asking me to send you cheating tools and even asking me how to make cheats? You're a sorry excuse for a human being.
Is this on CnCNet since you said "RA2 mode"?
It's called electricity bill. Go back to school. Oh, are you seriously denying that you were bugging and asking me on Skype how to write hacks for RA2/YR? How original... I must have pulled these Skype convos that I've sent to the Admins one year ago of my ass. You're pure scum who is trying to cheat on CnCNet and XWIS. That in itself is despicable, since all cheating has been eliminated and you're still seeking the edge over others by cheating. I feel sorry for you.
Oh you're cute Mark/Markus. Just FYI, I have actually sent these excerpts to Admins on here (those who don't understand German can copy these into Google Translate): [22.09.2015 22:01:42] Markus: ne sag mal, wie fängst du da an? [22.09.2015 22:01:48] Markus: du willst nen maphack schreiben [22.09.2015 22:01:50] Markus: wie gehst du vor? [22.09.2015 22:02:03] Aleksander: Bisschen mich erkundigen wie was in RA2 funktioniert [22.09.2015 22:02:22] Markus: und wie?? [22.09.2015 22:02:35] Markus: du hast doch einen source code [22.09.2015 22:04:20] Markus: und mit OllyDbg wirst du ja auch nicht in nen source code umwandeln können? [22.09.2015 22:06:35] Aleksander: Kannst auch andere Hacks nehmen und versuchen die nachzubauen/umzubauen/verbessern [22.09.2015 22:06:36] Aleksander: etc [22.09.2015 22:08:11] Markus: und wie ist das bei den bibliotheken? [22.09.2015 22:08:22] Markus: manche legen ja einfach eine dll in den ordner [22.09.2015 22:10:29] Markus: aber wie würdest du zum beibspiel auto ss umgehen? [22.09.2015 22:10:48] Markus: es müsste einen transparenten shroud am bildschirm anzeigen [24.09.2015 18:11:53] Markus: ?? [24.09.2015 18:47:19] Markus: mich würde echt blendend interessieren wie das funktioniert [24.09.2015 18:47:21] Markus: nur aus interesse [25.09.2015 17:07:33] Aleksander: Keine Ahnung was du meinst mit Bibliotheken, DLL, blablabla [26.09.2015 11:54:41] Markus: ach egal Specifically asking how to write a maphack. Then asking how to bypass Auto SS and show transparent shroud on screen. [17:58:14] Markus: hey [18:07:22] Aleksander: Sup [18:08:06] Markus: hab soeben mal ollydbg geöffnet und nen trace von red alert 2 gestartet.. wie bist du da vorgegangen, dass du die gameres function gefunden hast? [18:18:49] Aleksander: Naja, so wie du auch alle anderen Funktionen findest... [18:18:53] Aleksander: Durch ein bisschen suchen! [18:19:12] Markus: ja schon klar, aber wie gehst du da vor? ich verstehe das nicht ganz [18:19:32] Markus: ich hab nen trace gestartet und sehe auch die aufrufe im trace [18:19:45] Markus: aber wie kann ich das zu ascii encoden? [18:21:41] Markus: du hast doch gesagt du hast es sofort gefunden [18:21:56] Aleksander: ja, ne Minute oder 2 hat's schon gedauert [18:22:03] Markus: ^^ [18:22:18] Markus: aber kannst du mir bitte mal sagen wie du da vorgegangen bist? [18:23:13] Markus: möchte dir gerne mal zusehen wie du sowas machst :$ [18:33:43] Markus: obwohl der trace läuft fehlen dann plötzlich wieder einträge [18:34:21] Aleksander: Keine Ahnung was du mit "trace" meinst, ehrlich gesagt [18:34:36] Aleksander: Was willst du überhaupt machen? [18:34:37] Markus: bei ollydbg kann man ja einen "trace" starten [18:34:58] Markus: und in dem trace sieht man dann sozusagen ja die letzten aufrufe im programm ?! [18:35:17] Markus: möchte mal n bisschen rumprobieren mit dem ollydbg [18:35:23] Markus: bzw. das ein bisschen lernen [18:36:50] Markus: du benutzt doch bestimmt auch die funktion in ollydbg oder? ansonsten würdest du ja nach der nadel im heuhaufen suchen [19:09:57] Markus: oder benutzt du etwa cheatengine? [19:10:28] Aleksander: trace Funktion hab ich nur 1x benutzt, viel zu kompliziert [19:10:34] Aleksander: cheat engine, ne benutz ich nicht [19:10:47] Markus: aber wie geht es leichter als mit trace? [19:10:55] Aleksander: keine Ahnung wie trace überhaupt funktionieren soll ^^ [19:11:16] Markus: sagen wir mal du willst nen hackk erstellen, der kein geld abzieht [19:11:30] Markus: oder unsterblichkeit, k.A. [19:11:37] Markus: wie würdest du dann an die sache rangehen?! [19:11:43] Aleksander: garnicht [19:11:45] Aleksander: geht nicht! [19:11:58] Markus: ich mein im offline modus [19:12:28] Markus: will ja nicht online cheaten [19:12:30] Aleksander: hack nehmen der schon geht? [19:12:46] Markus: angenommen es existiert noch keiner?! [19:13:01] Aleksander: da existieren immer welche [19:13:12] Aleksander: alle hacks die ich "gemacht" hab, haben schon lange existiert [19:13:26] Markus: aber irgendwer muss doch die mal erstellen [19:13:45] Markus: und die müssen ja auch eine vorgehensweise haben [19:14:00] Markus: bzw. wie hast du deinen xwis hack erstellt? [19:14:14] Aleksander: OllyDBG [19:14:19] Markus: also [19:14:43] Markus: ich möchte ja nur mal deine vorgehensweise wissen [19:15:02] Aleksander: In OllyDBG rumwühlen [19:15:21] Markus: und wie bitte weißt du ob du an der richtigen stelle angelangt bist? [19:15:49] Markus: da wird kaum in ascii stehen "hier bist du richtig" oder? [19:16:59] Markus: und im endeffekt schreibt man ja einen patch so, dass man die offsets im code der executable ändern?! [19:17:02] Markus: ändert* [19:17:48] Aleksander: eben [19:18:02] Aleksander: dazu musst du den Code verstehen was du patchen willst [19:18:21] Markus: ja richtig.. aber damit man ihn verstehen kann muss man ihn lesen können [19:18:32] Markus: aber du wirst ja kaum die hexcodes lesen [19:18:39] Aleksander: eben, dazu is OllyDBG ja da, oder? [19:21:17] Markus: yo.. aber wenn du mit ollydbg ein executable öffnest, dann hast du ja oben links den cpu teil, daneben die registers(fpu) und unten den debug vom code oder? [19:21:53] Markus: bzw. wie weißt du wann du an der richtigen stelle bist wenn du im code rumwühlst [19:22:09] Markus: irgend ein anhaltszeichen muss es ja dann geben?! [19:28:02] Markus: oder findest du die stellen anhand von der ascii beschreibung? Saying he's opened RA2 in OllyDBG and started a "Trace". Of course he has no idea what he's doing. Once again asking about writing hacks for XWIS and how to find stuff in OllyDBG. Here's what Nyergud's response was: What is a current bill? And unlike you, I don't live with my parents and I'm not 30+. That being said:
Make you look like a cheater? You know what's funny? 1. You asked me to help you write cheats for RA2/YR 2. You asked me to help you "find addresses" with OllyDBG to make cheats for RA2/YR 3. You asked me to send you code for RA2/YR maphacks 4. You asked me to send you working maphack for CnCNet and XWIS Auto SS 5. You asked zzattack for source code of his relay tool: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/105201-wtf-is-this/?p=888367 6. You've been banned from XWIS since 2005 or 2006: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/81957-bignory75-aka-markusxcldawgtoxicpwr-dodging-ban/ You still didn't learn anything. You're still trying to cheat even in times when XWIS and CnCNet both have Anti-Cheat. You think you're smart and can program. Newsflash: You're useless. You don't even know any basics. Go back to school because you're like a 10 year old or what's called a "script kid". You need other peoples work because you're not capable of getting anything done on your own. Maybe you're just too dumb. I feel sorry for you. Have a nice day.
Hello there and Welcome! CnCNet is the right place for you. There's plenty of other players on most of the games that are beginners as well. I'd say pick the game that appeals to you the most. You might get owned but I don't think anyone is going to ridicule you for being a beginner. You could make a game with others that share your skill level by asking them or you could ask in the game lobby if another more experienced player wants to help you get started. Best of luck! :mammoth:
I mean you wrote me a PM on here to get my Skype. Then continued asking me how to write hacks for RA2/YR. Asking for code. This and that and how to use OllyDBG. LOL. Dude you're a complete noob with 0 skill in anything you do. You're just super annoying. And as you have noticed, I'm not helping you to hack Auto SS or CnCNet "AntiCheat". Just GFY and L2P.
Nice post. Here you go. For anyone who can't read German here's a rough translation: and so on and so on, and so on Then goes to insult me in a wall of text how I'm online 24/7 don't have a girlfriend/wife never leave my house, don't have any friends, go to GYM all the time and that my computer is my only friend. Asks if I have a job. Yada, yada. Says he's thinking that I'm an eastern German aka "Ossi"? Umm, nope. You've been perm banned in 2006 or 2007. I've never foghacked. I'm actually still playing 3 days a month, usually on Sunday or on Holidays. http://xwis.net/ra2/players/siralex/ Here's my last months nicks: http://xwis.net/ra2/prev/pl/avril/ http://xwis.net/ra2/prev/pl/kiarely/
You can't. There is no special "ladder" games. All games are recorded. EDIT: At least not on YR, which you have asked me for cheats for. :roll:
w0nna? Really? Not saying he wasn't "good" but the guy was a literally freewin or at least a certain 3-1 for me. There's heaps of better "allied" players. Yeah, emphasis is on most.
Looks OK. Not impressed.
Highly offensive anti-semitic posts by Zizou-i've had enough now.
SiRaLeX replied to SpursFan's topic in CnCNet Discussion
I'm taking you're proud of that? Really? Free speech has come a long way I see. -
In RA2 you can only click Mirage Tanks when they are moving otherwise you have to press CTRL and force fire (possibly on the ground)... In YR you can click them all the time. Simple as that.
Umm, no, no and no. I said "math", didn't I?! I'm talkin' 'bout algebraic geometry, in particular analytic geometry and linear algebra (not to be confused with elementary algebra).
Post your computer specifications, particularly your operating system (aka Windows). Are you running Windows 10? Is it just running slow or does it stop occasionally and do units take long to move?
:roll: Lol, made me laff. You seem to not be not dumb. See if you can figure this one out.
Path finding has to be the hardest thing you will possibly have to implement (lots of mathemagics)! And if you get that pat down you're a king (in my own mind). Are you good at vector math? P. S.: I didn't know Westwood was based in Las Vegas!