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Everything posted by Ezer_2000

  1. @ReaperAA played as Yuri and had a lot of bad luck in trying to steal enemy structure at this weekends.
  2. What do you mean? That works for both games.
  3. Forget about RA2 mode while making maps for YR. Is that really so hard to do?
  4. It is not broken, it works in a different way. You can be fan of everything and download the original moddded version in the 1st post. I got you guys, you aren't easygoing to the most of the community and prefer to stay in a small team of CCCP84 with your own opinion.
  5. YRR, No Yuri, No France, No Spy, No Kirov, No MCV deploy, No noobs etc options need to be moved into seperated menu of a custom mod. @burg93
  6. Well you and mr.CCCP84 are the best players around. No shit xD
  7. Yes I love his map layouts too, but the maps itself aren't suitable for a common gameplay because of mods. I'm already asked him to make an unmodded version back ago. And he even did one (I can't remember what one exactly). I would suggest him the same thing - to make unmodded versions too. Not really. It disappear as soon as you move mouse arrow over it.
  8. Make unmodded to have "Battle" version too. Else I'll do that in a FreQuenZy style (aka pr0 edit) LOL.
  9. Ezer_2000

    RA2 Taunts

    How to mute taunts forever. Go to the game folder - Taunts - delete all files. Or create a new folder inside it and put there all of the taunt files.
  10. Becasue his maps desighned for the middle skilled players and for the original game where max starting credits is 10 000.
  11. FlyingZ doesn't like when someone touches his maps without his permission. Have some respect.
  12. Not really, I saw few topics created since that happened in past few years
  13. As I remember there was a client update-hotfix and tracks disappeared after that. Probably just they rolled back game files to some previous version where they weren't added yet. And still no1 give a shit about.
  14. @iMNaSTy 1. Possible, but pretty complicated. 2. If you just want to make some unit or a building having more HP, increase it's "Strength" value. This will increase health of all buildings/units of this type. https://www.modenc.renegadeprojects.com/Strength If you want to change damage dealth to this structure, you can change armor. See armor system: https://www.modenc.renegadeprojects.com/Armor If you want to have some particular building to have more strength than other structures of this type placed on the map you need to clone this building and increase "Strength" value for clone. Actually it will be the other building with bigger strength but looks alike original ones. Open rulesmd.ini and copy the code of original building. Google YR how to add new building tutorial. I think you can find it in this forum aswell. RulesMD.rar for YR 1.001 3. @McPwny answered.
  15. That's not good you have the game installed in "Program Files". You'd better to change it to C:\Games\ to avoid more problems with impossibility to change some game settings like keybinds and soem other. If you placed your maps into "Custom" folder you can find them in cncnet client only. Change game type from "Battle" to "Standard". Game types below "Standard" are for custom maps. Also all .yrm and .mpr filename extensions have to be changed to .map You can use commant prompt (cmd) to do that.
  16. Please descibe how you see the way of working. Instant capture the whole enemy side or capture some units one-by-one? Or instant mind control groups? Should it have some limits for mind control range/number of units? Should it be power-off dependant? Should it fly and launch nuclear missiles? etc...
  17. It depends of what gameplay you are expecting after making some changes. I guess we have different vision and viewpoint for this. Some people want to balance rhino and grizzly to make both ther spams are equal. And others prefer to keep grizzlies weakier and use tricks with other allied units to balance this situation out. Since here are persons with different vision of game here never be a single "Rebalance patch", becasue any compositon of solutions from different game concepts is not going to be balanced for obvious reason... Well, there is a little chance it's possible to do. But for now we don't enough experience to form the idea of a new game. At this point, firstly few different balance mods should be done for testing and peforming a further discussion without using any voting methods. After that, if we won't find a single solution, we repeat this cycle with new ideas and try to find the solution again. We can repeat this again and again untill life ends we find the idea of this new game concept. As I told before, this is almost impossible. You can read latest topics related to this patch and modifying the game and find out how different players expectations about the game, and how they are opposite to each other (that really can make you laugh). I dropped the idea of game balancing. But if you want I can make few maps with offered changes to let you try them and find advantages and disadvantages and maybe suppose the main direction for further changes. Anyway, this will form more precise and objective opinion (not influenced by personal feelings of an author).
  18. No idea how you are going to move your apocs from your base when mirages and BF with GGIs are rolling around.
  19. I think you are playing against bots only. They'd be same good as BF. But they're still slow and it's easy to avoid them too.
  20. +1 apoc range does not mean they 1 shot mastermind. Don't be stupid. They're trash against many things. Iron curtain is useless on apocs due to their low speed.
  21. Increase their range to +1 more than mastermind.
  22. Well, I'll remember that. Don't be surprised if something illogical happens - it's just gonna be a payback.
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