Ladder Tester-
393 -
Everything posted by Ezer_2000
Is Rhino vs Grizzly (or Lasher) situation balanced?
Ezer_2000 replied to ReaperAA's topic in Red Alert 2
Why do you think this should be balanced? -
Well known bug, but nobody give a fuck about it.
Remasters are worser than original.
Mission Map : Signed & Sealed Redux (Allied mission)
Ezer_2000 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
.csf -
Online player counter shows total number of players in all supported games (not only ra2/yr). Also I guess, visibility of players are restricted to tunnel servers availability.
Which map do you play?
Sort files by name in ra2 folder. Delete all files named as all01* sov01* trn01* (numbers can be different, * - rest filename part). Because they are being loaded instead of original missions. Original RA2 / YR single player mission maps filename list from http://www.yrargentina.com/old/index.php?page=tutorials/campaigns : RA2 Allied Mission 1 ---- All01t.map RA2 Allied Mission 2 ---- All02s.map RA2 Allied Mission 3 ---- All03u.map RA2 Allied Mission 4 ---- All04u.map RA2 Allied Mission 5 ---- All05s.map RA2 Allied Mission 6 ---- All06u.map RA2 Allied Mission 7 ---- All07t.map RA2 Allied Mission 8 ---- All08u.map RA2 Allied Mission 9 ---- All09t.map RA2 Allied Mission 10 ---- All10s.map RA2 Allied Mission 11 ---- All11t.map RA2 Allied Mission 12 ---- All12s.map RA2 Training Mission 1 ---- Trn01t.map RA2 Training Mission 1 ---- Trn02t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 1 ---- Sov01t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 2 ---- Sov02t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 3 ---- Sov03u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 4 ---- Sov04s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 5 ---- Sov05u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 6 ---- Sov06t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 7 ---- Sov07s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 8 ---- Sov08u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 9 ---- Sov09u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 10 ---- Sov10t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 11 ---- Sov11s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 12 ---- Sov12s.map RA2YR Allied Mission 1 ---- All01umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 2 ---- All02umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 3 ---- All03umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 4 ---- All04dmd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 5 ---- All05umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 6 ---- All06umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 7 ---- All07smd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 1 ---- Sov01umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 2 ---- Sov02smd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 3 ---- Sov03umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 4 ---- Sov04dmd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 5 ---- Sov05umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 6 ---- Sov06lmd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 7 ---- Sov07tmd.map
FreQuEnZy (Ravage) made his own terrain ra2/yr expansion like 10 years ago. Ask him.
Not really. Years ago I played it and that was pretty fun game.
Need more information: Your PC config and OS (and its version). Your game config when you start the game.
Final alert 2 tutorial - Make image for map preview
Ezer_2000 replied to YosefAnan's topic in RA2/YR Maps
No. -
Final alert 2 tutorial - Make image for map preview
Ezer_2000 replied to YosefAnan's topic in RA2/YR Maps
You did the same thing 2 years ago. YouTube spammer. No more views for YousefAnan. Bye nub. -
Is it possible to make unit to get into IFV by himself when game starts?
Ezer_2000 replied to CCCP84's topic in RA2/YR Maps
u r pretty cunt sir go get some sense of humor noob -
Is it possible to make unit to get into IFV by himself when game starts?
Ezer_2000 replied to CCCP84's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Noob? Trigger - Create New. Events - Any event.Actions - Change house to "player" (@ A @ B @ C ... etc.). Double click unit - Attached tag - tag with created trigger. -
Original game has alt + f4 disabled. The reason might be modern OS Windows ignore that setting. However, the thing I said technically possible in modern OS.
How to make RA2 & YR maps - Final Alert 2 Tutorial
Ezer_2000 replied to [CC] RaVaGe's topic in RA2/YR Maps
I don't remember an exact combination, but it should be some key + left mouse click (LMB) to fill some existing terrain on some particular height. Create a new map as Frequenzy said. Pick water terrain tool. Try CTRL+LMB, SHIFT+LMB, ALT+LMB, CTRL+SHIFT+LMB, ... etc untill you find the necessary key combination. -
They should remove ALT+F4 feature from the game.
Yes. The coronavirus consequence.
Yes. Engi rush is a gay move. Change avatar.
Red Alert 2 - Soviet Campaign 11 (Red Revolution) BUG?!
Ezer_2000 replied to MonsieurDeteste's topic in RA2/YR Maps
This is in-game cd-protection. Works if registry keys aren't installed or was installed in wrong way (happens in modern OS). Download no-cd patch or use http://files.siberian-studio.ru/sg/other/Registrator.rar (select your game executable file and press "register"). -
Anyone ever try using a cronosphere on a kirov?
Ezer_2000 replied to aWarNoob1's topic in Red Alert 2
9 years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EHzhMLnndc -
I have no idea why are you talking in 2019 about Yuri balancing problems which were already discussed by XWIS community in 2000s. How old are you guys?
No. Edit the map preview.