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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Ezer_2000

  1. Well known bug, but nobody give a fuck about it.
  2. Ezer_2000

    Harder AI

    By looking through topic titles, you can see @McPwny's face when AI became harder:
  3. Online player counter shows total number of players in all supported games (not only ra2/yr). Also I guess, visibility of players are restricted to tunnel servers availability.
  4. Sort files by name in ra2 folder. Delete all files named as all01* sov01* trn01* (numbers can be different, * - rest filename part). Because they are being loaded instead of original missions. Original RA2 / YR single player mission maps filename list from http://www.yrargentina.com/old/index.php?page=tutorials/campaigns : RA2 Allied Mission 1 ---- All01t.map RA2 Allied Mission 2 ---- All02s.map RA2 Allied Mission 3 ---- All03u.map RA2 Allied Mission 4 ---- All04u.map RA2 Allied Mission 5 ---- All05s.map RA2 Allied Mission 6 ---- All06u.map RA2 Allied Mission 7 ---- All07t.map RA2 Allied Mission 8 ---- All08u.map RA2 Allied Mission 9 ---- All09t.map RA2 Allied Mission 10 ---- All10s.map RA2 Allied Mission 11 ---- All11t.map RA2 Allied Mission 12 ---- All12s.map RA2 Training Mission 1 ---- Trn01t.map RA2 Training Mission 1 ---- Trn02t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 1 ---- Sov01t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 2 ---- Sov02t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 3 ---- Sov03u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 4 ---- Sov04s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 5 ---- Sov05u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 6 ---- Sov06t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 7 ---- Sov07s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 8 ---- Sov08u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 9 ---- Sov09u.map RA2 Soviet Mission 10 ---- Sov10t.map RA2 Soviet Mission 11 ---- Sov11s.map RA2 Soviet Mission 12 ---- Sov12s.map RA2YR Allied Mission 1 ---- All01umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 2 ---- All02umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 3 ---- All03umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 4 ---- All04dmd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 5 ---- All05umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 6 ---- All06umd.map RA2YR Allied Mission 7 ---- All07smd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 1 ---- Sov01umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 2 ---- Sov02smd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 3 ---- Sov03umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 4 ---- Sov04dmd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 5 ---- Sov05umd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 6 ---- Sov06lmd.map RA2YR Soviet Mission 7 ---- Sov07tmd.map
  5. FreQuEnZy (Ravage) made his own terrain ra2/yr expansion like 10 years ago. Ask him.
  6. Not really. Years ago I played it and that was pretty fun game.
  7. Need more information: Your PC config and OS (and its version). Your game config when you start the game.
  8. You did the same thing 2 years ago. YouTube spammer. No more views for YousefAnan. Bye nub.
  9. Noob? Trigger - Create New. Events - Any event.Actions - Change house to "player" (@ A @ B @ C ... etc.). Double click unit - Attached tag - tag with created trigger.
  10. Original game has alt + f4 disabled. The reason might be modern OS Windows ignore that setting. However, the thing I said technically possible in modern OS.
  11. I don't remember an exact combination, but it should be some key + left mouse click (LMB) to fill some existing terrain on some particular height. Create a new map as Frequenzy said. Pick water terrain tool. Try CTRL+LMB, SHIFT+LMB, ALT+LMB, CTRL+SHIFT+LMB, ... etc untill you find the necessary key combination.
  12. They should remove ALT+F4 feature from the game.
  13. Yes. Engi rush is a gay move. Change avatar.
  14. This is in-game cd-protection. Works if registry keys aren't installed or was installed in wrong way (happens in modern OS). Download no-cd patch or use http://files.siberian-studio.ru/sg/other/Registrator.rar (select your game executable file and press "register").
  15. 9 years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EHzhMLnndc
  16. I have no idea why are you talking in 2019 about Yuri balancing problems which were already discussed by XWIS community in 2000s. How old are you guys?
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