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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Ezer_2000

  1. I think you've got a bad luck with the current copy of thr map (modded). Did you try to play with this unit in RA2 mode and on official map?
  2. In YR GIs are OP. In RA2 basic infantry more balanced and soviets have cloning vats. I guess he is talking about problem in some "camping war" map with a single pass. He is also 13-15 years old or so. Send via ALT button) flack tracks filled with dogs and conscripts + some rhinos in forward line (optional). Send via ALT button 1-2 war miners in first order if your enemy has really huge mass of GI. *ALT+click is a forced move. This way vehicles are forced to squish light infantry (GGIs are not squishable) and they drive into enemy without stops for a fight. @MapDesigner how would you even let your enemy to build so many infantry? If this is a small map and Allied player keep rushing with infantry you must see it and (send 2-3 scout dogs for map reveal) be ready to counter-attack with conscripts in first minutes of game. Dogs without cover are useless. When you got war factory you can use flack tracks and tanks with dogs... etc, etc. You can find alot of guides for new players in xwis.net forums. Read guides. Most video replays are useless if you doesn't know game basics. Use your powerful mind to find more solutions in this simple game for kids. Post your solitions here if you find them. And play a lot, play quick matches. Play 1v1 and 2v2 matches in classical non-modded maps. Experience of watching game video streams will make you PRO videogame streams watcher, NOT a PRO player.
  3. I can't help you if we don't understand each other. As I said in pm I can't help you anymore in this problem. My 1st post in this topic contains facts and statistics and I don't have any reason to "lie" (hello @McPwny) or "don't like amything"(hate?) related to you. You can't "agree" or "disagree" with this. If you need proofs I can give them, but not soon. Just ask if you need.
  4. @McPwny he didn't get your picture, I explained to him. Haha. I thought he knows that TS and RA2/YR game engines is very similar. also misunderstandings:
  5. I'm sorry man, I forgot about resistant setting, my bad. But I remember exactly BF was ablle to move through bugged areas. This is 100% fact. And I did that many times to pass those areas in survival maps.
  6. Do we have misunderstanding here? If you have destroyed omnicrushers - > cells impassable for any land units. If you have destroyed non-omnicrushers - > cells passable only for omnicrushers. Clear?
  7. @Tutankhamun I had a conversation with @McPwny and we ended up in unchecked conclusion that dead cells caused by Omnicrusher's deaths impassable for any land units. But the fact is thuthful aswell. And I think locked cells don't have any player's side owner. This is not hard to test. Check please if you can and report about results.
  8. This is the practice checked fact and not an opinion. You can't "disagree" with that dummy.
  9. @dkeeton can you take a look at this bug?
  10. I don't know how @McPwny found out reason of this bug but: - some kinds of terrain way more frequently affected by this bug than other ones. Bug appears mostly on winter maps and non-default kind of terrain. - bug usually appears in maps with enermous number of units (survival maps). Guess: the game is able to clear some limited number of dead cells, but when the number of double-cell unit deaths is exceeding this limit their 2nd cells are still remain on the map. - I successfully reproduced this bug in vanilla YR. I used no-cd patched exe with ddraw.dll, non-cncnet version. (2016 year) - BFs and units with OmniCrusher=yes is able to drive over this cells. You can use this to fix your map (if this is tower defense game as I suppose). Just put this setting to all units you use.
  11. The survey has been performed incorrectly. Results discarded.
  12. You can do everything you want. Let's see what things you care about.
  13. This is some of reasons why I'm not making public tutorials. Knowledges might be used by weak mind people. @YosefAnan please delete your tutorials. All of them available on modding forums. This will prevent making low-quality maps by lazy people with low effort(enthusiasm).
  14. Tried before saying? I'm 99% shure this won't work in this way.
  15. Well, I won't suggest anything more. I hope the owner will make a fair deal.
  16. Yeah, do a research pls, and find out how Ravage being nosy and lies about me. However, I didn't expect any respond here. Bye.
  17. Becasue I know there are people who want it very much and they won't get it unless they pay for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand
  18. Nobody ever flooding my game rooms. Guess why? Learn how to behave. No. I don't even know you and never did that. I just hate the kind of people who want to ban everyone. This and other things you wrote were suggested in this forum many years ago and many times by different people. Good luck in your efforts.
  19. Yeah. But can you give more logical and proper explaionations? What if he has real beta? And how much he ask for it? Statement №2: Look. Let's assume that I have it, I would sell that aswell. Statement №2 disproved.
  20. Hey, watch your tone! I'll call a moderator and he will ban you for the insult. Why?
  21. I'll ban you permamently and it will teach you how to behave.
  22. Wrong forum. But good luck. You can return money. You can't return information.
  23. My questions: Why there are no infarmation about mapsdb doesn't work anymore? Why you don't give any explaination of this and other changes to people? Were all of the old maps from map database deleted forever (or they are just hidden for now, or you have any backup)? Why there are no any documantation or link about ini coding for CnCNet client? People found out some client related features with map files quite accidently or by making a huge amount of experiments.
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